Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Why Worry?

It is so easy to say it but so hard to live that out, "Why Worry?" I know that God can handle whatever comes my way, I know that He knows my future. I know that He has a plan for my life. Yet I find myself getting bogged down in "worry". What is worry? Worry is not trusting God in short. Saying to God, maybe not directly, I don't trust you, I don't want to let go and let you take whatever is creating anxiety in me today. I am pretty sure God has never held back on His promises, never withheld His grace and mercy toward me. So "Why Worry?" Because as long as I am in this mortal body I will worry, however, I can learn to trust Him, I can learn to let go. I am pretty sure the only way that will happen is if I draw nearer to Him in a relationship that is constant, intentional and full of passion. As I passionately pursue Him the worries of this day fade in the light of His grace and I am able to stand.

Father today help me to passionately pursue you so that when the worries rear their ugly head I will not fret but will trust.