Monday, March 31, 2008

Cast The First Stone

Read John 8


Today I want us to check out Jesus reaction to the crowd and ask each one of us to evaluate our reaction in similar situations.  The religious leaders were trying to get Jesus to mess up and catch Him so that they could discredit His ministry.  But Jesus response totally backfired on them and totally diffused the situation.  Look at verse 7 and you find Jesus response.  Jesus response is a quote from Deut. 13:9 and 17:7 where a witness of a crime is to start the execution.  Only those who were not guilty of the same sin could participate.  So Jesus with one stroke diffuses a situation and shows compassion to a woman who was caught in sin.  Then in verse 11 He gently comforts her and confronts her.  He lets her know that He does not condemn her, but also lets her know He does not accept her sin.  This must be our response to those who are caught in the sin of homosexuality or are struggling with it.  So which would be your response the crowds or Jesus’? 


Father help us to be like Christ in reaching out to those who are struggling with sin.  Rather than condemn them, help us to have compassion on them.  

Friday, March 28, 2008

Immorality: A part of the problem or solution

Read John 8


We have looked at the crowd’s reaction to this woman who had been caught in the act of adultery.  Now let’s place a homosexual into this situation and say a women or man is caught in the act of practicing homosexuality, would you be a part of the crowd?  Seriously would you be a part of the crowd ready to stone or condemn a person because of their sin.  Don’t get me wrong I believe with all my heart that homosexuality is a sin and that it should be dealt with.  However to have no compassion for an individual who is living in sin is not Biblical or what Jesus would do.  If condemn a homosexual for their sin then we all should be condemned because we are all sinners (Romans 3:23).  However there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:1)  Everyone deserves the opportunity to meet with Jesus and to accept His forgiveness.  I do not for one minute believe that we should not stand up against homosexuality.  I do not believe that homosexuality as a sin should be given any kind of special rights or privileges, nor should anyone who practices this sin be given special rights with the exception of the right to hear about Jesus and experience his forgiveness.  We must separate the sin from the sinner and with compassion reach out to those who are struggling with this sin in their lives. 


Father help us to have compassion for those who are struggling with the sin of homosexuality.  Give us opportunity to share Christ and give each person the opportunity to meet the Savior and experience His forgiveness.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Immorality: Let Him Who is Without Sin

Read John 8


This week we finish our look at the topic of homosexuality.  As we have seen over the past month the Bible clearly addresses this issue.  We have looked at the fact the homosexuality is sin and that sin is condemned by God just as all sin is condemned by God.   We have looked at the fact that God can change the darkest of heart because of His mighty power displayed through the cross.  That no one is beyond saving and that those who struggle with the sin of homosexuality can be forgiven and set free.  This week we are going to see an example from Jesus life and ministry of how we should treat someone who struggles with such sin.  Now in this story Jesus does not address directly homosexuality, but He does address immorality.  Homosexuality is immorality just as adultery, fornication, lust are all immorality.  In this story a woman is caught in adultery.  She is brought before Jesus.  The people were ready to stone her.  Each one that came had stones in hand and we’re ready to put her to death.  Honestly that is what the law of God commanded in the Old Testament.  It’s amazing to me how similar they are to us today.  So often we are so quick to condemn somebody caught in sin whether its homosexuality, abortion, adultery, or whatever.  Before we point fingers at others we better look at our own lives. 


Father help us to be careful about pointing fingers at others when we have sin in our own lives. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Homosexuality: God Can Change a Heart

Read 1 Corinthians 6:9-14


God reminds us of the reason for which we were created; for His glory and honor, not for sin and pleasure.  Verse 13 makes this truth very clear.  However in verse 14 we are reminded of the truth that no one is beyond saving that God can change everyman’s heart.  How by His power, because God is all powerful (omnipotent).  Homosexuals are not beyond saving,  for God’s power can overcome their sin and already has overcome their sin when Christ died on the cross.  We must never forget that the saving knowledge of Christ can penetrate any heart and change a man completely.  Don’t ever forget that He did that in your life and He can do it again in another’s.  We must pray for others and ask God to soften their hearts and see the sin that they are sinking in and then share with them the good news of Jesus Christ.  Every person deserves the opportunity to hear about the saving power of Jesus Christ.


Father help us to never forget what you have done for us, may we be willing to share with others around us the power that you have to save them from their sin.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Homosexuality: "All Things Are Lawful for Me."

Read 1 Corinthians 6:9-14


We have been looking at the sin of homosexuality and the way God views this sin and the sinner.  First we must understand that the problem with homosexuality is that it is a direct violation of the purity and holiness of God.  If that was not true then homosexuality would be fine.  But this is simply not the case with this sin or any sin.  Sin is a direct violation of an attribute of God.  In the next few verses Paul responds to false thinking that the Corinthians were following, that because of their freedom in Christ they could go ahead and sin because it is covered by the grace of God through salvation.  In verse 12 Paul exposes a slogan that the Corinthians lived by, “all things are lawful for me.”  He responds with but all things are not profitable.  Why because as He continues sin has great power to control and sin should never have control over us.  Why because Jesus broke that power on the cross and when He rose from the grave.  Today we can have victory over sin in our lives and that is through saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. 


Father you are so good to me; you have given me your son and allowed me to see the truth of the freedom from sin that having a relationship with you brings.  Help me to live in such a way that would honor you and not dishonor who you are.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Homosexuality: Love the Sinner

Read 1 Corinthians 6:9-14


We have now turned our attention from the sin of homosexuality to the person who is committing such sin.  Understanding that no matter the sin it is still an offense to God and that offense is a direct violation of one of His attributes.  However that does not mean that God does not still love the person and offers to them forgiveness of their sin.  In verse 11 we find this truth.  Paul reminds that Corinthians that the sins he listed were what some of them had practiced but now they had been washed, sanctified and justified because of the shed blood of Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of God that drew them to saving knowledge of Christ’s sacrifice.  I realize that maybe someone reading this may be deep in the sin of homosexuality or some other sin.  Please understand you are never too deep that God cannot pull you up out of the darkness of sin and set your soul free.  God offers salvation to everyman and you need to understand that He wants to conquer your soul in order to change your life and set you free from sin.  That is what is meant by washed, sanctified and justified.  The beauty of justification is that God looks at you as just as if you never sinned.  He makes you clean, He sets you free and nothing you can do will ever clean you up from any sin, only God can do that work in you. 


Father help each of us to understand that it is you that cleans us up, it is you that forgives our sin, and it is you that sets us free.  

Friday, March 21, 2008


Read 1 Corinthians 6:9-14

We have been looking at the sin of homosexuality.  Last week I hope we made it clear that homosexuality like any sin is a sin against God.  However that sin does not set a person apart from others who commit sin as well in the sight of God.  Another words they are no guiltier of the penalty of sin then you or I.  However that does not mean that the sin of homosexuality is any less offensive to God.  Today as we look at this passage we will once again see how God views the sin of homosexuality.  In verses 9-10 Paul gives God’s view, that they shall not inherit the kingdom.  What does this mean?  The kingdom in this verse refers to the spiritual sphere in which God rules through Salvation.  All of us as believers are living in this kingdom.  However what Paul is saying is that those who are practicing these sins cannot not be a part of that kingdom.   However believers can and do commit these sins but that does not break their relationship with God.  A true believer when they commit sin should be broken and seek to gain victory over it.  This is the difference in this verse.  Paul is referring to people who practice these sins without regret.  In this passage Paul is not singling out the sin, but rather the sinner.  Notice the use of each, fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, homosexuals.  This passage focuses on the person who is committing the sin.  Why can they not be a part of the kingdom?  Because to sin is to violate an attribute of God and each sin is a violation against God’s character.  God is holy and can have nothing to do with sin.  Anyone who does not seek the forgiveness of sin cannot have a relationship with God.  That is why a believer who commits sin still has a relationship with God because they have been forgiven at the point of salvation.  However their fellowship with God is hindered.  God hates sin, but loves the sinner.  Let us not forget that attribute of God as we look at homosexuality.

Father thank you for being holy, help us to be holy in our everyday walk so that others may see you through us.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Homosexuality: An act of Immorality

Homosexuality: An act of immorality
Read Romans 1:18-32 As we look at homosexuality and finish looking at the danger of rejecting God and accepting immorality and unrighteousness, I want us to understand the direction that we are headed in this month. No doubt according to this passage that God condemns homosexuality, but please do not single this act of immorality out as the only part of this passage. We need to understand that God points out many immoral and unrighteous acts that He condemns. However please notice that it is the act of sin that He condemns that the person. There is always hope for someone to reject the sin in their life and turn to Christ and accept His forgiveness. We should not accept sin in any form, but we should never reject a person who is caught up in living a life marked by sin. For each one of us is guilty of that and yet God has seen fit to forgive you and set you free. Homosexuality is a sin no doubt against God, but the homosexual is a person who God died for and gives the opportunity to seek forgiveness. The only difference in God's eyes between you and a homosexual who is unsaved is the blood of Christ. You have been covered with the blood, the unsaved has not. We need to pray for those enslaved to sin and not condemn, we need to encourage and not insult, we need to help them see their need for Christ and not blind them to it. Father help us to love as you love, help us to see sin as you see it and help us to live a life that would point others to you.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Homosexuality: Sin is Sin

Read Romans 1:18-32


We have been talking about the danger of rejecting God.  In verse 24-31 the Bible describes the sin that associates this danger of which homosexuality is mentioned.  However before we go on a rampage against homosexuality please look further and do not forget what is also listed.  Among the things listed is heterosexual immorality, lying, gossip, pride, disobedience against parents to mention a few.  So often we as Christians want to jump on a bandwagon to bash homosexuality and overlook other sin issues.  Listen to God sin is sin, whether is lying or committing homosexual sin its all disobedience.  Now that does not downgrade the impact that these sins have upon a person or society.  Clearly sin has different consequences, however that does not give us cause to justify judging someone more harshly for one sin over another.  We must be very careful or else we may push someone away from hope of forgiveness by hardening their heart toward God, instead of them understanding that God loves them and is willing to forgive them is they are willing to turn from their sin.


Father help us to see that sin no matter what it looks like is against you.  Help us to see that every person deserves to experience your love and forgiveness.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Homosexuality: Rejecting God's Plan

Read Romans 1:18-32

We last looked at the fact the God has given a moral law and that every person has the ability to know that law and live by it. However as we will see today from verses 21-23 men also have another choice. According to verse 21 man is aware of God's existence, power and divine nature. However they choose not to identify that awareness (glorify Him as God). They also refused to be thankful by identify that every good thing that they enjoy is from God. Because of this man's attempts at finding purpose and meaning will be futile (vs. 21) and their hearts will be blinded to the truth (hearts were darkened.) In verse 22 the result is that man thinks he is wise by believing their own philosophies however it end in foolishness. What ends up happening is that people worship things instead of the one true God (vs. 23) and thus open themselves up to doing things that are totally contrary to the word of God. Whenever we are unwilling to accept God for whom He is and the truth of His Word we are opening ourselves up to very dangerous beliefs and practices. Those practices are found in the next several verses. Listen have you rejected God and His Word by worshipping idols (things)? Be careful how you answer that because there maybe something in your life that you put a much great value on then God. Do you find yourself looking forward more to spending time with a person than with God? Do you find yourself looking forward to playing a video game or getting on the computer more than you do with God? Do you look enjoy being involved in extra curricular activities than you do going to church? Are you sure you're not worshipping things rather than God??????

Father help us to be honest in looking at our lives. Point out to us if there is something that has become an idol to us.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Homosexuality: What does God think?

Read Romans 1:18-32

Over the next several blog entries I want to deal with the topic of homosexuality. We know that in our society that this practice is becoming more and more accepted. But what does God think about it, what does God's Word say about it? This week we are going to focus on this passage to help us understand God's view of all ungodliness and unrighteousness. Today lets focus on verses 18-20. God tell us in these verses that ungodliness and unrighteousness whether it is homosexuality or heterosexual sin or murder or whatever brings about God's wrath. He also tells us that to know right from wrong has been clearly given to all men and this gives us no excuse for justifying sin. However our problem is not that we do not have a moral compass or moral law but that we choose to ignore that moral law. One of the biggest arguments that the homosexual agenda makes is that they are born as a homosexual. To say that we could also say that people are born to be murderers or commit heterosexual sin. None of us are born to one exact sin we are all born into sin and have a sin nature. This means all of us have the natural ability to sin and to choose to ignore the moral law that God has given. So to say that a person is born a homosexual or murderer is false, however to say that one is born with the nature to become one is true because we all are sinners and choose to either follow God or follow our sin nature. Which are you following today?

Father help us to understand that sin no matter what it may be brings about your wrath. Help us today to choose to follow you rather than our sin nature.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Abortion: Pro-Life Means I am For Life

Read Proverbs 6:17, Proverbs 24:11-12, Jeremiah 7:6, Jeremiah 22:3, 17

According to these passages God hates the shedding of innocent blood. But today I want us to think about something that we must address as pro-life supporters. If we are pro-life then it is never ok for us to support the taking of life not ordained by God. You may be saying what do you mean by that. Well I do believe that God does justify the taking of life in certain circumstances, such as capitol punishment for those who take the life of another or in the circumstance of war (Romans 13). But for someone who is pro-life to walk into an abortion clinic and blow it up or for a country to do what Hitler did is absolutely an abomination to God as much as abortion is. If we are going to call ourselves pro-life then we must be pro-life in every circumstance that the Bible would give as the shedding of innocent blood. Also we must be careful about condemning women who have abortions because there is a difference in condemning the sin of abortion and the person who has one. Each and every person deserves to know the love of Christ and to experience His forgiveness. When we make it sound like someone who has an abortion is condemned we have crossed the line into unbiblical thinking. Please stand for life, but with compassion not anger address those who are struggling with this issue. The only way to change a person is for Christ to change their heart and we may as pro-lifers be guilty of turning women away from the truth because our dogmatic stand against abortion.

Father help us to stand for truth, but to season that stand with compassion for those who have had or will have an abortion. Make us sensitive to the leading of the spirit in sharing Christ with those who are in need of hearing the truth.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Abortion: God Pleased With America?

Read Leviticus 18:21; 2 Kings 17:17; Jeremiah 32:35-36

We are finishing our look at abortion by looking at examples from scripture of those who took the life of children and justified their actions. We live in a society where overwhelmingly people oppose abortion especially late term or partial birth abortion. Yet because of “civil liberty” and the right to do with your body what you want to (pro-choice) are government has justified abortion. In each of these passages the nation of Israel was doing something similar in that they were worshipping a god they called Molech. As a part of that worship they would sacrifice children by throwing them into a pit of fire. They felt they were doing no wrong by their action. However in Jeremiah the prophet called this practice an abomination and sin. Just because one feels it’s ok to do something does not make it right. Again I remind you that nearly 4000 babies are aborted everyday in America and its justified by one word, “pro-choice”. Do we honestly think that God is pleased with our nation for allowing such practices to continue?

Father we ask that you would do what’s necessary to bring about right thinking in the hearts and minds of your people. Give us discernment in our view of abortion.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Read Job 10:9-12, Isaiah 49:1, 5 Jeremiah 1:5 Ecclesiastes 11:5

So far we have looked at the majesty of God’s creation and the justification of murder that a nation’s leader gave in order to “protect” his kingdom. This week we are going to look at several passages under different headings as to what the Bible addresses in relationship to the topic of abortion. Now first you need to understand the no where in the Bible will you find the word abortion. So in order to go any further we must define the word. The word abortion defined by the pro-choice advocates is the early termination of a pregnancy. Those of us in the pro-life camp would say that it is the murder of an innocent life. Again depending on your definition will determine your views. For the sake of staying true to the Word of God we will define it as the murder of an innocent life. According to the passages again God formed and created each and every baby. Yes God created all things in seven days. However He continues to create as He puts together each and every baby in their mother’s womb. For that reason alone we should stand against abortion.

Father help us to see that you are involved in the formation of every baby and that your creation is not to be taken for granted. Help us to stand for the innocent.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Abortion: Playing God

Read Matthew 2:1-8, 16-18

King Herod was a man who was bent on power and the desire for total control. Granted he was king and wanted to preserve his kingdom, but for all the wrong reasons pursued the murder of countless innocent lives for the sake of preserving his kingdom. Today over 4000 babies are innocently murdered for the sake of choice or inconvience. Granted maybe someone could say that some are aborted because of health issues, but when is it ok to justify murder to save the life of another? When is it ok to play God and not have any idea what the ramifications will be for the future. If Herod would have understood what the scriptures taught about the Christ then we would not have had to murder all those innocent boys. Instead he acted on impulse and took the easy way out which cost others dearly. If people look at abortion as an easy way out they are missing the fact that it will cost dearly. Abortion never just takes the life of an innocent baby, it hurts the women and it is killing our society. May we not fall into the trap of justifying something that is wrong in order to accommodate the here and now. Let God be God.

Father thank you that you are all knowing and all powerful. Help us to trust in those truths as we seek to understand more about your view of abortion.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Abortion: The Heart of the Matter

Read Matthew 2:1-8, 16-18

King Herod shed the blood of countless innocent lives for the sake of preserving his kingdom. Today we shed the blood of countless innocent lives and call it choice. No matter the justification for the wrong that is done the fact of the matter is that innocent blood is being shed. No matter what we may think or feel is not the main issue. The main issue is what God thinks. As we have seen from Proverbs 6 that God hates the shedding of innocent blood. That is what should matter to us. This is the heart of the matter. The question then becomes do we want to honor God or not. King Herod chose to dishonor God and to shed the blood of innocent lives to protect his own hide. The sad thing is that Jesus never had any intention of taking over Herod’s kingdom, because the kingdom which Christ would be king of is Heaven. So all those children were murdered for the wrong reasons. I believe the same is true today. Do you know in our country alone over 4000 babies are aborted everyday. That is 1, 460,000 babies every year all for the sake of choice. That is a sad commentary on our country.

Father, we have sinned against you and you alone help us to see that even the unborn matter to you.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Abortion: Fetus or Baby?

Read Matthew 2:1-8, 16-18

After reading this passage and realizing that Herod was not actually performing abortions but rather infanticide one may say I don’t see the connection. Please allow me to explain. Herod justified his actions because he felt that Jesus was going to take over his kingdom and in the process killed perhaps hundreds of innocent lives. In Proverbs 6 the Bible tells us that God hates the shedding of innocent blood. How much more innocent can the blood of an unborn child be? The problem today is that many think that the unborn child is not a child at all but rather a blob of human tissue that it called a fetus. Interestingly according to Webster the word fetus means: a young child in the womb after being perfectly formed. In reducing the baby to a “fetus” it’s no wonder that many can justify the shedding of innocent blood because it would be no different than getting rid of belly fat through liposuction. However Psalm 139 and many other passages make it clear that to God the blob is really a human being called a baby. So the real question is what do you believe the unborn to be? A blob of tissue or a human being, depending on your position will determine whether or not you view abortion as murder or not.

Father help us to understand your position on the unborn child. Help us to see the value that you place on the innocent.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Abortion: Killing the Innocent

Read Matthew 2:1-8, 16-18

Today we are going to look at man’s justification of abortion through the story of Jesus Christ birth. As I am sure you know Jesus was born to a virgin named Mary and that birth took place in Bethlehem. Bethlehem was under the rule of a ruthless and cunning king named Herod the Great. Some wise men traveling from the east come to Jerusalem to find out about Jesus Christ. Well Herod caught wind of these men who were combing the city looking and asking about Jesus and he had them brought before him. They asked Herod about this and to his surprise he was in his mind being informed of someone who he thought would take his kingdom. Now for Herod that was huge and probably would be for any of us who here some news that sounds like this Jesus is going to take your place. So Herod secretly called the men to him and he deceived them by telling them he wanted to also worship Jesus. Well the wise men leave and find Jesus and worship Him. In a dream they were told not to go back to Herod and inform him of where the Christ child was. Then in verse 16 we find out Herod’s reaction. He orders for all baby boys two years and under to be killed. Herod wanted to worship Jesus, yeah right, he had in his mind all alone to destroy Jesus and thus end Jesus’ power take over. It’s amazing how Herod justifies the killing of innocent lives for the sake of his kingdom. Today I want you to think about one question is it ever ok to justify the killing of innocent lives?

Father thank you for the incredible providence you displayed in warning the wise men to take a different route home. Thank you for protection of Jesus even as a young baby. Help us to understand the value you place on all life but especially the life of the innocent.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Abortion: God's Plan?

Read Psalm 139

I want to turn our attention to verse 16, specifically the last part, “All the days of my life were ordained for me before even one came to be.” That just blows me away when thinking about the incredible design that God has for my life. That verse is saying that God has and had a plan for my life even before my life began. That means that at the moment I was conceived that plan began to be unfolded up till today and will continue through my death. If that is not incredible I do not know what is!!! None of us here on earth can do that, none of us can predict the future, none of us can plan beyond what we believe might happen. But God has planned our everyday, all of our life before our life even began. That is why abortion is so wrong because it stops God’s plan for each life that is ended. Someone might say it must have been is plan to end that life. I refuse to believe that, I believe He knew it would happen, but just as it is not God’s plan for me to sin, He allows it to happen and then uses it as a part of His plan. Maybe the reason God allows abortion to happen is so that God’s people will see the great value of life and stand up for the unborn. This week I hope you have seen the beauty of God’s design and that you consider what your part is in upholding that beauty.

Father give us the strength and the determination to not allow the beauty of your design to be faded into a distant memory.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Abortion: The Price of a Rug

Read Psalm 139

Today as we continue to look at the beauty of God’s design. We need to take a look at one word from verse 15, “skillfully.” The word skillfully refers to the kind of work done in needle work. Another word that describes skillfully is woven. Think of a beautifully woven together rug, like a Persian rug. No one looks at that rug and then says how insignificant it is, no they look at and realize that it took great skill to create it and then they attribute great value to the rug. I was looking online at prices of some of these rugs and I saw one valued at $30,000. Isn’t it amazing how much value one will place on a rug that was skillfully created. But when it comes to a human being in the womb who is skillfully created little to no value is placed. I am not suggesting that we put a price value on the unborn, but rather they should be looked at as priceless.

Father thank you for skillfully creating each and every one of us. Help us to see the value that you place on your creation.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Abortion Part 2

Read Psalm 139

As we continue to look at the importance of God’s design and the importance of understanding that God places great value on His workmanship we must look again at verse 14. Notice what David response to the value that God places on the unborn child. Words like praise, marvelous, wonderful all are given in response to God’s workmanship. Today in our society people use words like fetus, blob, and choice and thus totally reduce the value of God’s workmanship. But that is their goal to reduce the value of what is happening in the mothers womb to justify the horror of ending the babies life. It makes total sense if you want to devalue something you reduce it to something that is of no value. This is why we must never reduce our language of the unborn child to anything less than what David gives. God places great value on the unborn child and because God does we should.

Father today help us to see the value you place on the unborn child and help us like David give the proper respect that they deserve.