Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Psalm 84 Part 4

As we conclude our look at the benefits of pursuing a relationship with God, we want to look at verse 11. "For the Lord God is a sun and shield." This is a picture of God's overall provision and protection. First lets look at the benefit of God's provision. Else where in God's Word He promises that He will meet all of our needs according to His riches. The Bible tells us that He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. God will meet all of our needs, not all of our wants. I think sometimes we get these confused with each other and put more emphasis on our wants. Then when God does not give us what we want, we tend to question Him. No where in scripture will you find God saying I will give you what you want. I think all of us could live off a whole lot less than we think we can. But think about your needs, is God meeting them. I believe if you list out your needs (physical: food, water, housing, etc...) then God is indeed meeting your needs. Second lets look at God's protection. As you think of a shield it protects the individual from possibly being cut by a sword or being shot by an arrow. A shield protects from both seen and unseen things. God is our shield. He protects us from both seen and unseen things. We need to understand that Satan is very real. That there is a battle going on that we cannot begin to understand. A battle that takes place in the heavens. Satan wants to destroy your life. He will do whatever it takes to do so. I am so thankful that God is my shield. Because the Bible tells us that, "He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world." God is our sun and shield.

Father thank you for your provision and protection in my life. Thank you that I can trust you to meet all my needs and to protect my from my enemies.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Psalm 84 Part 3

As we continue to look at benefits of having a relationship with God built through an unswerving devotion. In verse 7 we find what I believe is a vital benefit of having a relationship with God. There is no doubt in any of our minds that this life is difficult. There is no doubt in any of our minds that following after God is difficult. But the fact of the matter is that if we try to live life and follow after God in our own strength, it is impossible. Cannot be done. You will never make it going at it alone. "They go from strength to strength." Strength, God's strength is must in our daily walk. I am reminded of Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." I am also reminded of John 15,”Apart from me (Jesus) you cannot do anything." What can't we do? Live for God and do works that please Him. David in verse 7 tells us that God gives us strength to face our pilgrimage (our life). I find that so incredible that God is willing to give us strength to succeed. In order to receive this strength we must like John the Baptist realizes that "I must decrease and He must Increase." We must come to the place where we realize we can’t do it alone. We must come to the place where we are constantly depending less and less on ourselves and more and more on God. That when we are faced with temptation or sin we realize God I need you, I can’t do this alone. This life is tough and living for God in this day and age is even tougher. That is why we must depend on Him. God's strength is sufficient and will help us to do all things.

Father today again I realize my total dependence on you. I realize that I cannot do one thing on my own. When I do try, I fail. You are all I need. Help me not to just say that, but live it.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Psalm 84 Part 2

As we continue to look at the benefits of seeking after God and the practice of godliness in our lives. We are going to look at verses 4-6. David uses the word “Blessed,” which means to be happy or overjoyed. When we seek after God and determine to develop a relationship with Him that is alive and vibrant, we will experience a joy that only comes from God. This happiness or joy is not necessarily a smile on your face all the time or a leap in your step everyday. What this joy promises is peace, contentment and a mindset that says no matter what comes my way I know God is in control. Are you experiencing that joy? Are you “Blessed”? Perhaps you need to evaluate your desire and practice of seeking God. Perhaps the two are tied together. Maybe you should ask if there is any unconfessed sin in your life that would be keeping you from seeking after God. Or maybe today you are facing a trial or a really rough time in your life that is keeping you from experiencing this joy. Look at verse six. Baca is a word that means weeping. Are you in the “Valley of Baca (weeping)”? The people turned their weeping into joy (a spring). How do we do this? Answer seek God, answer spend time with God by getting into the Word and on our knees in prayer. If you want to experience joy or true happiness then you must seek after God.

Father thank you for blessing us with joy as we seek you. Help us to seek you with all our heart and mind. Turn our weeping into joy and may our joy be found in time with you.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Psalm 84 Part 1

Today we are looking at the benefits of seeking after God. From this passage we want to see what blessings result from spending time with God. In verses one and two we find David’s desire to experience God's presence. "How lovely is your tabernacle". The tabernacle was the center of worship, because it enabled David to come into the presence of God. As you read these verses you can really get a feel of David’s intense desire to experience God's presence. Why? I guess the analogy I can think of is a baby. It is amazing to me if you set a baby down and leave them alone they begin to cry and fuss. But as soon as you pick them up they calm down and begin to snuggle right up to you. I guess in a lot ways that’s how I see God's presence. Often if a I feel alone or feel anxious about something or just feel lost. I want to run into the presence of God and just say hold me. How do we do that? By spending time with God. By getting into His Word, by prayer, by meditating on Him. David’s intense desire to experience God comes from is intense willingness to spend time with God. How intense in your desire to experience God's presence? How intense is your willingness to spend time alone with God? One blessing of seeking God is to experience His presence, to feel His loving arms of grace and mercy wrap around me. As I experience that presence I can rest knowing my God, my father is there.

Father thank you for your presence. Help us to have the same desire as David for your presence. Give us the determination to spend time with you no matter the cost.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

2 Chronicles 14-16 Part 4

I want to take you back to a verse that we looked at early this week and ask you to think about it one more time. Chapter 15 verse 2 says, "The Lord is with you while you are with Him. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you." I don't believe for one moment that God forsakes His children. But I can tell you this when we walk away from God and live for ourselves it feels like God has forsaken us when in fact it is us who has forsaken Him. Why does it feel that way, because our fellowship with Him is broken? Sin keeps us from deep communion with God. A wall has been built that separates us. In fact God is right there but He gives us the responsibility of choosing to follow Him or not. He will not force us; he will not make the decision for us. Its up to you and me to choose God way or ours. Today are you seeking Him? Would your lifestyle say that you are following Christ? Would your parents and siblings say that you are following Christ?

Father helps us to see the importance of living a godly life. Help us to realize that the choices we make will shape our lives. Give us strength to seek you.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

2 Chronicles 14-16 Part 3

We have been looking at the life of a king of had been seeking after God. As a result God was blessing him, just as the prophet told Asa. Now in chapter 16 we see something dramatic happen in the life of Asa. Asa decides to call on the aid of the king of Syria to help him in a struggle with the king of Israel. Asa sinfully trusted a pagan king to protect him instead of trusting in the God who had been blessing him. As a result Asa whole attitude changes and he becomes angry, and oppressive toward his people. Then if you look at verse 12 when he is severely ill the Bible says, "He did not seek the Lord." Wow what an amazing turn in this man's life. Asa once a man who practiced godliness is now practicing godlessness. A man who God had blessed is now being cursed. It’s hard to tell what happened that caused Asa to go from godliness to godlessness. Maybe in all the blessing he was experiencing he took for granted his daily walk with God. Obviously he took his focus off of God until he was not seeking Him any longer. How sad but often all too familiar. Just as the prophet said that as long as you seek God, He will be found. Stop seeking and He will be hidden. I guess the bottom line for us as believers is which do we want to experience? Which Asa will we be? An Asa who followed after God and was blessed even in the midst of trials? Or an Asa who followed after himself and faced great trials alone?

Father I realize that at times in my life I am much like Asa. At times very much following after you. Then at other times choosing my own way. Give me strength when I am faced with the temptation to live for myself. Help me to remember what you have done for me and may I be willing to choose to follow you.

Monday, August 13, 2007

2 Chronicles 14-16 Part 2

Wow what an incredible testimony of the work that God can do in the hearts of man. Chapter 15 gives to us an account of Asa’s practice of godliness that changed the heart of a nation. In verse 2 a prophecy is given to Asa. Wow what an incredible truth for us to practice. The Lord is with you while you seek Him. If you seek Him, He will be found, but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you. Wow what incredible truth. Wow what incredible promise. If we seek God, He will be found. And seek God is exactly what Asa did, with all his heart. Because of this a nation also was challenged to step up and did they ever. The nation responded and the people also turned to God. You see godliness not only affects you, but also affects those around you. The opposite is true as well. The practice of godlessness also will affect you and those around you. Its interesting but if you look at one of the practices of godliness that Asa did, was to remove all the idols or false gods out of the land. We have so many things in our lives that are pulling for our attention, so many of those things are things that will never last. God is eternal and seeking Him is eternal or will last forever, well beyond this life. What are you seeking with your life? What has your undivided attention? Does God? Today why not seek Him.

Father thank you that if I seek you, you will be found. Thank you that if I seek you, you will be with me. Give me the focus today to seek only you and to block out the distractions from finding you.

Friday, August 10, 2007

2 Chronicles 14-16 Part 1

Read 2 Chronicles 14-16

This week we conclude our look at how godliness is beneficial for all areas of life. This week we are going to look at an example from the Old Testament of a king whose practice of godliness not only affected him but affected an entire nation of people. King Asa became king over all of Judah. He was one of a very few kings who followed after God. In Chapter 14 we are introduced to him. The very first verse is a testimony of this king’s practice of godliness. He did what was right and good in the eyes of the Lord. But Asa did not just stop there. He did not simply just follow after God in word. He followed after God in what he did. The next verses spell it out for us as Asa rids the land of idols, alters to other gods. Then he commanded the people to seek after God and to obey the law and all the commandments. Then comes Asa's first big test as king. An army from Ethiopia is coming to attack. He takes his army out to fight. But before battle Asa seeks the Lords counsel. Guess what God gave them the victory. You may be thinking what does this have to do with me? Because of Asa's practice of godliness (seeking after God and desiring to please Him), God gave Asa victory over his enemies, and gave him the power to impact others around him. God will do the same for you. What enemies are you facing today? (Bad habits, loneliness, relationship problems, etc...) Are there those around you who need you to share Christ with them? God wants to use you to impact your friends. God wants to give you strength to face the enemies in your life and give you victory over them. Are you willing to seek God and please Him?

Father thank you that you give to us examples like Asa to see that godliness really does make a difference. Help us to seek after you and desire to please you in all we do. Help this practice to be more than just words, but help us to put it into practice

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Matthew 6:22-34 Part 4

Read Matthew 6:22-34

We have been looking at the value of godliness in all parts of our lives. Understanding that godliness is not just a Sunday church thing, but is an everyday lifestyle. Today we are going to see the key to living a lifestyle of godliness in verse 34. Seek first God's kingdom and His righteousness. What are you seeking in your life? Popularity, good grades, friends, a guy, a girl, be the best athlete, acceptance, etc...... Listen those things are not bad. Those things are what’s natural to seek. However the Bible tells us that if anything good or bad takes the place of God it is an idol. That’s when things like this become wrong. Because so much of our time can be dedicated to these that God gets pushed aside. That is wrong. Let me ask you a question. Do you think you can be a better student, athlete, friend with or without God? I guarantee that if you are trying to be a good student, athlete or friend without God then you are not being all you could be. Listen from every example in scripture when God was on a person side they did incredible things. The same God that they served is the same God that is saying seek first my kingdom and my righteousness. He is the same God that can do incredible things through you as well. Won't you seek Him? Won't you live for Him?

Father thank you for calling us to live at a higher standard. Thank you that when we seek you, you promise to go with us no matter what. Use us to our fullest potential and do great and mighty things through us.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Matthew 6:22-34 Part 3

Read Matthew 6:22-34
Right away when someone tells you that you must serve God and not man. People start to worry. Ok so your telling me that God will supply all my needs. That if I make Him my first priority He will completely take care of me. Yep that’s right folks you got it. And just to make a point of it. Jesus gives us the next word picture found in verses 25-30. He gives to us two pictures one of a bird (sparrow) and one of a flower (lily). He says hey why worry about what you will eat and where you will sleep look at the sparrow and the lily do I not take care of them. Then He asks the most important question. Verse 26, "Are you not more important then they?" Answer, duh of course we are more important then the birds or flowers. What a comfort to know that you are important to God. You and I have great value to God. So much so that He sent His son to die for us. Don’t you think that if God is that concerned about our spiritual life, that He is just as concerned about our physical life? God will take care of you. God will supply all of your needs. The question is we willing to live for Him? Are we willing to say ok God I will strive to be godly? God is willing are you?
Father today help us to be willing. Help us not to worry about this life. Give us strength to see that you are in control and that you will give us strength to face each day.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Matthew 6:22-34 Part 2

Read Matthew 6:22-34
Today as we continue to look at this passage. I want us to look at verse 24. Many people of that day were very religious. Another words they believed in God did what was necessary to be a good Jew like attend synagogue, do Passover and keep the law. However many of them were playing good Jew on Sabbath, but living like the world the rest of the time. So Jesus addresses this issue by comforting the practice of trying to serve both God and man. Understand a master is someone who is in control of another. Jesus says you can only serve one master, no one can serve two. He even goes on to say that you cannot serve God and man. Today we face similar challenges. So many are trying to be a good Christian on Sunday but live like they want the rest of the week. Jesus is saying this cannot be done. Question, who are you trying to serve? Serving man will only leave you empty. Serving God will always fill you up. Maybe as you think about this you need to just list out everything that takes up your time. Look at the list and ask which of these things are for God and which are for myself. Then ask which should I continue to do and which need to stop. Serving God is the greatest thing we can do with our lives because serving God is eternal.
Father thank you that you allow us to serve you. May we look at our lives and evaluate who we are serving. Cause us to see our need to serve you far above all other possibilities.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Matthew 6:22-34 Part 1

Read Matthew 6:22-34
This month we are looking at the value of godliness in every aspect of our lives. This week we are going to focus on the Sermon on the Mount. This was a sermon that Jesus gave to the people as they gathered to hear him speak. Today lets look at verses 22-23. As you read this you may get really confused. Don’t be, this is analogy, a word picture to make a point. Obviously a person who can see has the opportunity to see great color, light, and a vast array of different things. If someone’s eye is bad or blind they do not have the opportunity to see any of these things. They are in darkness. Same thing happens to us spiritually. If our spiritual hearts (our soul’s eye) is good then we are able to enjoy the things that God intends for us to enjoy. However if our hearts are bad (filled with sin) then we are unable to enjoy what God has for us. How does ones heart become good? Simple by acknowledging that you are sinner and accepting Jesus Christ as your lord and savior. A person’s heart is bad because of sin. Sin leads to death. Thus Jesus had to die for our sin. Because sin has a debt that must be paid. Jesus Christ paid that debt by dying on a cross. You see we do not have to live in darkness. Rather we can live in the light because Jesus is the light. Today have you stepped into the light or are you still living in darkness

Friday, August 03, 2007

Psalm 63 Part 4

Read Psalm 63

This week we have been asking you to evaluate your desire for God. Has your desire to know Him increased? Has it remained the same? Has it diminished? Often the reason desire does not grow is simply something is keeping it from growing. That something is sin. I once had a pastor friend write in the front of my Bible, "This book will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from this book." Is there something in your life that you have not confessed as sin? Is there something that only you and God know about that is keeping you from growing in desire for God? Listen if you are saved then that sin has already been forgiven. That sin has already been paid for. That sin has no need of keeping a hold on you. You have been set free from its bondage through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. However we still need to confess it as sin and agree with God that its wrong. Then deal with it. Listen either you will deal with sin or sin will deal with you. I have said it many times and I will say it again. Sin will take you further than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay and cost you more than you want to pay. Take time now and confess your sin to God. God promises that when we confess our sin He will forgive us and cleanse us.

Father thank you for giving your son to set up free from sin. Thank you that Jesus Christ willingly laid down His life to give us life. Help us to be willing to except what He did for us and willingly confess our sin. Thank you for making a way for us not to have to live under sins bondage.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Psalm 63 Part 3

Read Psalm 63

Alright I will move on from verse one. Sorry its just so rich with application. Lets check out verse 4 today and ask you a question. Who do you trust? Interestingly enough this verse is speaking to just that, trust. David writes, “I will lift up my hands in your name.” This is an old testament posture of prayer, the upheld hands pictured both the prayer being offered and the readiness to receive every good gift which comes from God. It was thus a posture of trust in God alone. I asked you earlier, “who do you trust?” Maybe I should have asked “should you trust anyone?” I will let that sink in a bit. Because I believe the answer is yes and no. Yes we should be willing to think the best of others. For instance I trust some of you to watch my children when my wife and I go on a date. However the reality is that because each of us is human we will fail. So my trust in you is really my trust in God that He will protect my kids even if you should fail while watching them. Do you see my point? The only one who we should completely trust knowing that He will never fail is God. Everyone else will fail, everyone else will let you down, everyone else has a problem and that is sin. God will not and cannot fail you or me. I say cannot because that would go against is very nature. The only limitation God has is He cannot do anything against His nature. Man I am so glad for that, wow.

Father thank you that you will never let me down. Thank you that I can trust you no matter what may come my way. Thank you that you love me and want what’s best for me.

Psalm 63 Part 2

We are continuing to evaluate our desire for God. As we look at this psalm check out once again verse one. Early will I seek God. Just a question, when do you seek God? Sundays, Wednesday nights, when we go on retreats or missions trips, when it’s convenient or easy. For David eagerness to be with the Lord was more in view than even the time of day. I am not suggesting that you have to seek God in the morning or afternoon or evening. However I am asking just when do you seek Him? Doesn’t it make sense that if we truly desire to be with Him, then we will make time to do so. Whether its morning or evening, at home or school, if God is our one desire we will do whatever it takes to be with Him, to get to know Him, to let Him speak to us. For David earlier the better was his life’s motto. This can be seen all throughout the book of Psalms. What we must do is find a time and then religious stick to it. Make an appointment with God and then keep it. Make yourself a sticky note reminder. Get an accountability partner who will keep your feet to the fire. Get in the practice of sharing what God is teaching you to others. Again do you desire to be with God? Prove it!!!

Father help us to seek you. Give us the determination that there is nothing better than knowing you. Remind us daily to follow after you.