Thursday, June 28, 2007

1 Samuel 17 Part 3

Today as we conclude this week on David and Goliath we also conclude our month of looking at God’s character. Today look specifically at verses 49-58. God comes through just as David said. God delivered Goliath into the hands of this young man. God always comes through no matter the circumstance or issue. God always prevails, always comes through just in time. You may say why does this matter in my pursuit of Godliness? Understand if you pursue Godliness, if you pursue God He will come and meet with you. When we pursue Godliness in our life God will always work all things to good. That what Romans 8:28 if all about. God works all things to the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Just as David pursued God and trusted God to do as He said. We also can trust God that as we pursue Him, He will come through for us. Just remember that sometimes we limit the good He promises to only things that make me feel good or seem to better me in some way. Don’t forget God’s ways are not ours nor His thoughts my own. Example my brother Nathan that passed away from cancer. We had prayed for years that he would get better, and then he died. Some said that God did not answer our prayer. In some ways they were right, he did not answer it the way we wanted it answered. In some ways they were dead wrong. When my brother died he was completely healed of cancer. Sure I miss him, but God’s plan was different from mine and yet it turned out to the good.

Father help me to keep your will in mind as I seek you. Thank you that you promise that if we will pursue you, you will work all things out to the good. Help me to see the good you have for my life and not limit you to the good I only think is possible.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

1 Samuel 17 Part 3

Trust God lately? Trusting God is key to living out our faith. What good is it to have faith in God and not trust Him? God’s design for each of our lives is to trust and obey for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey. Trusting in God was a major practice of David’s life. Today in verses 45-47 we find David expressing great trust in God. Why would David say such things if he did not believe and trust that God would fulfill them? David’s stand for God is amazing. Just think he is facing a giant and an entire army by himself. The giant makes fun of David but more importantly makes fun of God. Then David responds with verses 45-47. Wow what boldness, what incredible willingness to stand up and proclaim the truth. I wonder do I, do you trust God enough to stand and proclaim the truth. Or do we tuck tail and run from the opportunity? David boldly stood and proclaimed the truth to perhaps thousands without fear. What amazing faith this young man had. Today are you willing to stand for Christ and proclaim truth to whomever may come across your path. Our God is big enough to give you strength to do so and the words to share to make a difference for Him.

Father today help me stand for you. Give me the right words to say just as you gave David as he stood before Goliath and the army of Philistines. Help me to trust that you are in control and that you will do as you have said.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

1 Samuel 17 Part 2

Today we will continue to look at the story of David and Goliath. So how have you done this past day in looking to God instead of looking at your issues? David as we know beats Goliath and ends up becoming King of Israel. But did you know in the midst of this battle that David ran to battle Goliath. Wow he actually in verse 48 ran into battle. I don’t know about you but most of the time I want to run away from the battle. I want to tuck tail and just hide like the rest of the army. Why is that? Is it because I am afraid of the outcome. Maybe its because I really do not trust that God has His best in mind for me. Maybe its that I don’t really believe that God is big enough to handle the situation. Whatever it is the verse that keeps going through my mind is “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” So here we have a young man who is running to battle a giant of a man. Not taken with fear or lack of trust but quite the opposite is totally believing that God would deliver him. But what if God chose not to give David the victory? What if God allowed David to have been killed? Do you think David with that in mind would still do it? I believe he would and did. As any of us would think it, I believe so did David. Just remember David did not have 1 Samuel to read and find out what happens. Yet he runs into battle to face Goliath. Man what incredible faith, what incredible trust he had in our God. Today do you trust God to deliver you? Are you willing to run into battle to face whatever may come your way knowing God is right there no matter the outcome?

Father give us strength today and the determination to follow you. Help us to trust you in every circumstance of life. Help us to look to you to be our deliverer and not to our own strength.

Friday, June 15, 2007

1 Samuel 17 Part 1

This week we continue in our theme of being Godly by looking at God’s character. We must understand and apply God’s character to our lives in order to live a Godly life. You cannot possibly live a Godly life apart from God. God must be at the center of your life. This week we are going to look at a young man who lived a Godly life with God at the center of his life. You probably all know the story of David and Goliath. A familiar story that we have been told over and over from the time we could understand it. This week we want you to put yourself in David’s shoes. Think about what David must have been thinking, feeling and struggling with in order to live a Godly life. You know the story David is sent to give food to his brothers, hears Goliath bad mouthing God, volunteers to fight Goliath and then kills Goliath. But there is so much more to this story. I want us to focus on verse 33. Saul takes one look at David and decides you cant fight Goliath you are just a youth. Guess what Saul was right. Problem is that Saul was judging the outward appearance instead of understanding David’s heart. The Israelites really struggled with this, they would define an individual based on outward appearance. That is why Goliath was so intimidating to them. Rightfully so, but they never even considered what God could do. So alone comes David who’s heart beats for God and God uses him to do incredible things. Have you been guilty of this? Looking at a situation and only focusing on the problem instead of looking to God.

Father today as I face difficult situations may I instead of focusing on the problem may I look to the solution. Help me to be like David and look only to you to fight my battles. Help me to rely on you and not myself to face my struggles. Today may I be found faithful in taking my problems to you.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

1 Corinthians 13 Part 4

Today as we conclude our look at 1 Corinthians 13, I want us to look at verse 13. The greatest of all virtues is love. Why? Isn’t faith vital to our Christian walk? Isn’t hope vital to our eternal destiny? Yes but realize that love encompasses faith and hope. Love believes all things and hopes all things. Think about this faith and hope have no purpose in heaven, where everything true will be known and everything good will be possessed. Love is the greatest because its eternal, even in this temporal life it is the greatest. Love is the greatest because it outlasts all virtues but also because it is the most God-like of all virtues. God does not have faith or hope, however God is love. We must understand that without faith we would not be able to fully experience or comprehend God’s love for us. Without hope we would be most miserable. The reason we have faith and the reason we have hope is because of God’s love for us. Without God’s love we are in no need of faith or hope. God’s love is what calls us to faith in Him and the hope that one day we will be with Him. Today may we walk in His love and allow God to fill our hearts with faith and hope as we experience Him.

Father thank you for loving me so much that you sent your son to die for me. Thank you for giving me hope through your son and thank you. Today may I walk in you. May I experience you throughout this day. May I express your love to others. Live in me today and may I live in you.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

1 Corinthians 13 Part 3

As we look again at God’s character through the love chapter. I want us to focus on verse eight specifically “love never fails.” Again taking out the word love and replace it with God, “God never fails.” Think about that God has never failed and never will. God has always been and will always be. Everything in the Bible has come true. Even in our lives He has never failed. He has never failed in meeting our needs. He has never failed in giving us strength to face trials. He has never failed in any part of my life. Honestly, if anyone has failed it is that I have failed God. Oh how often do I fall short and let my Heavenly father down. God has never failed nor will He. You can bank on that and trust that He will always be there for you and me. So today as you go throughout your day hold onto God’s character and realize that He will never fail you.

Father today give me the understanding and determination to trust in you. Help me to see who you are and what you want to do in my life today. Today may I catch a glimpse of you.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

1 Corinthians 13 Part 2

As we continue to look at God’s character this week through 1 Corinthians 13. Ask yourself does my character reflect God’s? Could I put my name in the place of the word love in this chapter and it would describe me? Today lets focus on verse 6. Specifically “love does not seek its own.” Wow that’s a tuffy. Especially when something tragic happens in our life, or we have been praying for God to answer one way and He answer another. God does not seek His own. He is not self-centered. He always has our best in mind and wants us to enjoy the fullness of life. That is extremely difficult for us to understand because we (at least I do) struggle with always putting others before myself. So many times I think about how this will impact me, or what will happen to me. God is all about others. So much so that He sent Jesus to die on a cross for our sin. God loves you and me and proved that love through His son.

Father today help me to love like you. Help me to get my focus off myself and on to you. I must admit that so many times I put myself ahead of others. Help me to become more and more others centered as I desire to follow you.

Monday, June 11, 2007

1 Corinthians 13:1-13 Part 1

Read 1 Corinthians 13:1-13

This month we are starting a new series based on God’s Character. We are looking at passages that deal with God’s character in order to better understand His call for Godliness in our own lives. This week we will look at 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. As you read this passage take out the word love and replace it with “God”. Today I want us to look specifically at verse 4. Think about this God is patient. Wow how awesome. Could you imagine if God wasn’t patient? We would be in some serious trouble. So many times I mess up and fall prey to sin and yet God still uses me. So many times I reject God’s best and yet He still blesses me. Why? If God wasn’t patient with me, I would have been done a long time ago. However, “God is patient”, He wants what’s best for me. He longs to use me and bless me and in spite of my short comings, He does.

Father, thank you for being patient with me. Thank you that you don’t give me what I deserve. Thank you that you use me and bless me in spite of what I do. You are great and greatly to be praised.

Friday, June 08, 2007

1 Peter 1:13-19 Part 4

Today as we conclude this week’s look at Godliness. I want us to focus on verse 17. I know it seems like we are backtracking. That’s because we are, duh. Verse 17 has a very important phrase in it, “conduct yourselves throughout the time of your stay here in fear.” Are we on vacation? This verse is referring to your life. Your stay here refers to the time you have been allowed to live on this planet. Most people would say oh just live it up when your young and then when you get older you can get serious about things of God. But notice something it does say anything about age or when. It just simply says your stay here. If you have ever thought that its ok to do whatever you want when you are young you need to understand that the Bible does not teach that concept. However it does say live your life in fear. Fear of what? God, but this is not a fear that would hinder you like being afraid of the dark or a monster or a scary movie. This is a fear that drives us closer to God. This fear is a reverence, an awe of something. We need to live our lives in reverence of God. We need to live our lives understanding what God has done. The reason we jump back to this verse is because this week we have looked at things God has done and this should drive us to fear or stand in awe of how great God is.

Father today help me to live for you. Give me strength to face each day knowing that you are right there.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

1 Peter 1:13-19 Part 3

Today as we continue to look at Godliness. I want us to focus on verse 18-19. Why should we be holy as God is holy? Answer verse eighteen and nineteen. The word redeemed means to buy back something from bondage by the payment of a price or to set free by paying a ransom. Peter wants to make clear that you and I were not bought with earthly things like silver or gold. Rather we were redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. You may ask what we were redeemed from. Great question, the answer is a life of sin and separation from God for eternity. Jesus Christ paid our debt on the cross. He gave His life to redeem or pay our ransom. We owe the ransom (the debt for sin) which is death, but Jesus took it upon Himself to pay it for us. That should cause us to stop and praise Him. That should cause us to stop and count the cost of serving Him. Dying for me was the most He could do, living for Him is the least I can do. Are you living for Him today?

Father thank you for the cross. Thank you for the cross my friend. Thank you for paying my ransom. Thank you for giving your life willingly that I might find and have life for all eternity. Today help me to live for you.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

1 Peter 1:13-19 Part 2

Today we continue to look at Godliness by seeing God’s character. Today we focus on verse 15. “Be Holy as I am Holy”. Wow what a call on our life. Ok God you stepped over the limit now. How on earth is that possible? Answer you can’t. However God can and will through you. First lets look at what does the word holy mean. The idea of holiness is living a life of right choices or righteousness. The problem is that often we base righteousness on what we do. Righteousness should always be based on what God can do through you. Realize this you can’t make one right decision spiritually without God. That’s right; if you try you will end up a Pharisee. Someone who looks good spiritually on the outside, but inside is hollow. Obviously God has never made a wrong choice. Odds are if making right choices is based on God, you can never go wrong. Question is when we make choices are they “holy” or maybe another way to say it is, “Is this what God would have me do?” So how do you know what God would do? Three words, “READ THE BIBLE”.

Father today as I strive to be holy. I must admit that this is difficult. Help me to lean on you and not myself. Give me the determination to spend time reading the Bible so that I might know what you would do in any situation. Then as I discover it, help me to live it out.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

1 Peter 1:13-19

Today we are focusing on God’s character and does my character reflect His. So as you read this passage look for God’s character and ask, “Does my life reflect His character?” Today I want us to focus on verse 13. “Gird up the loins of your mind”, “What is that?” you may ask. Great question. Back in the day when this was written people went strolling around in long robes that were very hard to move fast. So in order to move fast they would Gird up their loins, (gather up their robe). Here it is used as a word picture for our mind or thought process. Peter is challenging us to pull in all the loose ends of our thinking by rejecting the worlds ideas and focusing on God’s. Specifically focusing on God’s grace through His son Jesus Christ. Grace is giving to us something that we don’t deserve. Jesus Christ gave His life so that we can have a relationship with God the Father. We don’t deserve that gift. We deserve death, but God’s grace gives us the opportunity of living. Two things to think about from this verse: #1 What is my mind focused on? The World or God #2 Do I extend grace toward others (give others what they don’t deserve). Like doing a chore for my brother or sister even though they would never do it in return. Today may we understand to truly be Godly we must be willing to live like God would live.

Father today give me the strength to live for you. Its so tough trying to be godly in a godless society. I need you help, I need your strength. Teach me to be gracious toward others. Teach me to focus on you and what you would have me do.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Acts 16:16-34

This week we are going to finish are series on trials as we look at a story of two men who faced trials. As you read this week look for their heart attitude in the midst of the trial and ask yourself does that reflect yours? Today I want us to focus on Paul and Silas’s trial. They have been preaching the gospel in Philippi. They also have been doing miracles in people’s lives. As they have been doing this a girl who is possessed by a demon as been following them and shouting at the top of her lungs, “These men are servants of the most High God and they proclaim the way of salvation to us.” Now you can imagine if you were Paul and Silas what would you do? Well Paul got annoyed by her and cast the demon out of her. Well this ticked the slave girl’s owners off, because she was making some serious money for them because she could tell the future. So they had Paul and Silas arrested. After they were arrested they we flogged and beaten and then thrown into jail. Wow I cant even imagine what that would be like. Here are two guys doing ministry for God and they end up getting beaten and thrown in jail. How would you respond to that? Later this week we are going to see just how they responded to this trial. But for now think about yourself, how do you respond in the face of trials?

Father my prayer is that I would respond with a heart of joy resting in you. But I have to admit that my flesh wants to cry out why me, why this, why now? Today give me the strength to have a heart that would respond correctly.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Acts 12:5-19

This week we conclude our series on persecution by looking at what can we do for the persecuted church around the world. Today we are going to look at what the church was doing while Peter was in prison. King Herod had Peter put into prison and was going to execute him just has he had done to James. Notice in verse 5, “Constant prayer was offered to God by the church.” Maybe as you have been confronted with persecution this week your asking, “What can I do for people in China, or some other country?” That’s a great question. Simple answer is pray. The Bible is clear that there is power in prayer. To often I think we look at prayer as the last resort. It really should be our first response. The church prayed for Peter and as we will look at later things happened. Sometimes its weird for me to think that prayer would really do anything. I mean God could do it on His own without us praying. But never forget God gives to us certain responsibilities and for some reason God wants us to pray and request of Him to act. Would God have acted if no one prayed? I don’t know, sure its possible. The Bible says “you receive not, because you ask not, ask the Lord of the Harvest and He will give generously to you.” I am convinced that pray needs to be a regular part of my daily time with God. Today as you think about this stop and take time to pray for persecuted Christians all around the world. Pray for a good friend of mine. Troy is a missionary to people groups who have never heard the gospel. He has encountered head hunters and cannibals as you shares the good news of Christ with them. Pray for his safety. Pray that God would speak through him into the hearts of these undetached people groups.

Father today may you make prayer more of a priority in my life. Help me to not look at it as a last resort, but rather my first response.