Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Psalm 84 Part 4

As we conclude our look at the benefits of pursuing a relationship with God, we want to look at verse 11. "For the Lord God is a sun and shield." This is a picture of God's overall provision and protection. First lets look at the benefit of God's provision. Else where in God's Word He promises that He will meet all of our needs according to His riches. The Bible tells us that He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. God will meet all of our needs, not all of our wants. I think sometimes we get these confused with each other and put more emphasis on our wants. Then when God does not give us what we want, we tend to question Him. No where in scripture will you find God saying I will give you what you want. I think all of us could live off a whole lot less than we think we can. But think about your needs, is God meeting them. I believe if you list out your needs (physical: food, water, housing, etc...) then God is indeed meeting your needs. Second lets look at God's protection. As you think of a shield it protects the individual from possibly being cut by a sword or being shot by an arrow. A shield protects from both seen and unseen things. God is our shield. He protects us from both seen and unseen things. We need to understand that Satan is very real. That there is a battle going on that we cannot begin to understand. A battle that takes place in the heavens. Satan wants to destroy your life. He will do whatever it takes to do so. I am so thankful that God is my shield. Because the Bible tells us that, "He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world." God is our sun and shield.

Father thank you for your provision and protection in my life. Thank you that I can trust you to meet all my needs and to protect my from my enemies.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Psalm 84 Part 3

As we continue to look at benefits of having a relationship with God built through an unswerving devotion. In verse 7 we find what I believe is a vital benefit of having a relationship with God. There is no doubt in any of our minds that this life is difficult. There is no doubt in any of our minds that following after God is difficult. But the fact of the matter is that if we try to live life and follow after God in our own strength, it is impossible. Cannot be done. You will never make it going at it alone. "They go from strength to strength." Strength, God's strength is must in our daily walk. I am reminded of Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." I am also reminded of John 15,”Apart from me (Jesus) you cannot do anything." What can't we do? Live for God and do works that please Him. David in verse 7 tells us that God gives us strength to face our pilgrimage (our life). I find that so incredible that God is willing to give us strength to succeed. In order to receive this strength we must like John the Baptist realizes that "I must decrease and He must Increase." We must come to the place where we realize we can’t do it alone. We must come to the place where we are constantly depending less and less on ourselves and more and more on God. That when we are faced with temptation or sin we realize God I need you, I can’t do this alone. This life is tough and living for God in this day and age is even tougher. That is why we must depend on Him. God's strength is sufficient and will help us to do all things.

Father today again I realize my total dependence on you. I realize that I cannot do one thing on my own. When I do try, I fail. You are all I need. Help me not to just say that, but live it.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Psalm 84 Part 2

As we continue to look at the benefits of seeking after God and the practice of godliness in our lives. We are going to look at verses 4-6. David uses the word “Blessed,” which means to be happy or overjoyed. When we seek after God and determine to develop a relationship with Him that is alive and vibrant, we will experience a joy that only comes from God. This happiness or joy is not necessarily a smile on your face all the time or a leap in your step everyday. What this joy promises is peace, contentment and a mindset that says no matter what comes my way I know God is in control. Are you experiencing that joy? Are you “Blessed”? Perhaps you need to evaluate your desire and practice of seeking God. Perhaps the two are tied together. Maybe you should ask if there is any unconfessed sin in your life that would be keeping you from seeking after God. Or maybe today you are facing a trial or a really rough time in your life that is keeping you from experiencing this joy. Look at verse six. Baca is a word that means weeping. Are you in the “Valley of Baca (weeping)”? The people turned their weeping into joy (a spring). How do we do this? Answer seek God, answer spend time with God by getting into the Word and on our knees in prayer. If you want to experience joy or true happiness then you must seek after God.

Father thank you for blessing us with joy as we seek you. Help us to seek you with all our heart and mind. Turn our weeping into joy and may our joy be found in time with you.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Psalm 84 Part 1

Today we are looking at the benefits of seeking after God. From this passage we want to see what blessings result from spending time with God. In verses one and two we find David’s desire to experience God's presence. "How lovely is your tabernacle". The tabernacle was the center of worship, because it enabled David to come into the presence of God. As you read these verses you can really get a feel of David’s intense desire to experience God's presence. Why? I guess the analogy I can think of is a baby. It is amazing to me if you set a baby down and leave them alone they begin to cry and fuss. But as soon as you pick them up they calm down and begin to snuggle right up to you. I guess in a lot ways that’s how I see God's presence. Often if a I feel alone or feel anxious about something or just feel lost. I want to run into the presence of God and just say hold me. How do we do that? By spending time with God. By getting into His Word, by prayer, by meditating on Him. David’s intense desire to experience God comes from is intense willingness to spend time with God. How intense in your desire to experience God's presence? How intense is your willingness to spend time alone with God? One blessing of seeking God is to experience His presence, to feel His loving arms of grace and mercy wrap around me. As I experience that presence I can rest knowing my God, my father is there.

Father thank you for your presence. Help us to have the same desire as David for your presence. Give us the determination to spend time with you no matter the cost.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

2 Chronicles 14-16 Part 4

I want to take you back to a verse that we looked at early this week and ask you to think about it one more time. Chapter 15 verse 2 says, "The Lord is with you while you are with Him. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you." I don't believe for one moment that God forsakes His children. But I can tell you this when we walk away from God and live for ourselves it feels like God has forsaken us when in fact it is us who has forsaken Him. Why does it feel that way, because our fellowship with Him is broken? Sin keeps us from deep communion with God. A wall has been built that separates us. In fact God is right there but He gives us the responsibility of choosing to follow Him or not. He will not force us; he will not make the decision for us. Its up to you and me to choose God way or ours. Today are you seeking Him? Would your lifestyle say that you are following Christ? Would your parents and siblings say that you are following Christ?

Father helps us to see the importance of living a godly life. Help us to realize that the choices we make will shape our lives. Give us strength to seek you.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

2 Chronicles 14-16 Part 3

We have been looking at the life of a king of had been seeking after God. As a result God was blessing him, just as the prophet told Asa. Now in chapter 16 we see something dramatic happen in the life of Asa. Asa decides to call on the aid of the king of Syria to help him in a struggle with the king of Israel. Asa sinfully trusted a pagan king to protect him instead of trusting in the God who had been blessing him. As a result Asa whole attitude changes and he becomes angry, and oppressive toward his people. Then if you look at verse 12 when he is severely ill the Bible says, "He did not seek the Lord." Wow what an amazing turn in this man's life. Asa once a man who practiced godliness is now practicing godlessness. A man who God had blessed is now being cursed. It’s hard to tell what happened that caused Asa to go from godliness to godlessness. Maybe in all the blessing he was experiencing he took for granted his daily walk with God. Obviously he took his focus off of God until he was not seeking Him any longer. How sad but often all too familiar. Just as the prophet said that as long as you seek God, He will be found. Stop seeking and He will be hidden. I guess the bottom line for us as believers is which do we want to experience? Which Asa will we be? An Asa who followed after God and was blessed even in the midst of trials? Or an Asa who followed after himself and faced great trials alone?

Father I realize that at times in my life I am much like Asa. At times very much following after you. Then at other times choosing my own way. Give me strength when I am faced with the temptation to live for myself. Help me to remember what you have done for me and may I be willing to choose to follow you.

Monday, August 13, 2007

2 Chronicles 14-16 Part 2

Wow what an incredible testimony of the work that God can do in the hearts of man. Chapter 15 gives to us an account of Asa’s practice of godliness that changed the heart of a nation. In verse 2 a prophecy is given to Asa. Wow what an incredible truth for us to practice. The Lord is with you while you seek Him. If you seek Him, He will be found, but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you. Wow what incredible truth. Wow what incredible promise. If we seek God, He will be found. And seek God is exactly what Asa did, with all his heart. Because of this a nation also was challenged to step up and did they ever. The nation responded and the people also turned to God. You see godliness not only affects you, but also affects those around you. The opposite is true as well. The practice of godlessness also will affect you and those around you. Its interesting but if you look at one of the practices of godliness that Asa did, was to remove all the idols or false gods out of the land. We have so many things in our lives that are pulling for our attention, so many of those things are things that will never last. God is eternal and seeking Him is eternal or will last forever, well beyond this life. What are you seeking with your life? What has your undivided attention? Does God? Today why not seek Him.

Father thank you that if I seek you, you will be found. Thank you that if I seek you, you will be with me. Give me the focus today to seek only you and to block out the distractions from finding you.

Friday, August 10, 2007

2 Chronicles 14-16 Part 1

Read 2 Chronicles 14-16

This week we conclude our look at how godliness is beneficial for all areas of life. This week we are going to look at an example from the Old Testament of a king whose practice of godliness not only affected him but affected an entire nation of people. King Asa became king over all of Judah. He was one of a very few kings who followed after God. In Chapter 14 we are introduced to him. The very first verse is a testimony of this king’s practice of godliness. He did what was right and good in the eyes of the Lord. But Asa did not just stop there. He did not simply just follow after God in word. He followed after God in what he did. The next verses spell it out for us as Asa rids the land of idols, alters to other gods. Then he commanded the people to seek after God and to obey the law and all the commandments. Then comes Asa's first big test as king. An army from Ethiopia is coming to attack. He takes his army out to fight. But before battle Asa seeks the Lords counsel. Guess what God gave them the victory. You may be thinking what does this have to do with me? Because of Asa's practice of godliness (seeking after God and desiring to please Him), God gave Asa victory over his enemies, and gave him the power to impact others around him. God will do the same for you. What enemies are you facing today? (Bad habits, loneliness, relationship problems, etc...) Are there those around you who need you to share Christ with them? God wants to use you to impact your friends. God wants to give you strength to face the enemies in your life and give you victory over them. Are you willing to seek God and please Him?

Father thank you that you give to us examples like Asa to see that godliness really does make a difference. Help us to seek after you and desire to please you in all we do. Help this practice to be more than just words, but help us to put it into practice

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Matthew 6:22-34 Part 4

Read Matthew 6:22-34

We have been looking at the value of godliness in all parts of our lives. Understanding that godliness is not just a Sunday church thing, but is an everyday lifestyle. Today we are going to see the key to living a lifestyle of godliness in verse 34. Seek first God's kingdom and His righteousness. What are you seeking in your life? Popularity, good grades, friends, a guy, a girl, be the best athlete, acceptance, etc...... Listen those things are not bad. Those things are what’s natural to seek. However the Bible tells us that if anything good or bad takes the place of God it is an idol. That’s when things like this become wrong. Because so much of our time can be dedicated to these that God gets pushed aside. That is wrong. Let me ask you a question. Do you think you can be a better student, athlete, friend with or without God? I guarantee that if you are trying to be a good student, athlete or friend without God then you are not being all you could be. Listen from every example in scripture when God was on a person side they did incredible things. The same God that they served is the same God that is saying seek first my kingdom and my righteousness. He is the same God that can do incredible things through you as well. Won't you seek Him? Won't you live for Him?

Father thank you for calling us to live at a higher standard. Thank you that when we seek you, you promise to go with us no matter what. Use us to our fullest potential and do great and mighty things through us.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Matthew 6:22-34 Part 3

Read Matthew 6:22-34
Right away when someone tells you that you must serve God and not man. People start to worry. Ok so your telling me that God will supply all my needs. That if I make Him my first priority He will completely take care of me. Yep that’s right folks you got it. And just to make a point of it. Jesus gives us the next word picture found in verses 25-30. He gives to us two pictures one of a bird (sparrow) and one of a flower (lily). He says hey why worry about what you will eat and where you will sleep look at the sparrow and the lily do I not take care of them. Then He asks the most important question. Verse 26, "Are you not more important then they?" Answer, duh of course we are more important then the birds or flowers. What a comfort to know that you are important to God. You and I have great value to God. So much so that He sent His son to die for us. Don’t you think that if God is that concerned about our spiritual life, that He is just as concerned about our physical life? God will take care of you. God will supply all of your needs. The question is we willing to live for Him? Are we willing to say ok God I will strive to be godly? God is willing are you?
Father today help us to be willing. Help us not to worry about this life. Give us strength to see that you are in control and that you will give us strength to face each day.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Matthew 6:22-34 Part 2

Read Matthew 6:22-34
Today as we continue to look at this passage. I want us to look at verse 24. Many people of that day were very religious. Another words they believed in God did what was necessary to be a good Jew like attend synagogue, do Passover and keep the law. However many of them were playing good Jew on Sabbath, but living like the world the rest of the time. So Jesus addresses this issue by comforting the practice of trying to serve both God and man. Understand a master is someone who is in control of another. Jesus says you can only serve one master, no one can serve two. He even goes on to say that you cannot serve God and man. Today we face similar challenges. So many are trying to be a good Christian on Sunday but live like they want the rest of the week. Jesus is saying this cannot be done. Question, who are you trying to serve? Serving man will only leave you empty. Serving God will always fill you up. Maybe as you think about this you need to just list out everything that takes up your time. Look at the list and ask which of these things are for God and which are for myself. Then ask which should I continue to do and which need to stop. Serving God is the greatest thing we can do with our lives because serving God is eternal.
Father thank you that you allow us to serve you. May we look at our lives and evaluate who we are serving. Cause us to see our need to serve you far above all other possibilities.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Matthew 6:22-34 Part 1

Read Matthew 6:22-34
This month we are looking at the value of godliness in every aspect of our lives. This week we are going to focus on the Sermon on the Mount. This was a sermon that Jesus gave to the people as they gathered to hear him speak. Today lets look at verses 22-23. As you read this you may get really confused. Don’t be, this is analogy, a word picture to make a point. Obviously a person who can see has the opportunity to see great color, light, and a vast array of different things. If someone’s eye is bad or blind they do not have the opportunity to see any of these things. They are in darkness. Same thing happens to us spiritually. If our spiritual hearts (our soul’s eye) is good then we are able to enjoy the things that God intends for us to enjoy. However if our hearts are bad (filled with sin) then we are unable to enjoy what God has for us. How does ones heart become good? Simple by acknowledging that you are sinner and accepting Jesus Christ as your lord and savior. A person’s heart is bad because of sin. Sin leads to death. Thus Jesus had to die for our sin. Because sin has a debt that must be paid. Jesus Christ paid that debt by dying on a cross. You see we do not have to live in darkness. Rather we can live in the light because Jesus is the light. Today have you stepped into the light or are you still living in darkness

Friday, August 03, 2007

Psalm 63 Part 4

Read Psalm 63

This week we have been asking you to evaluate your desire for God. Has your desire to know Him increased? Has it remained the same? Has it diminished? Often the reason desire does not grow is simply something is keeping it from growing. That something is sin. I once had a pastor friend write in the front of my Bible, "This book will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from this book." Is there something in your life that you have not confessed as sin? Is there something that only you and God know about that is keeping you from growing in desire for God? Listen if you are saved then that sin has already been forgiven. That sin has already been paid for. That sin has no need of keeping a hold on you. You have been set free from its bondage through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. However we still need to confess it as sin and agree with God that its wrong. Then deal with it. Listen either you will deal with sin or sin will deal with you. I have said it many times and I will say it again. Sin will take you further than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay and cost you more than you want to pay. Take time now and confess your sin to God. God promises that when we confess our sin He will forgive us and cleanse us.

Father thank you for giving your son to set up free from sin. Thank you that Jesus Christ willingly laid down His life to give us life. Help us to be willing to except what He did for us and willingly confess our sin. Thank you for making a way for us not to have to live under sins bondage.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Psalm 63 Part 3

Read Psalm 63

Alright I will move on from verse one. Sorry its just so rich with application. Lets check out verse 4 today and ask you a question. Who do you trust? Interestingly enough this verse is speaking to just that, trust. David writes, “I will lift up my hands in your name.” This is an old testament posture of prayer, the upheld hands pictured both the prayer being offered and the readiness to receive every good gift which comes from God. It was thus a posture of trust in God alone. I asked you earlier, “who do you trust?” Maybe I should have asked “should you trust anyone?” I will let that sink in a bit. Because I believe the answer is yes and no. Yes we should be willing to think the best of others. For instance I trust some of you to watch my children when my wife and I go on a date. However the reality is that because each of us is human we will fail. So my trust in you is really my trust in God that He will protect my kids even if you should fail while watching them. Do you see my point? The only one who we should completely trust knowing that He will never fail is God. Everyone else will fail, everyone else will let you down, everyone else has a problem and that is sin. God will not and cannot fail you or me. I say cannot because that would go against is very nature. The only limitation God has is He cannot do anything against His nature. Man I am so glad for that, wow.

Father thank you that you will never let me down. Thank you that I can trust you no matter what may come my way. Thank you that you love me and want what’s best for me.

Psalm 63 Part 2

We are continuing to evaluate our desire for God. As we look at this psalm check out once again verse one. Early will I seek God. Just a question, when do you seek God? Sundays, Wednesday nights, when we go on retreats or missions trips, when it’s convenient or easy. For David eagerness to be with the Lord was more in view than even the time of day. I am not suggesting that you have to seek God in the morning or afternoon or evening. However I am asking just when do you seek Him? Doesn’t it make sense that if we truly desire to be with Him, then we will make time to do so. Whether its morning or evening, at home or school, if God is our one desire we will do whatever it takes to be with Him, to get to know Him, to let Him speak to us. For David earlier the better was his life’s motto. This can be seen all throughout the book of Psalms. What we must do is find a time and then religious stick to it. Make an appointment with God and then keep it. Make yourself a sticky note reminder. Get an accountability partner who will keep your feet to the fire. Get in the practice of sharing what God is teaching you to others. Again do you desire to be with God? Prove it!!!

Father help us to seek you. Give us the determination that there is nothing better than knowing you. Remind us daily to follow after you.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Psalm 63 Part 1

This month we are going to be focusing on our devotion to God that is fueled by our desire for godliness in our lives. That devotion begins with a desire to know God. One of the greatest passages that express our hearts attitude toward knowing God is found in Psalm 63. David is writing this psalm while he is in the wilderness of Judah. What I find amazing is that even while David is experiencing a great trial, he is deeply devoted to seeking God. As you read just look at how deeply he longs to be with God. David is writing in the first person. Over and over you see if say “I” this or that. I wonder could you write something similar. Could I? In the very first verse David says, “O God, You are my God.” Who or what is your God? For some of us its our schedule, for others a relationship. What is it for you? Listen whatever is our God is what we will pour our lives into. It will be that thing that consumes our time, money and minds. David at the onset of this great psalm identifies God as his God. Maybe today we need to evaluate our lives and ask what or who is our God?

Father today may we have the desire to pursue only you. Help us to look within our hearts and be confident that we are serving only you. You alone deserve our time, money, and minds. Find us faithful today.

Monday, July 30, 2007

1 Timothy 4:7b-16 Part 4

As Paul closes his encouragement to Timothy. He gives to him several more area in which to practice godliness. Really there areas that as they are practiced will build godliness into your life. First he says give special attention to God’s Word. He says read it, meditate on it and share it. These are all practices that every believer must do in order to maintain godliness. Also he says do not neglect that gift that you have received. Each one of us when we get saved received a special ability from the Holy Spirit. That gift is to be used for God’s glory and for the building up of the church. The way you find out what gift you have is to get involved in ministry. Again this is vital to living out a life for God. Because God calls each of us to serve. God wants each one of us to get involved in ministry to others.

Father thank you that you give us the giftedness to serve you. Thank you for your Word that encourages and builds us up to do the work you call us to do. Father help us to spend time in your word and to exercise our gift.

Friday, July 27, 2007

1 Timothy 4:7b-16 Part 3

Paul not only exhorts Timothy that he should be striving daily to live a godly life. He also tells him how. I love that about Paul. Maybe I should say I love that about God. Because God is the one who inspired Paul to write. God will convict us or encourage us to live in such a way. But he never leaves us hanging. He gives to us clear direction of just how we can live a godly life. In verse 12 Paul gives Timothy some very practical areas to live out godliness. Paul says be an example in speech (the way and the words you talk), in conduct (the way you live your life, the places, the people, the activities), in love (self-sacrificing service of others), in faith (faithfulness or commitment) and in purity (sexual purity). As you look at these five, ask yourself which am I doing well in being an example? Which areas do I need to improve in? Again understanding that God’s desire is for us to live godly we need to understand that each one of these areas is vital in doing so. So as you look ask God to show you the answers to the above questions.

Father thank you that you call us to live a godly life. Thank you that you show us how and in what ways we should pursue. Help us as we look at our lives to be honest and be willing to take the steps necessary to fulfill your desire for our lives.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

1 Timothy 4:7b-16 Part 2

Today as we continue to look Paul confirms our truth that godliness permeates every aspect of our lives. Look at verse 8. Godliness is profitable for all things. As Paul continues to encourage Timothy that one of his life long pursuits is to be godliness he emphasizes the impact of that pursuit. Notice Paul does not say it will profit for the present time only, but Paul make careful reference to the life to come. What is that life? That life is eternity. What is eternity? Eternity is life that never ends. Understand whether you die knowing Christ or not the Bible teaches that your soul (the real you) will live on for all of eternity. That eternity will be spent in one of two places. Either you will spend eternity together with God in heaven or you will spend eternity separated from God in hell. That is why it matters whether or not you pursue godliness now. Because what you do know will determine your place of residence for eternity. I love the line from the movie Gladiator, “Brothers what we do now will echo into eternity.” How true what you and I sink our lives into now in this life will have a direct influence on our eternity. Where will you spend eternity? What are doing to ensure your residence for eternity?

Father I pray that I will be reminded daily that my actions by pursuits will play a huge role in my eternal home. Thank you that because of your son I know I will spend eternity with you. May you evaluate our hearts today and find that we are pursuing godliness.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

1 Timothy 4:7b-16 Part 1

This week we begin a new series on understanding that godliness permeates every aspect of life, that Christianity is not just a Sunday thing. As we begin think about this, “Does my relationship with Christ reflect a Sunday only lifestyle? In this passage Paul is writing to Timothy giving him instruction on identifying false teachers. In verse seven, Paul writes, “exercise yourself toward godliness.” First we need to understand godliness. Godliness is a right attitude and response toward God. It is a mindset that focuses on pleasing God and wanting to bring Him glory. Paul is telling Timothy that this is to be a constant pursuit of his life. Exercise is not just something you do once and and hope you get in shape. Exercise must be done regularly if one pursues being in shape. Here Paul is saying you must regularly exercise your faith in order to be godly, in order to focus on God and His desires for your life. Question, how often are you exercising your faith? How much time do you spend in God’s gym in order to get in shape spiritually? To really understand that godliness permeates every aspect of life can only come about as one exercises their faith.

Father teach us to exercise our faith. Help us to become spiritually fit. Give us a desire to be godly and the determination to do whatever it takes to be godly.

Friday, July 13, 2007

1 Peter 1:22-2:10 Part 4

The fourth and final picture of unity is a picture of people of the same nation. In verse nine Peter eludes to it with his statement of “a holy nation.” We are all people of God if we have come to know Christ as our savior. In this passage Peter gives to us one last practice for unity, Mercy. Mercy by definition is not getting what we deserve. Think about that in light of our interaction with each other. How often do we want to get back at someone who has done something to us? Maybe I should ask how often we think that way. Have you ever been guilty of treating someone differently because of what they may have done to you? I know I have. But in this passage Peter makes clear to us the reason we show mercy. Because we have been shown mercy. Just imagine if God decided to give to us what we deserve. Guess what we all would be dead. Each of us deserves death because of our sin. Death is the penalty for sin. However, God saw fit for each of us to experience life through His son. God poured out His wrath on Jesus so that we can have life and have it more abundantly. Why should we be merciful? Because we have been shown mercy and that is reason enough.

Father help me to be merciful. Help me to look at others that way you see them. Remind me daily that you have shown me mercy. Let that reminder be reason enough for me to show mercy.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

1 Peter 1:22-2:10 Part 3

Read 1 Peter 1:22-2:10

Today we are going to look at the third picture of unity. This picture is one of priests. Specifically priest serving in the same temple. Peter in verse nine calls us all priests, priests of the most high God. It is interesting but the word proclaim is found no where else in the new testament except this verse. It means to tell something not otherwise known. The something is the praise of Him (Jesus Christ). I really think this can be looked at in two ways. First in order for us to maintain unity in our ministry we must praise God together. Singing is one aspect of that and that is why it is so important that we sing together. But also we need to just talk about what Christ has done in our lives in our everyday conversations. Second I think this means we need to share Christ with the outside world. We need to share the gospel with our unsaved friends, neighbors, everyone who does not know the truth. Our ministry needs to be reaching out to others with the gospel in order for us to be in unity. Again I ask what am I, what are you doing to spread unity in our ministry? I find that incredible. So often when you think about unity you think what we need to do within our group to build it. But here in this verse Peter encourages us to look outside of our group.

Father thank you for entrusting us to proclaim your son. Thank you for the opportunities we have to sing your praises. Help us to be willing to proclaim your son to this lost and dying world. As we do would you draw us closer in unity to each other.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

1 Peter 1:22-2:10 Part 2

As we look at each picture of unity, I hope that you are evaluating yourself in light of each picture. Today we look at the second picture of unity found in verses four through eight. The second picture is that of stones in the same building. In this passage we are called living stones that are part of a living house. That house is the body of Christ. Like with any house the foundation is the key to the stability of the entire house. What Peter is saying here is of extreme importance in understanding and maintaining unity within our youth ministry. We are called living stones that are being built up into a spiritual house. Notice who is the chief cornerstone. Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone. What is a cornerstone? It is the stone that sets the foundation and squares the whole building. In order of our ministry to experience unity we must base everything we do on Jesus Christ. Not on any other person or program or activity. This ministry is not about me or you, it is to be all about Jesus Christ. Why? Because when Christ is at the center it affects everything we do, the way we treat each other, the way we treat those who come into our ministry and the way we see ourselves.

Father thank you for sending your son to give us life. Thank you that He is the reason we can experience unity in our ministry and lives. Help us to keep our focus on Him. Help us never to put someone else or something else in His place.

Monday, July 09, 2007

1 Peter 1:22-2:10 Part 1

This week we are going to look at four pictures of unity from 1 Peter. Unity if a vital part of our youth ministry and should be a vital part of each of our lives as well. Unity is something each one of us should strive for as directed by Gods Word. As we look at this passage ask yourself, “What am I doing to promote unity in my life and in our youth ministry?” The first picture is that of children of the same family. Verses twenty two through chapter two verse three. Peter describes us as brothers loving one another with a pure heart born again into God’s family. What does it take to be a part of this family? Simple you must be first born again. To be born again means to accept Jesus Christ as your savior. Listen you cannot promote unity in our ministry if you are not a part of the family of God. The only way that will happen is if you are following Christ as your savior. Then Peter gives us some practices to build unity within this family. Lay aside or do not practice, malice (evil), deceit (lying), hypocrisy (two faced), envy (wanting what others have), evil speaking (gossip, back stabbing, tearing each other down). Rather we should practice using and applying Gods’ Word. This is the only way that we can grow together and individually. How much time do you spend reading God’s Word? Why is that important, because depending on how much time you spend is the amount of energy you give to promoting unity. Again ask yourself, “What am I doing to promote unity in my life and the life of the youth ministry?”

Father thank you for this day. Help us to desire to know you more so that we can make you more fully known to others. Give us the determination to spend time in your Word and then apply it to our lives.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Psalm 24 Part 4

Today we turn again back to the creator. But in the next few verses we see our God as more than a creator. In the next two verses 7-8 we see God as strong and mighty, mighty in battle. As I think about this I picture a soldier of old decked out with sword and shield ready to fight. I believe that is exactly what David is giving us a picture of in this passage. How awesome that we have a warrior on our side? God is the one who wants to fight our battles. God is the one who wants to lead the charge against the forces of Satan. He will not let us go at it along. He is ready to defend us from Satan and his desire to destroy us. Are you facing a battle today? Why not let the God who is mighty in battle take up arms for you and fight? Why not let the all powerful God fight in your place? To often we want to go it alone. What a mistake. God is ready to fight, He is ready to conquer.

Father thank you for defending me against the evil one. Thank you for giving me strength to overcome the battles that I face. Thank you that I do not face the battle alone.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Read Psalm 24

Now we turn from looking at our creator to looking at our own hearts. David first draws us to worshipping the creator over the creation. Now he poses a question, who may truly worship the creator? All of us should look to the creator rather than His creation. However not all have the ability to truly worship Him in spirit and truth. We as believers have access to God’s throne room through Jesus Christ. However many of us do not have complete fellowship with Him because of sin. David asks the question and delivers the answer. He whose hands are clean and whose heart is pure. Clean from what? Pure from what? Sin. Sin that continues without being confessed. Are you able to ascend the hill of the Lord? Are you able to worship God in spirit and in truth? Do you have sin in your life that you have not confessed? Why? You have already been forgiven of it; you just simply need to confess it to God and deal with it. What’s the result of dealing with sin? David writes you shall be blessed. Wow what an incredible promise from God that he would bless us for dealing with sin and worshipping Him. Tell which would you rather have God’s blessing or His curse?

Father today I choose your blessings. Help me to recognize sin and deal with it immediately. Thank you that I can ascend your holy hill with confidence in knowing that you desire to be in fellowship with me.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Psalm 24 Part 1

This week we are going to look at Psalm 24. As you are reading this throughout the week ask yourself, what does God want me to learn from this passage? You will find that as you make yourself available to learn that God will answer this question. So let’s look at the passage. Today I want to focus on verses 1-2. I think to often we forget this very important truth, that this world in which we live is God’s. He created it, He planned it, and He is the one who gave each of us life. Often I believe that people think that this world is ours and ours alone to enjoy. Why because to often people are worshipping the creation rather than the creator. I have seen this true even among Christians. Who for whatever reason will put God’s creation before the Creator. How often do we give thanks to God for creating the grass, or trees or beautiful flowers that pop up in the spring? How often do we give thanks for rain or the snow? I don’t know about you but often I take these for granted. Often I complain about getting to much rain or not enough rain. Often I complain about it getting to hot or not hot enough. God has created this world in which we live and wants us to enjoy His creation, but not at he expense of forgetting the creator. Today may we strive to remember all God has done for us.

Father thank you for the beauty of your creation. Thank you for allowing us to enjoy your creation. Help us never to forget you. Help us never to take you for granted. May we each day be reminded how great and powerful you are.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

1 Samuel 17 Part 3

Today as we conclude this week on David and Goliath we also conclude our month of looking at God’s character. Today look specifically at verses 49-58. God comes through just as David said. God delivered Goliath into the hands of this young man. God always comes through no matter the circumstance or issue. God always prevails, always comes through just in time. You may say why does this matter in my pursuit of Godliness? Understand if you pursue Godliness, if you pursue God He will come and meet with you. When we pursue Godliness in our life God will always work all things to good. That what Romans 8:28 if all about. God works all things to the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Just as David pursued God and trusted God to do as He said. We also can trust God that as we pursue Him, He will come through for us. Just remember that sometimes we limit the good He promises to only things that make me feel good or seem to better me in some way. Don’t forget God’s ways are not ours nor His thoughts my own. Example my brother Nathan that passed away from cancer. We had prayed for years that he would get better, and then he died. Some said that God did not answer our prayer. In some ways they were right, he did not answer it the way we wanted it answered. In some ways they were dead wrong. When my brother died he was completely healed of cancer. Sure I miss him, but God’s plan was different from mine and yet it turned out to the good.

Father help me to keep your will in mind as I seek you. Thank you that you promise that if we will pursue you, you will work all things out to the good. Help me to see the good you have for my life and not limit you to the good I only think is possible.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

1 Samuel 17 Part 3

Trust God lately? Trusting God is key to living out our faith. What good is it to have faith in God and not trust Him? God’s design for each of our lives is to trust and obey for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey. Trusting in God was a major practice of David’s life. Today in verses 45-47 we find David expressing great trust in God. Why would David say such things if he did not believe and trust that God would fulfill them? David’s stand for God is amazing. Just think he is facing a giant and an entire army by himself. The giant makes fun of David but more importantly makes fun of God. Then David responds with verses 45-47. Wow what boldness, what incredible willingness to stand up and proclaim the truth. I wonder do I, do you trust God enough to stand and proclaim the truth. Or do we tuck tail and run from the opportunity? David boldly stood and proclaimed the truth to perhaps thousands without fear. What amazing faith this young man had. Today are you willing to stand for Christ and proclaim truth to whomever may come across your path. Our God is big enough to give you strength to do so and the words to share to make a difference for Him.

Father today help me stand for you. Give me the right words to say just as you gave David as he stood before Goliath and the army of Philistines. Help me to trust that you are in control and that you will do as you have said.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

1 Samuel 17 Part 2

Today we will continue to look at the story of David and Goliath. So how have you done this past day in looking to God instead of looking at your issues? David as we know beats Goliath and ends up becoming King of Israel. But did you know in the midst of this battle that David ran to battle Goliath. Wow he actually in verse 48 ran into battle. I don’t know about you but most of the time I want to run away from the battle. I want to tuck tail and just hide like the rest of the army. Why is that? Is it because I am afraid of the outcome. Maybe its because I really do not trust that God has His best in mind for me. Maybe its that I don’t really believe that God is big enough to handle the situation. Whatever it is the verse that keeps going through my mind is “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” So here we have a young man who is running to battle a giant of a man. Not taken with fear or lack of trust but quite the opposite is totally believing that God would deliver him. But what if God chose not to give David the victory? What if God allowed David to have been killed? Do you think David with that in mind would still do it? I believe he would and did. As any of us would think it, I believe so did David. Just remember David did not have 1 Samuel to read and find out what happens. Yet he runs into battle to face Goliath. Man what incredible faith, what incredible trust he had in our God. Today do you trust God to deliver you? Are you willing to run into battle to face whatever may come your way knowing God is right there no matter the outcome?

Father give us strength today and the determination to follow you. Help us to trust you in every circumstance of life. Help us to look to you to be our deliverer and not to our own strength.

Friday, June 15, 2007

1 Samuel 17 Part 1

This week we continue in our theme of being Godly by looking at God’s character. We must understand and apply God’s character to our lives in order to live a Godly life. You cannot possibly live a Godly life apart from God. God must be at the center of your life. This week we are going to look at a young man who lived a Godly life with God at the center of his life. You probably all know the story of David and Goliath. A familiar story that we have been told over and over from the time we could understand it. This week we want you to put yourself in David’s shoes. Think about what David must have been thinking, feeling and struggling with in order to live a Godly life. You know the story David is sent to give food to his brothers, hears Goliath bad mouthing God, volunteers to fight Goliath and then kills Goliath. But there is so much more to this story. I want us to focus on verse 33. Saul takes one look at David and decides you cant fight Goliath you are just a youth. Guess what Saul was right. Problem is that Saul was judging the outward appearance instead of understanding David’s heart. The Israelites really struggled with this, they would define an individual based on outward appearance. That is why Goliath was so intimidating to them. Rightfully so, but they never even considered what God could do. So alone comes David who’s heart beats for God and God uses him to do incredible things. Have you been guilty of this? Looking at a situation and only focusing on the problem instead of looking to God.

Father today as I face difficult situations may I instead of focusing on the problem may I look to the solution. Help me to be like David and look only to you to fight my battles. Help me to rely on you and not myself to face my struggles. Today may I be found faithful in taking my problems to you.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

1 Corinthians 13 Part 4

Today as we conclude our look at 1 Corinthians 13, I want us to look at verse 13. The greatest of all virtues is love. Why? Isn’t faith vital to our Christian walk? Isn’t hope vital to our eternal destiny? Yes but realize that love encompasses faith and hope. Love believes all things and hopes all things. Think about this faith and hope have no purpose in heaven, where everything true will be known and everything good will be possessed. Love is the greatest because its eternal, even in this temporal life it is the greatest. Love is the greatest because it outlasts all virtues but also because it is the most God-like of all virtues. God does not have faith or hope, however God is love. We must understand that without faith we would not be able to fully experience or comprehend God’s love for us. Without hope we would be most miserable. The reason we have faith and the reason we have hope is because of God’s love for us. Without God’s love we are in no need of faith or hope. God’s love is what calls us to faith in Him and the hope that one day we will be with Him. Today may we walk in His love and allow God to fill our hearts with faith and hope as we experience Him.

Father thank you for loving me so much that you sent your son to die for me. Thank you for giving me hope through your son and thank you. Today may I walk in you. May I experience you throughout this day. May I express your love to others. Live in me today and may I live in you.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

1 Corinthians 13 Part 3

As we look again at God’s character through the love chapter. I want us to focus on verse eight specifically “love never fails.” Again taking out the word love and replace it with God, “God never fails.” Think about that God has never failed and never will. God has always been and will always be. Everything in the Bible has come true. Even in our lives He has never failed. He has never failed in meeting our needs. He has never failed in giving us strength to face trials. He has never failed in any part of my life. Honestly, if anyone has failed it is that I have failed God. Oh how often do I fall short and let my Heavenly father down. God has never failed nor will He. You can bank on that and trust that He will always be there for you and me. So today as you go throughout your day hold onto God’s character and realize that He will never fail you.

Father today give me the understanding and determination to trust in you. Help me to see who you are and what you want to do in my life today. Today may I catch a glimpse of you.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

1 Corinthians 13 Part 2

As we continue to look at God’s character this week through 1 Corinthians 13. Ask yourself does my character reflect God’s? Could I put my name in the place of the word love in this chapter and it would describe me? Today lets focus on verse 6. Specifically “love does not seek its own.” Wow that’s a tuffy. Especially when something tragic happens in our life, or we have been praying for God to answer one way and He answer another. God does not seek His own. He is not self-centered. He always has our best in mind and wants us to enjoy the fullness of life. That is extremely difficult for us to understand because we (at least I do) struggle with always putting others before myself. So many times I think about how this will impact me, or what will happen to me. God is all about others. So much so that He sent Jesus to die on a cross for our sin. God loves you and me and proved that love through His son.

Father today help me to love like you. Help me to get my focus off myself and on to you. I must admit that so many times I put myself ahead of others. Help me to become more and more others centered as I desire to follow you.

Monday, June 11, 2007

1 Corinthians 13:1-13 Part 1

Read 1 Corinthians 13:1-13

This month we are starting a new series based on God’s Character. We are looking at passages that deal with God’s character in order to better understand His call for Godliness in our own lives. This week we will look at 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. As you read this passage take out the word love and replace it with “God”. Today I want us to look specifically at verse 4. Think about this God is patient. Wow how awesome. Could you imagine if God wasn’t patient? We would be in some serious trouble. So many times I mess up and fall prey to sin and yet God still uses me. So many times I reject God’s best and yet He still blesses me. Why? If God wasn’t patient with me, I would have been done a long time ago. However, “God is patient”, He wants what’s best for me. He longs to use me and bless me and in spite of my short comings, He does.

Father, thank you for being patient with me. Thank you that you don’t give me what I deserve. Thank you that you use me and bless me in spite of what I do. You are great and greatly to be praised.

Friday, June 08, 2007

1 Peter 1:13-19 Part 4

Today as we conclude this week’s look at Godliness. I want us to focus on verse 17. I know it seems like we are backtracking. That’s because we are, duh. Verse 17 has a very important phrase in it, “conduct yourselves throughout the time of your stay here in fear.” Are we on vacation? This verse is referring to your life. Your stay here refers to the time you have been allowed to live on this planet. Most people would say oh just live it up when your young and then when you get older you can get serious about things of God. But notice something it does say anything about age or when. It just simply says your stay here. If you have ever thought that its ok to do whatever you want when you are young you need to understand that the Bible does not teach that concept. However it does say live your life in fear. Fear of what? God, but this is not a fear that would hinder you like being afraid of the dark or a monster or a scary movie. This is a fear that drives us closer to God. This fear is a reverence, an awe of something. We need to live our lives in reverence of God. We need to live our lives understanding what God has done. The reason we jump back to this verse is because this week we have looked at things God has done and this should drive us to fear or stand in awe of how great God is.

Father today help me to live for you. Give me strength to face each day knowing that you are right there.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

1 Peter 1:13-19 Part 3

Today as we continue to look at Godliness. I want us to focus on verse 18-19. Why should we be holy as God is holy? Answer verse eighteen and nineteen. The word redeemed means to buy back something from bondage by the payment of a price or to set free by paying a ransom. Peter wants to make clear that you and I were not bought with earthly things like silver or gold. Rather we were redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. You may ask what we were redeemed from. Great question, the answer is a life of sin and separation from God for eternity. Jesus Christ paid our debt on the cross. He gave His life to redeem or pay our ransom. We owe the ransom (the debt for sin) which is death, but Jesus took it upon Himself to pay it for us. That should cause us to stop and praise Him. That should cause us to stop and count the cost of serving Him. Dying for me was the most He could do, living for Him is the least I can do. Are you living for Him today?

Father thank you for the cross. Thank you for the cross my friend. Thank you for paying my ransom. Thank you for giving your life willingly that I might find and have life for all eternity. Today help me to live for you.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

1 Peter 1:13-19 Part 2

Today we continue to look at Godliness by seeing God’s character. Today we focus on verse 15. “Be Holy as I am Holy”. Wow what a call on our life. Ok God you stepped over the limit now. How on earth is that possible? Answer you can’t. However God can and will through you. First lets look at what does the word holy mean. The idea of holiness is living a life of right choices or righteousness. The problem is that often we base righteousness on what we do. Righteousness should always be based on what God can do through you. Realize this you can’t make one right decision spiritually without God. That’s right; if you try you will end up a Pharisee. Someone who looks good spiritually on the outside, but inside is hollow. Obviously God has never made a wrong choice. Odds are if making right choices is based on God, you can never go wrong. Question is when we make choices are they “holy” or maybe another way to say it is, “Is this what God would have me do?” So how do you know what God would do? Three words, “READ THE BIBLE”.

Father today as I strive to be holy. I must admit that this is difficult. Help me to lean on you and not myself. Give me the determination to spend time reading the Bible so that I might know what you would do in any situation. Then as I discover it, help me to live it out.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

1 Peter 1:13-19

Today we are focusing on God’s character and does my character reflect His. So as you read this passage look for God’s character and ask, “Does my life reflect His character?” Today I want us to focus on verse 13. “Gird up the loins of your mind”, “What is that?” you may ask. Great question. Back in the day when this was written people went strolling around in long robes that were very hard to move fast. So in order to move fast they would Gird up their loins, (gather up their robe). Here it is used as a word picture for our mind or thought process. Peter is challenging us to pull in all the loose ends of our thinking by rejecting the worlds ideas and focusing on God’s. Specifically focusing on God’s grace through His son Jesus Christ. Grace is giving to us something that we don’t deserve. Jesus Christ gave His life so that we can have a relationship with God the Father. We don’t deserve that gift. We deserve death, but God’s grace gives us the opportunity of living. Two things to think about from this verse: #1 What is my mind focused on? The World or God #2 Do I extend grace toward others (give others what they don’t deserve). Like doing a chore for my brother or sister even though they would never do it in return. Today may we understand to truly be Godly we must be willing to live like God would live.

Father today give me the strength to live for you. Its so tough trying to be godly in a godless society. I need you help, I need your strength. Teach me to be gracious toward others. Teach me to focus on you and what you would have me do.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Acts 16:16-34

This week we are going to finish are series on trials as we look at a story of two men who faced trials. As you read this week look for their heart attitude in the midst of the trial and ask yourself does that reflect yours? Today I want us to focus on Paul and Silas’s trial. They have been preaching the gospel in Philippi. They also have been doing miracles in people’s lives. As they have been doing this a girl who is possessed by a demon as been following them and shouting at the top of her lungs, “These men are servants of the most High God and they proclaim the way of salvation to us.” Now you can imagine if you were Paul and Silas what would you do? Well Paul got annoyed by her and cast the demon out of her. Well this ticked the slave girl’s owners off, because she was making some serious money for them because she could tell the future. So they had Paul and Silas arrested. After they were arrested they we flogged and beaten and then thrown into jail. Wow I cant even imagine what that would be like. Here are two guys doing ministry for God and they end up getting beaten and thrown in jail. How would you respond to that? Later this week we are going to see just how they responded to this trial. But for now think about yourself, how do you respond in the face of trials?

Father my prayer is that I would respond with a heart of joy resting in you. But I have to admit that my flesh wants to cry out why me, why this, why now? Today give me the strength to have a heart that would respond correctly.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Acts 12:5-19

This week we conclude our series on persecution by looking at what can we do for the persecuted church around the world. Today we are going to look at what the church was doing while Peter was in prison. King Herod had Peter put into prison and was going to execute him just has he had done to James. Notice in verse 5, “Constant prayer was offered to God by the church.” Maybe as you have been confronted with persecution this week your asking, “What can I do for people in China, or some other country?” That’s a great question. Simple answer is pray. The Bible is clear that there is power in prayer. To often I think we look at prayer as the last resort. It really should be our first response. The church prayed for Peter and as we will look at later things happened. Sometimes its weird for me to think that prayer would really do anything. I mean God could do it on His own without us praying. But never forget God gives to us certain responsibilities and for some reason God wants us to pray and request of Him to act. Would God have acted if no one prayed? I don’t know, sure its possible. The Bible says “you receive not, because you ask not, ask the Lord of the Harvest and He will give generously to you.” I am convinced that pray needs to be a regular part of my daily time with God. Today as you think about this stop and take time to pray for persecuted Christians all around the world. Pray for a good friend of mine. Troy is a missionary to people groups who have never heard the gospel. He has encountered head hunters and cannibals as you shares the good news of Christ with them. Pray for his safety. Pray that God would speak through him into the hearts of these undetached people groups.

Father today may you make prayer more of a priority in my life. Help me to not look at it as a last resort, but rather my first response.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

1 Corinthians 13:1-13

This month we are starting a new series based on God’s Character. We are looking at passages that deal with God’s character in order to better understand His call for Godliness in our own lives. This week we will look at 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. As you read this passage take out the word love and replace it with “God”. Today I want us to look specifically at verse 4. Think about this God is patient. Wow how awesome. Could you imagine if God wasn’t patient? We would be in some serious trouble. So many times I mess up and fall prey to sin and yet God still uses me. So many times I reject God’s best and yet He still blesses me. Why? If God wasn’t patient with me, I would have been done a long time ago. However, “God is patient”, He wants what’s best for me. He longs to use me and bless me and in spite of my short comings, He does.

Father, thank you for being patient with me. Thank you that you don’t give me what I deserve. Thank you that you use me and bless me in spite of what I do. You are great and greatly to be praised.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

John 14:1-7

Read John 14:1-7

Today as we wrap up our look at passages dealing with cross. We are going to look at a passage that immediately follows Jesus telling His disciples what will happen to Him. They are troubled, because Jesus has told them that He is going to die. In this short passage Jesus gives to us a promise, just as He gave it to the disciples. That promise is Heaven. That one day we can be with Jesus in Heaven. That if we simply put our faith in trust in Him that He has prepared a place for us. Wow what an incredible promise that we can hold onto and know that God cares not only for this life but for the one to come. That one day we will see Jesus face to face. That one day we will experience His presence with no distractions. That one day we will never have to deal with sin and its effects on us. Wow what a day that will be. One question, do know Him?

Father thank you for the promise of Heaven. Thank you for sending your son to make that promise a reality. Today may live as though you are returning at any moment.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Luke 18:31-34

As we continue to look at passages dealing with the cross. We look now to the New Testament. In this passage Jesus foretells of His death and resurrection. He is telling His disciples. I want you to look at verse 34. At first when I read this I was like, “WHAT? They don’t get it, how can that be?” The reality is though that these guys like many unbelievers just don’t get it. This really encouraged me when it comes to witnessing. Think about this here are twelve guys who have spent tons of time with Jesus and they don’t understand what He is talking about, sound familiar. Maybe you have been sharing Christ with a friend or relative and they just don’t get it. Take heart neither did the disciples. It wasn’t till they actually experienced it, that they finally got it. Even Thomas did not get it till He actually saw proof that Jesus was alive. Remember that witnessing is a process that happens over time. Some will get it sooner than others. But in the end its God’s desire that every man gets it. So do not lose heart in sharing Christ. Your friends or family may not get it right away, but neither did those who were closest to Jesus. In the end they got it and did incredible things for God.

Father today help me to rest in you. Help me to not lose sight of the great work you did in my life in drawing me to you. Help my friends and family to understand who you and what you did for me. Help them to except the truth and turn their lives over to you.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Psalm 22

This passage is another in our week long series on prophecies dealing with the cross and Jesus. The New Testament contains 15 messianic quotations (Christ said it) from this psalm. Some in the early church called it the “fifth gospel”. As you read it David is writing about himself, but obviously with his knowledge or not he is writing about Jesus Christ. Have you ever felt like David in verse one? God where are you, God why have you left me alone. Jesus did. This verse is a verse that Jesus quoted right from the cross. But, Jesus had a right to say it. Because God did turn His back on His son. Because Jesus became sin for us, God could not look on Him for He is Holy. We however have no right to say it, because God will never turn His back on you and me. First of all He promised He would never leave us nor forsake us. Second when we except Christ as our savior God looks down on us and sees the blood of His son covering us, thus making us perfect in His sight. If it hadn’t been for Christ becoming sin and bearing the weight of sin on His shoulders, God would never be able to look at us and call us His children. Later on if you notice in verse 21, David says “You have answered me”. Often the reason we feel God has left us, is because we have left Him. David then in the next 10 verses spends time praising God for His promises and His presence. Today maybe we need to spend time praising God for the work He has done in our lives.

Father thank you for the cross. Thank you that you never turn your back on us. Thank you that you are always there and that if I am willing I can experience your presence all throughout the day. Give us strength today and help us to look to you each moment.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Isaiah 53 Part 1

With Easter being this week, I want to focus on passages that deal with the cross and its significance in our lives. Today as you read Isaiah 53 please note that this is an Old Testament prophecy of Christ written some 500 years before Christ ever was born. Today I want us to focus on verse 6. As I read this I reminded of how great a price Christ paid and how undeserving I am. We all have sinned (gone astray); we all do our own thing and deny Christ as Lord. Yet instead of putting the punishment on us that we deserve. God the father chose to place it upon His son. You and I deserve death and eternal separation from God because of our sin. You and I deserve to be the one that hung on that cross. But you and I could have never done it. Christ is the only one who never sinned, the only one who could pay the debt of sin. So God the father laid our sin on His son. Thanks be to God for His mercy and grace. Thanks be to God that He made a way through Jesus to have a relationship with Him. Thanks be to God that Jesus was willing to lay down His life for us. The least we can do is lay down our life for Him. How many times do I allow excuses to keep me from serving Him? Imagine if Jesus said I don’t feel like dying for them. Imagine if Jesus said I don’t have time, to many other things to do.

Father, thank you for the cross. Thank you for you son. Forgive me for so many times allowing excuses to keep me from serving you. Today give me the determination to serve you faithfully. Remind me of the price your son paid to set me free.

Friday, May 18, 2007

2 Chronicles 20:1-30 Part 4

Today we conclude our story of King J. In verses 24-30 we find what happens to the armies that are coming to attack. The Bible says all were dead not one escaped. Then the people began to take their plunder from the armies. This was what happened after and army defeated another they would take their gold, and weapons and horses, whatever was left over. The Bible says that there was so much it took three days to remove it all. After that the people rejoiced and spent time praising and thanking God. Wow what an incredible story of a man who relied on God, God spoke, King J listened and obeyed and God blessed them far beyond what they ever expected. God will do the same for you. But the catch is that we listen and obey God. As we do God pours out His blessing upon us. Today are experiencing God’s blessing or not?

Father I want follow after you. I admit that at times it is difficult. The pull of this world upon me is great. The pull of my own human weaknesses is greater. I praise you because you are greater than both. Give me the strength to obey and the determination to follow no matter the outcome.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

2 Chronicles 20:1-30 Part 3

As we continue is the story of King J. We have seen that King J set his eyes on the Lord. We know that has he did God gave to him very clear direction. And now in verses 18-23 we see the people reaction to God call. They left for the battle as they are heading to war they are singing praises to God and praying and seeking the face of God. What I find interesting is look at what God does in verse 22-23. The Bible says God set up ambushes for the armies that were coming to attack Judah. God causes the other armies to battle each other. Wow how awesome is that. God gave a command with promise and God delivered. All of this took place while the people were heading to war. All of this took place as the people were singing praises to God. All of this took place as the people were obedient in doing what God called them to do and God delivered. Why is it vital that we set our eyes on the Lord? Why is it important that we obey His call? Because God wants to deliver in your life and mine!!! Today have you set your eyes on the Lord? Are you obeying His call on your life?

Father today I want to see you. I want to obey you. But I must admit I get distracted, I get weary. Give me strength today and the determination to do whatever you call me to do today. Help my attitude to be one that honors you.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

2 Chronicles 20:1-30 Part 2

Yesterday we met a king who loved God and desired to follow after Him. Today I want us to look at verses 13-17. This is God’s response to the people and King J. This response is so wild. God tells them not to be afraid because this battle is not theirs but God’s. In verse 17 God tells them you will not have to fight this battle. Wow can you imagine. Put yourself in King J’s shoes. A huge army is coming to destroy you. You are in charge of all the people and you seek God’s advice and He tells you don’t worry you wont fight this battle. Man my first thought is yeah right, whatever!!!!! How in the world is that going to happen? Have you ever felt this way? Faced with something that looks so huge you have no idea what is going to happen. Then all of sudden you have a sense of peace because you remember God is in control. That is why seeking after God is vital to a life of victory in Christ. If we try to go it alone we will fail. If King J decided that God was crazy and went out to fight. I have not doubt they would have been destroyed. But instead King J follows God and the rest is history. Today set your eyes upon God because He will not fail you.

Father today give me a spirit of peace. Help to rest in you knowing that you are in control and that everything will work out. Teach me to follow after you and to obey your commands.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

2 Chronicles 20:1-30 Part 1

Man it is so awesome to read about Godly men from the Old Testament. King Jehoshaphat was one such man. He is the king of Judah and one of a few kings who actually sought the face of God. I want to focus on verses 1-12. Specifically two parts. First in verse 3 the Bible reads that King J (for short) “set himself to seek the Lord”. Wow that hits me right between the eyes. King J set himself to seek the Lord. He made it a priority to seek after God. He knew apart from God he was nothing. Just look at his prayer in the next few verses. I don’t know about you but as I think about my week, I see very few time where I have set myself to seek after God. I often let busyness or family or even just laziness take priority over my time with God. King J was a busy man and yet he set himself to seek the Lord. Then in verse 12 it reads, “Our eyes are upon you.” Question where are your eyes (not physical but the eyes of your spiritual heart) set upon?

Father I realize today that so often I put the things of this world before you. I must admit that to often my eyes are upon everything else in this life. Thank you for getting my attention today. Thank you for caring enough about me that you speak directly to my heart. Today may I fix my eyes on you? May I realize throughout this day how much I need you.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Act 9:16, 23-25, and 29/ Acts 16:19-25/ Acts 20:22-23/ Acts 21:12, 27-33 Part 4

Today we end our look at the life of Paul and how he handled the persecution he received for Christ. Yesterday we read that Paul was being lead to go the Jerusalem. Read all of chapter 21. Paul is now heading there but stops off at a friend’s house. There a prophet tells the people that Paul will be bound and terrible things will happen. The people do not want Paul to go. Look at Paul’s response to them in verse 13. Wow just amazing his love for Christ and devotion to living for Him. As you read on through the chapter you see the story unfold. Look at verses 27-36. As people find out that Paul is in Jerusalem a riot breaks out. The Bible says that whole city was in a uproar. They drag Paul out and start to kill him. But a Roman commander and his guards stopped them. They ordered Paul bound and the commander asked the crowd what Paul had done. The riot begins again the soldiers rush him to their garrison. As you continue to read you see that Paul attitude toward persecution never changes. He has one goal in mind and that is to live for Christ (Phil 1:20-21). Today what is your attitude toward persecution?

Father I admit at times I do not want to face persecution. Actually the thought of enduring such treatment as Paul terrifies me. However, I know that you give strength to the weak. I want to be able to stand for you no matter the cost. I want to be able to say like Paul, “for to me to live is Christ, to die is gain.” Give me strength to stand today.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Act 9:16, 23-25, and 29/ Acts 16:19-25/ Acts 20:22-23/ Acts 21:12, 27-33 Part 3

Today as we continue to look at Paul’s life as he faced terrible persecution for the cause of Christ, I want us to look at Acts 20:22-23. Wow talk about really having to trust God. Paul is heading directly into the very area where hatred for him is most intense. But rather fall prey to His fears, his intense love for God drives him to do the uncertain. Look at verse 23, “in every city, the Holy Spirit warns him of prison and hardship.” Yet, Paul continues on for the sake of Christ. I don’t know about you, but I feel like a real horse patute. I wonder how many times I have turned away because of fear of the unknown. How small my trust in God must be. Yet at the same time I am challenged to deepen my trust to step out into the unknown and allow God to guide and direct me no matter what may come my way. Stepping out of my comfort zone is not easy. However stepping out of my comfort zone is a must in order to follow hard after God. Is God calling you to step out of your comfort zone?

Father today as I follow you give me the strength to step out of my comfort zone when you call me to. I know I cant stay where I am at and follow you. Help me to overcome fear with love and to trust in you that you will meet my every need.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Acts 9:16, 23-25,29/ Acts 16:19-25/ Acts 20:22-23/ Acts 21:12,27-33 Part 1

Wow what a great biography of a great man of God. One cannot help but read about Paul and be encouraged to stand for Christ no matter what may come. Today I want to focus on Acts 9:16, 23-25, 29. As you look at this passage you may want to just read all of chapter 9. As you read it you will become aware quickly that this is the story of Saul who was persecuting Christians. Who then meets Jesus and is quickly changed to Paul who suffers intense persecution for Christ sake. Look at verse 16 and notice Jesus is speaking to Anaias telling him that Paul will suffer for the name of Christ. Then just a few verses later in 23-25 he is suffering all ready. Because the Jews who he once served, are out to kill him because of his stand for Christ. I find this amazing. Here is Saul who has just been heading down a road to persecute Christians, he meets Jesus and now he is being persecuted for Christ. What I find most incredible is that this is immediate. It isn’t like Paul has been saved for 20 years and then decides to stand for Christ. No Paul has been saved several days (vs. 19) and at once he starts preaching and standing for Christ (vs. 20). Wow makes me look at myself in disgust. Because I was saved as a boy and yet never lived for him till I was in college where it was easy because I went to a Christian school. How about you?

Father I must admit I am ashamed of my lack of commitment to you. Give me strength today to stand for you. Give me strength today to proclaim you in life. May others see in me your son and may I be willing to stand for you no matter what may come my way.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Hebrews 12:1-13 Part 4

Today we finish up looking at this passage. Today we are going to look at verses 7-13. The author goes into great detail God’s discipline. Keep in mind as you read it that God has His best in mind. Verse 8 is interesting because what the author is communicating is that if you do not face trials or discipline from God then you are really not His child. God loves His children and He has made it clear that if He loves you, He will discipline you. Why? Because of what verse 11 says, “It will produce a harvest of righteousness and peace”. In Short God wants to develop our character, our faith, our love and ultimately use us to impact the lives of others. God has a plan for your life, and part that plan will include trials and discipline. As you face these times always keep in mind, “God has your best in mind”.

Father I must admit that while I am going through these times they hurt. Help me to realize that with no pain comes any gain. I want to grow; I want to see you at work in my life. Thank you for loving me enough to not let me stay where I am.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Hebrews 12:1-13 Part 3

Hebrews 12:1-13

Today as we continue in chapter 12. I want us to look at verses 4-6. The author wants us to understand why we face trials and persecution of various kinds. God uses them to educate and discipline us. Both of which are evidences of His love for you and me. Be careful that we understand that God’s discipline is always for our best. No matter what discipline you have received from parents or others, God discipline has our best in mind. God’s discipline is the purest and truest of all discipline we may receive. Sometimes this idea is hard to swallow because discipline and love don’t seem to go together. But love is at the very heart of God’s discipline. But let us not get caught up also in that trials and persecution come only because God is disciplining us. He also wants to teach us. He is not satisfied with us staying where we are spiritually. He wants to move us forward, to help us grow, to deepen our love for Him. The trick in all of this is to determine which it is. The answer I believe is found in understanding that God wants His best for us. No matter if its discipline or education, God always has His best in mind for us. Today are you facing a difficult road? Where is your focus? On the difficulty or God?

Father today as I face trials help me to fix my eyes on you. Help me to understand that you have your best in mind for me. I need your strength; I need your wisdom as I face rough waters. Thank you for loving me enough to teach and discipline me.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Hebrews 12:1-13

Hebrews 12:1-13

Today I want to focus on the end of verse one through three. Have you ever felt like throwing in the towel spiritually? Have you felt like man living for Christ is tough? (I just don’t think I can do it!!!) You are not alone. The author here makes it clear that running the race takes perseverance (attitude of not quitting). What is implied is that the Christian walk is difficult, full of twists and turns and unexpected roadblocks. So where do we turn when the road ahead looks rough? I just love the Word of God, because God doesn’t just leave it with the walk is tough and you got to just persevere. No he tells us the key to it all: Fix your eyes on Christ. What does that mean? It means we need to look at Jesus example and follow His character. Jesus the author of our life. Wow is that awesome or what, Jesus wants to write our story. He also is the perfector of our faith. He makes our faith complete because without Him we have no need of faith. Jesus went to the cross with joy. (Ok wait a minute everything else I can buy, but being nailed to a cross with joy????? Come on you must be kidding.) Don’t get me wrong the Bible is not saying He enjoyed it or thought wow this pain is great. Joy does not mean happiness or if everything going my way then man things must be great. No joy is that mind set that no what happens I know God is in control and what is happening is for a reason. It’s an ability to trust God no matter what realizing God has your best in mind (even if it doesn’t feel like it). Then check out verse three, because the author answers why all those do: So that you will not grow weary and lose heart (quit). Do you feel like quitting? Where is your focus?

Father Today may I find joy in you. So many times I have grown tired and wanted to give up. Thank you that at each moment that is real you remind me of your son. Help me to fix my eyes on Christ today and allow you to be my strength.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Hebrews 12:1-13

PJ’s Thoughts Hebrews 12:1-13

Wow what an incredible passage of scripture. Every time I read this passage I get encouraged, frustrated, sad, happy, the whole gamut of emotions. This week as we read this passage lets put ourselves into this passage and allow God to speak to us through the writer. I want us to focus on verses one and two. Here the writer is sharing two effects of sin in our life. First he shares that sin is like a huge weight that keeps us down. Second he shares that sin is like someone or something that is choking the life out of ya. However he doesn’t leave us with just that, but he shares what to do with that sin. GET RID OF IT!!!! He shares throw it off. Literally throw it away, get it out of your life put in God’s dumpster. Sins ultimate goal is to render you useless for the kingdom of God. It destroys your life and it will make you miserable. Question do you have sin that is weighing you down or choking the life out of you? Why not throw it away, GET RID OF IT????????

Father you know my struggles. You know my weaknesses. I admit that there are times I allow sin to weigh me down and choke the life out of me. Today would you take the weight and cut the chord of sin that is choking my spiritual life. Would you fill me with your spirit and give me strength to deal with sin as it comes up. Thank you for loving me enough to send your son to die for me so that I might live. Help me to live free from sins burden as you intend for me to live.