Wednesday, July 11, 2007

1 Peter 1:22-2:10 Part 2

As we look at each picture of unity, I hope that you are evaluating yourself in light of each picture. Today we look at the second picture of unity found in verses four through eight. The second picture is that of stones in the same building. In this passage we are called living stones that are part of a living house. That house is the body of Christ. Like with any house the foundation is the key to the stability of the entire house. What Peter is saying here is of extreme importance in understanding and maintaining unity within our youth ministry. We are called living stones that are being built up into a spiritual house. Notice who is the chief cornerstone. Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone. What is a cornerstone? It is the stone that sets the foundation and squares the whole building. In order of our ministry to experience unity we must base everything we do on Jesus Christ. Not on any other person or program or activity. This ministry is not about me or you, it is to be all about Jesus Christ. Why? Because when Christ is at the center it affects everything we do, the way we treat each other, the way we treat those who come into our ministry and the way we see ourselves.

Father thank you for sending your son to give us life. Thank you that He is the reason we can experience unity in our ministry and lives. Help us to keep our focus on Him. Help us never to put someone else or something else in His place.

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