Friday, May 04, 2007

Hebrews 12:1-13

Hebrews 12:1-13

Today I want to focus on the end of verse one through three. Have you ever felt like throwing in the towel spiritually? Have you felt like man living for Christ is tough? (I just don’t think I can do it!!!) You are not alone. The author here makes it clear that running the race takes perseverance (attitude of not quitting). What is implied is that the Christian walk is difficult, full of twists and turns and unexpected roadblocks. So where do we turn when the road ahead looks rough? I just love the Word of God, because God doesn’t just leave it with the walk is tough and you got to just persevere. No he tells us the key to it all: Fix your eyes on Christ. What does that mean? It means we need to look at Jesus example and follow His character. Jesus the author of our life. Wow is that awesome or what, Jesus wants to write our story. He also is the perfector of our faith. He makes our faith complete because without Him we have no need of faith. Jesus went to the cross with joy. (Ok wait a minute everything else I can buy, but being nailed to a cross with joy????? Come on you must be kidding.) Don’t get me wrong the Bible is not saying He enjoyed it or thought wow this pain is great. Joy does not mean happiness or if everything going my way then man things must be great. No joy is that mind set that no what happens I know God is in control and what is happening is for a reason. It’s an ability to trust God no matter what realizing God has your best in mind (even if it doesn’t feel like it). Then check out verse three, because the author answers why all those do: So that you will not grow weary and lose heart (quit). Do you feel like quitting? Where is your focus?

Father Today may I find joy in you. So many times I have grown tired and wanted to give up. Thank you that at each moment that is real you remind me of your son. Help me to fix my eyes on Christ today and allow you to be my strength.

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