PJ’s Thoughts Hebrews 12:1-13
Wow what an incredible passage of scripture. Every time I read this passage I get encouraged, frustrated, sad, happy, the whole gamut of emotions. This week as we read this passage lets put ourselves into this passage and allow God to speak to us through the writer. I want us to focus on verses one and two. Here the writer is sharing two effects of sin in our life. First he shares that sin is like a huge weight that keeps us down. Second he shares that sin is like someone or something that is choking the life out of ya. However he doesn’t leave us with just that, but he shares what to do with that sin. GET RID OF IT!!!! He shares throw it off. Literally throw it away, get it out of your life put in God’s dumpster. Sins ultimate goal is to render you useless for the kingdom of God. It destroys your life and it will make you miserable. Question do you have sin that is weighing you down or choking the life out of you? Why not throw it away, GET RID OF IT????????
Father you know my struggles. You know my weaknesses. I admit that there are times I allow sin to weigh me down and choke the life out of me. Today would you take the weight and cut the chord of sin that is choking my spiritual life. Would you fill me with your spirit and give me strength to deal with sin as it comes up. Thank you for loving me enough to send your son to die for me so that I might live. Help me to live free from sins burden as you intend for me to live.
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