Friday, June 15, 2007

1 Samuel 17 Part 1

This week we continue in our theme of being Godly by looking at God’s character. We must understand and apply God’s character to our lives in order to live a Godly life. You cannot possibly live a Godly life apart from God. God must be at the center of your life. This week we are going to look at a young man who lived a Godly life with God at the center of his life. You probably all know the story of David and Goliath. A familiar story that we have been told over and over from the time we could understand it. This week we want you to put yourself in David’s shoes. Think about what David must have been thinking, feeling and struggling with in order to live a Godly life. You know the story David is sent to give food to his brothers, hears Goliath bad mouthing God, volunteers to fight Goliath and then kills Goliath. But there is so much more to this story. I want us to focus on verse 33. Saul takes one look at David and decides you cant fight Goliath you are just a youth. Guess what Saul was right. Problem is that Saul was judging the outward appearance instead of understanding David’s heart. The Israelites really struggled with this, they would define an individual based on outward appearance. That is why Goliath was so intimidating to them. Rightfully so, but they never even considered what God could do. So alone comes David who’s heart beats for God and God uses him to do incredible things. Have you been guilty of this? Looking at a situation and only focusing on the problem instead of looking to God.

Father today as I face difficult situations may I instead of focusing on the problem may I look to the solution. Help me to be like David and look only to you to fight my battles. Help me to rely on you and not myself to face my struggles. Today may I be found faithful in taking my problems to you.

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