Thursday, September 06, 2012

2 Chronicles 20:1-30 Part 4

Today we conclude our story of King J. In verses 24-30 we find what happens to the armies that are coming to attack. The Bible says all were dead not one escaped. Then the people began to take their plunder from the armies. This was what happened after and army defeated another they would take their gold, and weapons and horses, whatever was left over. The Bible says that there was so much it took three days to remove it all. After that the people rejoiced and spent time praising and thanking God. Wow what an incredible story of a man who relied on God, God spoke, King J listened and obeyed and God blessed them far beyond what they ever expected. God will do the same for you. But the catch is that we listen and obey God. As we do God pours out His blessing upon us. Today are experiencing God’s blessing or not?

Father I want follow after you. I admit that at times it is difficult. The pull of this world upon me is great. The pull of my own human weaknesses is greater. I praise you because you are greater than both. Give me the strength to obey and the determination to follow no matter the outcome.