Tuesday, January 03, 2017

New Post, New Year

Dear 2017,

It has been a year since my mentor and spiritual father retired.  It has been almost a year since I became the lead pastor at our church.  Saying that I have learned much over the past year would be a understatement, what would not be is to say that I have so much more to learn.  The fear of failure looms over me daily, fear that I will let people down, fear that people will not grow in their walk with God, fear that the church will collapse. I know that I am not to fear, I know that I have been given a spirit of power and not fear, are all realities that I deal with daily.  Then throw into the mix my most important ministry, my family and once agin fear raises it's ugly head.  Will I put the church before my family, will I put others needs before the "others" in my own house?  I want to be for my kids a great example of father, pastor, follower of Jesus.  I want to be for my wife a great example of husband, pastor, follower of Jesus.  But I am human, I am frail, I often choose the wrong over the right.  However you time, you year of 2017 still marches on, you do not quit or slow down or anything, you just keep on keeping on.  My prayer for 2017 is that I would become a even more intense follower of Jesus.  In following Jesus I will become a better husband, father, friend, pastor, leader of people, discipler of others followers. May today as I head back to the office be the beginning of that journey this year, 2017.



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