Monday, June 27, 2016

Luke 7:18-28

Do you find it difficult surrendering to God’s will when you don’t understand the full picture? What steps can you take to seek God’s perspective in a current challenging situation?

John was in prison and I am sure was wondering, why God I thought I was doing your will, I thought I was serving you, why prison?  While in prison John hears about Jesus and wonders is this the one whom I have been waiting, is this the guy who I have been telling people about?  It's interesting to me that John gets put in prison not because he is telling people to repent of their sin and be ready to follow God, but because he takes a stand against the king and the sin that the king is committing.  I wonder if he second guess that choice.  Jesus reassures John about who he is and as far as we know John continued faithfully to follow all the rest of his days that soon would be shortened by his death.

Do I find it difficult to surrender to God's will when I don't understand the full picture? Of course, who wouldn't, I think this is the human (natural) response.  However the supernatural response brought on only by the Holy Spirit at work in me is to trust God regardless.  It's vital then that I spend time seeking God through His word and in prayer so that I am able to trust Him.  I imagine that is exactly what John did as He sought to have his questions answered.

Father today help me to keep my eyes fixed on you, help me to trust you in all situations of life.

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