Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Whats Your Scent?

As a kid we had stickers that were called "scratch and sniff".  I really loved scratching those things and then taking a big whiff, most of the time.  I remember one time doing this, it was a black and white sticker and being the "who cares, lets do this" kid I took a huge whiff and about died.  It was a skunk scratch and sniff sticker.  Seriously who does that, why would you make something that smelled so awful.
With this in mind, "Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising to up to God. But this fragrance is perceived differently by those who are being saved and those who are perishing (2 Corinthians 2:15) What is your scent today?  Paul in writing to the church in Corinth has given many different exhortations including this one about our testimony before fellow followers of Jesus and those who are not. In verse 16 Paul exhorts that there are two scents we give off death and life.  As I think about my life, its super easy to be a scent of life at church or in my little comfort zones.  But when I am not in my opinion is when it really counts.  When things don't go my way, when I am pressed on an issue, when I am just not feeling it, what is my scent in those kinds of moments?
I want people to see (smell) Christ in my life.  I want the scent of Christ to so permeate my life that the aroma of Christ would linger long after I am gone.
Father God today let my life be a Christ-like fragrance.

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