2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness
The Bible is called the "Word of God" because it is just that, His very words. However they were written down by man, forty to be exact. God inspired or through special revelation gave the forty writers the exact words to be written.
While someone might say the Bible was written by men, they would be accurate. But this only half the story the other half the grander half is that every word did not come from man's own knowledge or volition but came from the inspiration of God through the Holy Spirit in each man's life. To say that the Bible is irrelevant because man wrote is ignorant and does not recognize the involvement of God in writing His love letter to us.
God gave us His word according to this verse for several reasons. First because it is profitable. Profitable is not in this case a monetary word. But rather means is for our benefit in order to bless us with the following reasons He gave it. Second it is profitable for teaching. Teaching could also be translated doctrine which is instruction or precepts. They are the precepts necessary for us to put into practice for our benefit, not to harm us, not to control us, but to free us. Third it is profitable for correction. Correction means to improve our life. Again showing the Word of God is for our best not our determent. Fourth it is profitable for training in righteousness. Righteousness means right living or living that is beneficial for our lives.
It is sad to me that people who either are ignorant of the Bible or have such extreme baggage in their lives cannot grasp the "profitable" aspect of the Bible in life. They say it is irrelevant, they say it is antiquated, they say it no longer applies, they say it can't be from God because men wrote it, they say it is full of errors and contradictions.
I often wonder why this is and I think to this point of what I have experienced in my life. #1 They have had a terrible experience with the church and with those (maybe Pastors) that have abused the Word of God and thus have abused them. #2 As it says in Romans 1 they willfully suppress the truth. Another words they push it away from them in order to not except the truth. We cannot force the Word of God down someones throat. Nor can we through guilt driven tactics condemn people who do not live according to its words. We must lovingly teach it, lovingly live it and prayerfully lift those who despise it up to God. Asking him to change their hearts.
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