Revelation 22:18-19 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, 19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.
This really seems to be a problem today as I believe it always has been a problem all the way from the beginning. I don't however think the problem is the Word of God per-say, but that we as humans are unwilling to trust God. Its as if we cannot take him at his word. That some how we really don't trust that he will do what he says he will do. We might read the Bible and say well that worked for that guy or those people but I am not sure it will work for me. So we turn to other things or we "add" or "take away" from the Word of God in order to justify our actions and course in life.
The second things especially in our culture today is that we are always looking for the next best thing. I have heard it said once "we are unsatisfied with what will come out tomorrow". It everywhere from Youtube to American Idol to even in our churches. Where we are looking for the latest and greatest Bible study series put out by this person or that person. It's like we go through Bible study fads, for example "Experiencing God" or "Purpose Driven Life". We are not satisfied by just studying the Word of God, it's just not enough. I have literally heard that said from people in the church.
Please understand I am not saying that those things are bad, not at all. I have grown much from those studies and others. But many people put them on the same level or even higher than the Word of God. This is a tragic mistake and I believe may very well fall into what this passage is speaking to. Now I do not believe that the authors of such studies ever mean for it to happen. I believe there intentions are that these studies be a supplement to an already steady diet of the Word of God. The problem is us. Is the word of God really sufficient for life and godliness? Is the Word of God infallible? Is the Word of God relevant to my life? I believe the answer is yes to all these questions.
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