Romans 12:18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
Not really sure why but my mind goes to a movie called, Miss Congeniality where this FBI agent is undercover and has to become a contestant in a beauty pageant. Well the classic question is asked and of course the classic answer is given, "I would like World Peace." While world peace would be amazing it's highly unlikely because well lets face it, humans stand in the way.
However, personal peace I believe can be practiced. So what do I mean by peace? Well gives this definition that I believe best fits with this verse: cessation of or freedom from any strife or dissension. The website offers the original Greek as: to cultivate or keep peace.
Notice what Paul says, "as far as it depends on you". What I believe Paul is saying is that cultivating peace or keeping peace really depends on your own personal focus. Obviously we cannot control how others act or react, but what we can control is ourselves. So as far as it depends on myself I must decide to cultivate peace instead of cultivating my own agenda, desires, plans, etc...
Is it possible to live at peace and stand your ground? Does this mean that I have to bend over backwards or get bull dozed every time. No I do not believe it does mean that, because if I look at Jesus example their is not question that He stood his ground that He answered the critics, he overturned the money changers, he stood up to the religious leaders. However all that was motivated I believe by a desire to cultivate peace not an agenda, because everything Christ did was saturated with love.
Looking at my life currently I do not believe that I hold any bitterness or anger toward anyone but I know that could change very quickly depending on my heart. Often my heart gets distracted by my flesh and Satans attacks. Today I pray that I will focus on Christ, focus on His love and allow Him to be seen in me.
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