I recently came across this article and have felt compelled to write about it if for no other reason than just to articulate how I feel about it. Please take the time to read the article first....
Regardless of one's opinion about the Huffington Post, seeing this article makes my heart ache for two reasons maybe more but two that I am going to elaborate.
Reason #1 Sadly I have like the writer have seen and heard this played out many many times over. It is sad to me that when given the opportunity to be a witness and strong testimony for Christ often Christians choose money over testimony, regardless of it being a tip or in some other circumstance. God through Paul has called us to walk worthy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:27).
Reason #2 The other thing that saddens me is what I like to call, "The Tithe Trap."Its the idea often is promoted in church that 10% is what a "Good Christian" gives. Sadly what I have seen is two fold, either people limit what God is doing by only giving 10% or some who find themselves in financial stress feel they can't give at all because it's not 10%. Interestingly no where in the New Testament is 10% taught. Actually the Bible tells us to give as the Lord leads you to give and give out of a cheerful heart (2 Corinthians 9:7). Jesus even in his ministry used the giving of a woman who gave all that she had as a teaching on our giving being connected to our true nature of our relationship with Him by how we live it out. See here's the thing by holding to "The Tithe Trap", I believe you may be limiting God and limiting the blessing that you could be a part. Just a few questions, what if God laid on your heart to give more? what if the amount was not as important as your obedience?
The sad truth is according to Barna Research and others that I have read. Only 6% of evangelical followers of Christ tithe and out of the 6% they only give on average 2% of their income. What does this say about the heart of followers of Christ here in the US??????
Now with all that said I am so thankful to be a part of a church that breaks the norm. I am blown away at the giving of our Body of Followers and am never ceased to be amazed at how God is blessing and using the people of HTBC to impact the World. My prayer is that others would follow your examples as we follow Christ.
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