Tuesday, April 09, 2013


Psalm 1:2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law does he meditate day and night.  

The word delight means something that brings great pleasure.  In this life we have many things that bring great pleasure, but I wonder where the Bible ranks on that long list.  I am not even sure people would view the Bible as a delight.  I think sometimes we think of it more like a text book.  Ah man I got to read that again or ok I need to sit down and study.  But delight, really do I really find great pleasure in reading it, spending time pouring over its content.  Yet this is what the man of God according to this passage is saying, he stays away from sin and those who would take him down the wrong path of life and he delights in the law (Word=Bible) of God.  As a result of finding delight he meditates (thinks) about it constantly.  Wow I am so convicted by this because I know that often it is not God's Word that fills my thoughts but often the pleasures of this life or worries of it as well.  But how can I make it something I delight in?  Same way you would make anything something you find pleasure in, you simply get into it, try it, spend time reading, thinking, studying and meditating on it.  At the same time I believe praying that God would give you a hunger and thirst for it that out weighs the other pleasure items of this life.  Overtime God's Word will become a delight that I know will radically impact my life and the lives of those around me.  Because lets face it was we find pleasure in we tell others about and that ultimately is our most important job in the Kingdom is making disciples who make disciples.

Father give me a hunger and thirst for you Word, may you be quick to remind me of all the goodness your Word brings to my life.  May you use your Word to speak volumes in my life and then in turn as you do that would you use me to spread your Word to those I meet everyday.

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