Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Philippians 4:12-13 12I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

I read this morning this quote from a poet, "As a rule, a man's a fool. When it's hot, he wants it cool. When it's cool, he wants it hot. Always wanting what is not." I know I have been guilty of this so often with so many things. I see it in my kids and so I know that it's something that I struggle with, apples don't fall to far from trees. Paul a man who experienced so much from having everything life in his culture could give to being stoned and within a breath of losing his life no doubt had to wrestle with contentment. Through those things he learned as he said the secret to being content, a relationship with Christ. His contentment was not based on circumstances but on his relationship with Jesus. Which Jesus himself even eluded to when He said, "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you." All these things are our daily needs, not wants. That I think is the problem, our wants, and that is where the relationship with Christ plays a huge part. The closer I get to Jesus the more my wants become what He wants. Not that I won't still struggle as I am sure Paul did being human, but the temptation to please myself instead of Christ is dulled by the mind that is consumed with the Word of God and is surrendered to following Him.

Father so often my wants supersede my needs and honestly distract me from knowing you. Help me like Paul to want to know you more and pursue a love relationship with you. Remove my selfish wants and fill them with yours that I might be used by you to impact others for you.

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