Saturday, May 16, 2009

Learning Through Suffering

Hebrew 5:7-9 During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. 8Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered 9and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him

No one can begin to say that they have suffered nearly as much as Jesus Christ. If one reads through the Gospels you are confronted with the suffering of Christ. However I would imagine many could say that they have gone through times of suffering and struggle. I know that in my life it has been those times where I learned more about myself and more importantly God. The most difficult year of my life was my junior year in college. Yet I can also say that this same year was the most spiritually growing year of my life and one of the most rewarding. That year my brother died from cancer, my dad had a massive heart attack which would four years later lead to his death and then one of the most amazing things happened as well I was got married to the most amazing woman I have ever met. It was that same year that God called me into the ministry and gave me many opportunities to serve Him and thus began my adventure of serving Christ full time in ministry. Like Christ I can say that through suffering I learned obedience. However unlike Christ even though I learned obedience I often "unlearn" it as I decide to follow my own direction and make excuses for my lack of spiritual growth. Erwin Lutzer has said that when we make excuses for ourselves, we accuse ourselves. So often I find myself in this trap. I want to serve Him and live my life for Him but I must keep my eyes fixed on what I learned during those times of struggle and that is as Paul said, for to me to live is Christ to die is gain.

Father give me the strength to serve you faithfully today and to not allow excuses to keep me from drawing closer to you.

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