This month we are going to be focusing on our devotion to God that is fueled by our desire for godliness in our lives. That devotion begins with a desire to know God. One of the greatest passages that express our hearts attitude toward knowing God is found in Psalm 63. David is writing this psalm while he is in the wilderness of Judah. What I find amazing is that even while David is experiencing a great trial, he is deeply devoted to seeking God. As you read just look at how deeply he longs to be with God. David is writing in the first person. Over and over you see if say “I” this or that. I wonder could you write something similar. Could I? In the very first verse David says, “O God, You are my God.” Who or what is your God? For some of us its our schedule, for others a relationship. What is it for you? Listen whatever is our God is what we will pour our lives into. It will be that thing that consumes our time, money and minds. David at the onset of this great psalm identifies God as his God. Maybe today we need to evaluate our lives and ask what or who is our God?
Father today may we have the desire to pursue only you. Help us to look within our hearts and be confident that we are serving only you. You alone deserve our time, money, and minds. Find us faithful today.
This is just some thoughts to hopefully spark some thinking about how awesome Jesus is and how He can impact your life.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
1 Timothy 4:7b-16 Part 4
As Paul closes his encouragement to Timothy. He gives to him several more area in which to practice godliness. Really there areas that as they are practiced will build godliness into your life. First he says give special attention to God’s Word. He says read it, meditate on it and share it. These are all practices that every believer must do in order to maintain godliness. Also he says do not neglect that gift that you have received. Each one of us when we get saved received a special ability from the Holy Spirit. That gift is to be used for God’s glory and for the building up of the church. The way you find out what gift you have is to get involved in ministry. Again this is vital to living out a life for God. Because God calls each of us to serve. God wants each one of us to get involved in ministry to others.
Father thank you that you give us the giftedness to serve you. Thank you for your Word that encourages and builds us up to do the work you call us to do. Father help us to spend time in your word and to exercise our gift.
Father thank you that you give us the giftedness to serve you. Thank you for your Word that encourages and builds us up to do the work you call us to do. Father help us to spend time in your word and to exercise our gift.
Friday, July 27, 2007
1 Timothy 4:7b-16 Part 3
Paul not only exhorts Timothy that he should be striving daily to live a godly life. He also tells him how. I love that about Paul. Maybe I should say I love that about God. Because God is the one who inspired Paul to write. God will convict us or encourage us to live in such a way. But he never leaves us hanging. He gives to us clear direction of just how we can live a godly life. In verse 12 Paul gives Timothy some very practical areas to live out godliness. Paul says be an example in speech (the way and the words you talk), in conduct (the way you live your life, the places, the people, the activities), in love (self-sacrificing service of others), in faith (faithfulness or commitment) and in purity (sexual purity). As you look at these five, ask yourself which am I doing well in being an example? Which areas do I need to improve in? Again understanding that God’s desire is for us to live godly we need to understand that each one of these areas is vital in doing so. So as you look ask God to show you the answers to the above questions.
Father thank you that you call us to live a godly life. Thank you that you show us how and in what ways we should pursue. Help us as we look at our lives to be honest and be willing to take the steps necessary to fulfill your desire for our lives.
Father thank you that you call us to live a godly life. Thank you that you show us how and in what ways we should pursue. Help us as we look at our lives to be honest and be willing to take the steps necessary to fulfill your desire for our lives.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
1 Timothy 4:7b-16 Part 2
Today as we continue to look Paul confirms our truth that godliness permeates every aspect of our lives. Look at verse 8. Godliness is profitable for all things. As Paul continues to encourage Timothy that one of his life long pursuits is to be godliness he emphasizes the impact of that pursuit. Notice Paul does not say it will profit for the present time only, but Paul make careful reference to the life to come. What is that life? That life is eternity. What is eternity? Eternity is life that never ends. Understand whether you die knowing Christ or not the Bible teaches that your soul (the real you) will live on for all of eternity. That eternity will be spent in one of two places. Either you will spend eternity together with God in heaven or you will spend eternity separated from God in hell. That is why it matters whether or not you pursue godliness now. Because what you do know will determine your place of residence for eternity. I love the line from the movie Gladiator, “Brothers what we do now will echo into eternity.” How true what you and I sink our lives into now in this life will have a direct influence on our eternity. Where will you spend eternity? What are doing to ensure your residence for eternity?
Father I pray that I will be reminded daily that my actions by pursuits will play a huge role in my eternal home. Thank you that because of your son I know I will spend eternity with you. May you evaluate our hearts today and find that we are pursuing godliness.
Father I pray that I will be reminded daily that my actions by pursuits will play a huge role in my eternal home. Thank you that because of your son I know I will spend eternity with you. May you evaluate our hearts today and find that we are pursuing godliness.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
1 Timothy 4:7b-16 Part 1
This week we begin a new series on understanding that godliness permeates every aspect of life, that Christianity is not just a Sunday thing. As we begin think about this, “Does my relationship with Christ reflect a Sunday only lifestyle? In this passage Paul is writing to Timothy giving him instruction on identifying false teachers. In verse seven, Paul writes, “exercise yourself toward godliness.” First we need to understand godliness. Godliness is a right attitude and response toward God. It is a mindset that focuses on pleasing God and wanting to bring Him glory. Paul is telling Timothy that this is to be a constant pursuit of his life. Exercise is not just something you do once and and hope you get in shape. Exercise must be done regularly if one pursues being in shape. Here Paul is saying you must regularly exercise your faith in order to be godly, in order to focus on God and His desires for your life. Question, how often are you exercising your faith? How much time do you spend in God’s gym in order to get in shape spiritually? To really understand that godliness permeates every aspect of life can only come about as one exercises their faith.
Father teach us to exercise our faith. Help us to become spiritually fit. Give us a desire to be godly and the determination to do whatever it takes to be godly.
Father teach us to exercise our faith. Help us to become spiritually fit. Give us a desire to be godly and the determination to do whatever it takes to be godly.
Friday, July 13, 2007
1 Peter 1:22-2:10 Part 4
The fourth and final picture of unity is a picture of people of the same nation. In verse nine Peter eludes to it with his statement of “a holy nation.” We are all people of God if we have come to know Christ as our savior. In this passage Peter gives to us one last practice for unity, Mercy. Mercy by definition is not getting what we deserve. Think about that in light of our interaction with each other. How often do we want to get back at someone who has done something to us? Maybe I should ask how often we think that way. Have you ever been guilty of treating someone differently because of what they may have done to you? I know I have. But in this passage Peter makes clear to us the reason we show mercy. Because we have been shown mercy. Just imagine if God decided to give to us what we deserve. Guess what we all would be dead. Each of us deserves death because of our sin. Death is the penalty for sin. However, God saw fit for each of us to experience life through His son. God poured out His wrath on Jesus so that we can have life and have it more abundantly. Why should we be merciful? Because we have been shown mercy and that is reason enough.
Father help me to be merciful. Help me to look at others that way you see them. Remind me daily that you have shown me mercy. Let that reminder be reason enough for me to show mercy.
Father help me to be merciful. Help me to look at others that way you see them. Remind me daily that you have shown me mercy. Let that reminder be reason enough for me to show mercy.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
1 Peter 1:22-2:10 Part 3
Read 1 Peter 1:22-2:10
Today we are going to look at the third picture of unity. This picture is one of priests. Specifically priest serving in the same temple. Peter in verse nine calls us all priests, priests of the most high God. It is interesting but the word proclaim is found no where else in the new testament except this verse. It means to tell something not otherwise known. The something is the praise of Him (Jesus Christ). I really think this can be looked at in two ways. First in order for us to maintain unity in our ministry we must praise God together. Singing is one aspect of that and that is why it is so important that we sing together. But also we need to just talk about what Christ has done in our lives in our everyday conversations. Second I think this means we need to share Christ with the outside world. We need to share the gospel with our unsaved friends, neighbors, everyone who does not know the truth. Our ministry needs to be reaching out to others with the gospel in order for us to be in unity. Again I ask what am I, what are you doing to spread unity in our ministry? I find that incredible. So often when you think about unity you think what we need to do within our group to build it. But here in this verse Peter encourages us to look outside of our group.
Father thank you for entrusting us to proclaim your son. Thank you for the opportunities we have to sing your praises. Help us to be willing to proclaim your son to this lost and dying world. As we do would you draw us closer in unity to each other.
Today we are going to look at the third picture of unity. This picture is one of priests. Specifically priest serving in the same temple. Peter in verse nine calls us all priests, priests of the most high God. It is interesting but the word proclaim is found no where else in the new testament except this verse. It means to tell something not otherwise known. The something is the praise of Him (Jesus Christ). I really think this can be looked at in two ways. First in order for us to maintain unity in our ministry we must praise God together. Singing is one aspect of that and that is why it is so important that we sing together. But also we need to just talk about what Christ has done in our lives in our everyday conversations. Second I think this means we need to share Christ with the outside world. We need to share the gospel with our unsaved friends, neighbors, everyone who does not know the truth. Our ministry needs to be reaching out to others with the gospel in order for us to be in unity. Again I ask what am I, what are you doing to spread unity in our ministry? I find that incredible. So often when you think about unity you think what we need to do within our group to build it. But here in this verse Peter encourages us to look outside of our group.
Father thank you for entrusting us to proclaim your son. Thank you for the opportunities we have to sing your praises. Help us to be willing to proclaim your son to this lost and dying world. As we do would you draw us closer in unity to each other.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
1 Peter 1:22-2:10 Part 2
As we look at each picture of unity, I hope that you are evaluating yourself in light of each picture. Today we look at the second picture of unity found in verses four through eight. The second picture is that of stones in the same building. In this passage we are called living stones that are part of a living house. That house is the body of Christ. Like with any house the foundation is the key to the stability of the entire house. What Peter is saying here is of extreme importance in understanding and maintaining unity within our youth ministry. We are called living stones that are being built up into a spiritual house. Notice who is the chief cornerstone. Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone. What is a cornerstone? It is the stone that sets the foundation and squares the whole building. In order of our ministry to experience unity we must base everything we do on Jesus Christ. Not on any other person or program or activity. This ministry is not about me or you, it is to be all about Jesus Christ. Why? Because when Christ is at the center it affects everything we do, the way we treat each other, the way we treat those who come into our ministry and the way we see ourselves.
Father thank you for sending your son to give us life. Thank you that He is the reason we can experience unity in our ministry and lives. Help us to keep our focus on Him. Help us never to put someone else or something else in His place.
Father thank you for sending your son to give us life. Thank you that He is the reason we can experience unity in our ministry and lives. Help us to keep our focus on Him. Help us never to put someone else or something else in His place.
Monday, July 09, 2007
1 Peter 1:22-2:10 Part 1
This week we are going to look at four pictures of unity from 1 Peter. Unity if a vital part of our youth ministry and should be a vital part of each of our lives as well. Unity is something each one of us should strive for as directed by Gods Word. As we look at this passage ask yourself, “What am I doing to promote unity in my life and in our youth ministry?” The first picture is that of children of the same family. Verses twenty two through chapter two verse three. Peter describes us as brothers loving one another with a pure heart born again into God’s family. What does it take to be a part of this family? Simple you must be first born again. To be born again means to accept Jesus Christ as your savior. Listen you cannot promote unity in our ministry if you are not a part of the family of God. The only way that will happen is if you are following Christ as your savior. Then Peter gives us some practices to build unity within this family. Lay aside or do not practice, malice (evil), deceit (lying), hypocrisy (two faced), envy (wanting what others have), evil speaking (gossip, back stabbing, tearing each other down). Rather we should practice using and applying Gods’ Word. This is the only way that we can grow together and individually. How much time do you spend reading God’s Word? Why is that important, because depending on how much time you spend is the amount of energy you give to promoting unity. Again ask yourself, “What am I doing to promote unity in my life and the life of the youth ministry?”
Father thank you for this day. Help us to desire to know you more so that we can make you more fully known to others. Give us the determination to spend time in your Word and then apply it to our lives.
Father thank you for this day. Help us to desire to know you more so that we can make you more fully known to others. Give us the determination to spend time in your Word and then apply it to our lives.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Psalm 24 Part 4
Today we turn again back to the creator. But in the next few verses we see our God as more than a creator. In the next two verses 7-8 we see God as strong and mighty, mighty in battle. As I think about this I picture a soldier of old decked out with sword and shield ready to fight. I believe that is exactly what David is giving us a picture of in this passage. How awesome that we have a warrior on our side? God is the one who wants to fight our battles. God is the one who wants to lead the charge against the forces of Satan. He will not let us go at it along. He is ready to defend us from Satan and his desire to destroy us. Are you facing a battle today? Why not let the God who is mighty in battle take up arms for you and fight? Why not let the all powerful God fight in your place? To often we want to go it alone. What a mistake. God is ready to fight, He is ready to conquer.
Father thank you for defending me against the evil one. Thank you for giving me strength to overcome the battles that I face. Thank you that I do not face the battle alone.
Father thank you for defending me against the evil one. Thank you for giving me strength to overcome the battles that I face. Thank you that I do not face the battle alone.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Read Psalm 24
Now we turn from looking at our creator to looking at our own hearts. David first draws us to worshipping the creator over the creation. Now he poses a question, who may truly worship the creator? All of us should look to the creator rather than His creation. However not all have the ability to truly worship Him in spirit and truth. We as believers have access to God’s throne room through Jesus Christ. However many of us do not have complete fellowship with Him because of sin. David asks the question and delivers the answer. He whose hands are clean and whose heart is pure. Clean from what? Pure from what? Sin. Sin that continues without being confessed. Are you able to ascend the hill of the Lord? Are you able to worship God in spirit and in truth? Do you have sin in your life that you have not confessed? Why? You have already been forgiven of it; you just simply need to confess it to God and deal with it. What’s the result of dealing with sin? David writes you shall be blessed. Wow what an incredible promise from God that he would bless us for dealing with sin and worshipping Him. Tell which would you rather have God’s blessing or His curse?
Father today I choose your blessings. Help me to recognize sin and deal with it immediately. Thank you that I can ascend your holy hill with confidence in knowing that you desire to be in fellowship with me.
Father today I choose your blessings. Help me to recognize sin and deal with it immediately. Thank you that I can ascend your holy hill with confidence in knowing that you desire to be in fellowship with me.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Psalm 24 Part 1
This week we are going to look at Psalm 24. As you are reading this throughout the week ask yourself, what does God want me to learn from this passage? You will find that as you make yourself available to learn that God will answer this question. So let’s look at the passage. Today I want to focus on verses 1-2. I think to often we forget this very important truth, that this world in which we live is God’s. He created it, He planned it, and He is the one who gave each of us life. Often I believe that people think that this world is ours and ours alone to enjoy. Why because to often people are worshipping the creation rather than the creator. I have seen this true even among Christians. Who for whatever reason will put God’s creation before the Creator. How often do we give thanks to God for creating the grass, or trees or beautiful flowers that pop up in the spring? How often do we give thanks for rain or the snow? I don’t know about you but often I take these for granted. Often I complain about getting to much rain or not enough rain. Often I complain about it getting to hot or not hot enough. God has created this world in which we live and wants us to enjoy His creation, but not at he expense of forgetting the creator. Today may we strive to remember all God has done for us.
Father thank you for the beauty of your creation. Thank you for allowing us to enjoy your creation. Help us never to forget you. Help us never to take you for granted. May we each day be reminded how great and powerful you are.
Father thank you for the beauty of your creation. Thank you for allowing us to enjoy your creation. Help us never to forget you. Help us never to take you for granted. May we each day be reminded how great and powerful you are.
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