Thursday, May 29, 2008

Our Lives Profess.....

Read Isaiah 12:1-6 Today we are going to look at how we profess through our lives that Jesus is Lord. The first profession of our lives is found in verse 1 in the word praise. Praise according to Webster means an expression of approval, commendation, or admiration. There are lots of ways in which we praise Jesus Christ. Probably the most used is through song. However we also praise Him through our lifestyle in the way we live, act and react. We can praise Jesus through our talk about Him and what He has done in our lives. We praise Him through excellence in our work or in the use of our talents. Does your life praise Jesus Christ? Does your life in a sense sing the praise of our great King? Do your actions and reactions praise Him? Does the reflection of your work (homework) praise Jesus Christ? Father may we praise you all day long in everyway with our very lives.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Worldly Thinking

Read James 4:7-10


We have been looking at humility in light of our view of God and man.  Also we have seen humility demonstrated in the person of Jesus Christ and how our attitude should reflect Christ’s.  Today we are going to see how humility overcomes worldly thinking.  Worldly thinking is all about self-centeredness; humility is all about others centered.  Specifically in this verse our humility should turn us toward God and away from the world.  The worlds pull is so strong, temptation is all around us and we must be willing to resist it or succumb to it.    The way that we resist temptation is humility, made real through drawing near to God.  How do we draw near to Him?  Through prayer, devotions and just spending time with God.  That takes humility because it is not natural for us to pursue after God.  We must be willing to say no to our desires and say yes to God.  Listen either your pride will keep you from God, or humility will draw you close to Him.  Which will you strive for in your life?  Understand it’s not just a one time decision, it’s an everyday decision, because everyday we are faced with temptation and the lure of the world. 


Father humble us so that we might pursue a relationship with you.  God may the lure of the world not attract us more than you. 

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Attitude Check

Read Philippians 2:5-11


We have been studying what humility is all about.  We have looked at true humility before God and men.  Now let’s look at the greatest example of humility, Jesus Christ.  Verses 6-8 gives us the description of Christ’s humility.  Jesus is God and Jesus became a man, but not just any man he became as one who was the lowest of class and reputation.  Jesus became a man to do what verse 8 describes.  He became a man to die on a cross for our sin.  We celebrate His becoming human at this time of the year.  What an incredible truth that Jesus was born to die.  He gave his life so that we can have life and have life to the fullest.   Jesus true example of humility is one that all of us must follow according to verse 5.  We should have the same attitude of Christ which is described in the above verses.  What’s your attitude like?  Would you be willing to humble yourself like Christ? 


Father thank you for the example of your Son, give us the same attitude that He demonstrated for us.

Friday, May 23, 2008


Read Ephesians 4:2 Humility reveals itself through many avenues. So far we have seen it show up in our view of God and others. We also saw how humility reveals itself through child-like faith. Today we are going to look at humility revealed through our tolerance of others. Now today tolerance is a huge word basically today it refers to accepting anyone and everyone no matter what they do with the exception of Christians. In this passage it is called “bearing with”, which refers to continual love for others that is unconditional. Another words I should love others no matter who they or what they do. You may say how is this different then tolerance today. The difference is that in tolerance they want you to overlook the sin issues and just put up with it, in “bearing with” you cannot out of love look over the sin issues. If you really love someone you will warn them about something they are doing that could potentially hurt them. For example if my son is playing in the street and I see a car coming, I don’t just sit there and say oh look a car is coming and its going to hit my son, but I don’t want to interrupt the fun he is having. How ridiculous is that, of course I am going to warn him of the impending danger that is coming his way. Humility is shown in how we “bear with” because it must take a person who is not haughty or stuck up to approach a person in love. Is there someone in your life that out of humility you need to confront in love. Listen there life may depend on your wiliness to let go of your pride and do the right thing. Father give us strength to bear with others in love.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Child Like Faith

Read Matthew 18:1-4 First of all we must have a right view of who God is and our relationship to Him. That our relationship with God is not based on what we have done but what God has done for us through Christ. Second we must have a right view of our relationship to others. We must be willing to put others needs before our own even those who we might not consider valuable or important. In this passage Jesus disciples ask Him who is the greatest in the kingdom. What an interesting question, one must ask what was their motivation in asking this question. I believe they were hoping to hear that they were the greatest because they were following Christ. But Jesus pulls a child over in front of all of them and tells them they must humble themselves and become like a little child in order to even enter the kingdom of Heaven. Think about this children do not care about whose the greatest or the most powerful like adults would. Children have so much faith based on what they know and hear. A child’s faith is simple not based on a bunch of do’s and don’ts but just simply on faith. To be great in God’s kingdom simply means that you have child like faith and truly believe in Jesus Christ. Are you seeking to be great in the kingdom by what you do, stop, be great by being who you ought by trusting in Christ with child-like faith. Father give us child-like faith so that we may be great in your eyes.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Eternal Focus

Read 1 Timothy 6:3-19


Today as we finish our look at stewardship of the money entrusted to us, let’s look at verse 19.  Paul tells Timothy to tell those with money to store up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come.  What perspective is he sharing here?  Paul is talking about having an eternal focus.  The phrase store up actually could be said amassing a treasure, what treasure?  The treasure of knowing that you have done what you could on this earth for eternity.  As we look at stewardship of money we must understand that our money has been given us for the purpose of building the kingdom of God.  So often we use our money for worldly things and please do not misunderstand me, we must pay our bills and cloth ourselves, but how often do we invest our money into eternal things.  Organizations, missionaries, church or other similar things that being used for eternity and building the kingdom of God.  Statistics say that only about 6% of Christians give to the church or missions organizations, that is sick.  Could you imagine what could be done if 100% of Christians gave.  When you think about your wallet what do you give the majority of your money to, worldly things or eternal things?


Father help us to see the need to give as you would direct us to give.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Can't Buy Happiness

Read 1 Timothy 6:3-19


We have been looking at stewardship and specifically stewardship of our money.  Today I want us to focus on verse ten.  So often when people read this verse they come away saying that money is the root of all evil.  But that is not what the verse is saying at all.  Money is not the root of all evil.  The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil which results in rejecting Christ and a life of sorrow.  Just think about it, the desire for money can cause all kinds of problems.  Many fathers spend countless hours at work for money.  Many teens today work and go to school and do this and that and are extremely stressed because they have to have money.  Listen money is not the problem; it is the love of money that is the problem.  You can say money will buy you happiness and that may be true but as we found out yesterday that those who pursue happiness through money will only find themselves wanting more and that wanting will lead to a life of sorrows.  We must be very careful in our handling of money because life a wild fire it can spread so quickly into our minds that money will solve all of my problems.  If I just have more than I can…..  


Father help us to see the futility in thinking that money can buy true happiness.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Money, Money, Moneeeeeey

Read 1 Timothy 6:3-19


We have begun to look at stewardship and specifically stewardship of our money.  Stewardship as you recall begins with the understanding that none of what we have is ours but is God’s and that our call is to take care of what God has given.  Now that really flies in the face of what our world teaches that you earn your buck and that this money is yours to do with however you see fit.  That is not the way it is in God’s economy.  The only reason you have a job or your parents have a job is because God has made it happen.  Just like that God can unmake it.  If we depend on our job to get us through then when it falls out from under us we are left desolate.  However, if we put our faith and trust in God then when those times of uncertainty come we have a solid rock to stand on.  Today let’s look at verse nine.   Paul address those who want to get rich warns them that with that pursuit comes many dangers.  He does not specifically say what dangers, but he does say that this pursuit will bring many temptations and lusts.  Lust is a very difficult thing to combat and here is refers to the desire to have more.  When you get a taste for something it is very hard to stop eating.  Money or wealth is not the problem the problem is ourselves.  Are you pursuing material things in your life, be careful that you do not fall into the desire to have more, a desire that can never be fulfilled.


Father thank you for giving to us your Word, help us to understand the danger of pursuing money or wealth.  Give us understanding to see when that pursuit is a problem in our lives.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Taking Care of What We Have

Read 1 Timothy 6:3-19


This month we are going to be looking at stewardship, specifically stewardship of our money, time and opportunities.  Today we begin looking at stewardship through the eyes of Paul as he is writing to Timothy.  Let’s focus today on verses 6-7.  Often when it comes to money we seem to never have enough.  For the poor they always are trying to get more and for the rich they are also always trying to get more.  Stewardship of money begins with the understanding that there is much more to life than money.  That godliness is the true pursuit of believers.  That is why Paul can write godliness with contentment is great gain.  Why because instead of someone pursuing wealth or money, they are pursuing godliness.  Verse seven gives the reason why godliness is more important because we will not take any money with us when we die.  A country artist puts it this way, “I have never seen a luggage rack on a hearse.”  Stewardship is about taking care of what you do have not about what you do not have.  Stewardship of money then becomes a pursuit of godliness.  Another way to say godliness is “God likeness”.  Another words in relationship to money what would Jesus do?   Stewardship begins with understanding that nothing you have is really yours but has been entrusted to you by God.  God wants you to take care of the things He has blessed you with in order to become more like Him.


Father help us to understand that everything we have is a gift from you and may that motivate us to take care of those things.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Who or What is Lord of Your Life?

Read Hebrews 1:1-12


Today let’s go back to where we began and take a similar yet different look at this passage.  As you read through this passage look for all the ways the author describes Jesus Christ, phrases like heir of all things, brightness of His glory, and the express image of His person and so on.  According to Webster the word Lord means:  master, ruler, supreme being.  I wonder can any of things said in this passage be said about any other person ever throughout history.  Think about how awesome that is that no one throughout all of the history of men is their one who all of this can be said of except Christ.  Wow what an awesome God we serve.  Jesus is Lord because no one in the history of men can compare to our great King and Savior Jesus Christ.  How is this passage different to you since we have been looking at Jesus as Lord? 


Father thank you for the picture of Christ today that you have given us, help us to honor Him as Lord today.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Jesus Lord Over Creation

Read Hebrews 1:1-12


As we continue to look at the Lordship of Christ we need to look at verse 8-9.  Look closely at what the author rights actually quotes from Psalm 45.  Here the writer of Hebrews is clearly establishing the supremacy of Christ over creation.  This vital because for Jesus to be the one true Lord He must be supreme to His creation.   Those who would attribute Lordship to Jesus Christ are His creation.  Jesus has been anointed as the one who is ruler over all creation.  To often what happens is that the created becomes greater than the creator.  Lordship is given to created things rather than to Jesus.  This is why it is important to understand that Jesus is supreme over creation.  We must be careful in our lives not to give created things to much of a place in our lives.  However often it is those things that control the vast majority of our time, money and energy.  Are things more important to you than your relationship with Christ?  As Lord of your life, He is to be over those things.


Father it amazes me how easily I put things before you and let them take up my time, money and energy.  Give me strength and the determination to put you first and allow the things of my life to take a back seat to you.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Jesus Role in the Trinity: Lord of My Life?

Read Hebrews 1:1-12


We began looking at the Lordship of Christ by looking at how Jesus is able to be called Lord.  One of things that is very important is to understand Jesus position in heaven.  While it is true that Jesus is God, it is also true that He serves a different function then the Father or Holy Spirit.  In verse three we find out that He is seated at the right hand of the Father.  The right hand is the place of power, authority and honor.  In verse four we find that He is greater than the angles and given a name that is more excellent.  That name is Lord and no angel has that name.  How can Jesus be Lord, because He has been given the place of power, authority and the name that is above every name.  Question is there any other name that is more important than Jesus in our lives?  What do I mean?  Is someone in your life more important than Jesus, if so He is not Lord of your life. 


Father help us to see the real Jesus and to understand His desire to be Lord of our life.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Jesus The One and Only

Read Hebrews 1:1-12 This week we will be looking at the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We will look at how He is Lord, Why He is Lord and what ways we confess Him as Lord of our lives. Today we begin by looking at how is Jesus Christ Lord. Well as you read through this passage look for all the ways the author describes Jesus Christ. Phrases like heir of all things, brightness of His glory, and the express image of His person and so on. According to Webster the word Lord means: master, ruler, Supreme Being. I wonder can any of the things said in this passage be said about any other person ever throughout history. Think about how awesome that is that no one throughout all of the history of men is their one who all of this can be said of except Christ. Wow what an awesome God we serve. Jesus is Lord because no one in the history of men can compare to our great King and Savior Jesus Christ. Father thank you for the picture of Christ today that you have given us, help us to honor Him as Lord today.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Compassion for Those Less Fortunate

Read Luke 14:7-12


Today we wrap up our beginning looks at humility through two parables of Jesus Christ.  In the first we saw humility in light of our relationship with God.  In this parable we see humility in light of our relationship with others.  As we examined the first half of this parable we found that Jesus specifically addresses putting others needs before our own.  In the second half he addresses just whose needs we ought to be putting before our own.  Look at verse 13 Jesus gives four different types of people, the poor, the maimed, the lame and the blind.  Jesus says don’t just invite your friends and family invite people who will not be able to repay you.  How often are we aware of those around us who are in very terrible positions?  How often do we do what we can to help meet the needs of these individuals?  


Father help us to have a heart of compassion for those who are less fortunate than ourselves.  Give us opportunity to be a blessing to them in whatever way you see fit.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Putting Others First

Read Luke 14:7-12


Today we are going to look at a different parable that Jesus gave.  We finished looking at the two men who went before God.  Now we are going to look at humility before men through this great parable.  Let’s look at the first part of this parable.  Jesus had been invited to a dinner party.  The people were coming in and sitting at the most important places at the table.  Jesus then shares with them a parable (earthly story with a heavenly meaning).   In a nut shell He basically tells them that when you go to a dinner party don’t rush to sit in the best of seats but let others go before you and choose.  Then you take what is left.  The second principle of humility is putting others needs before your own.  In this case allowing everyone to get a seat before you sit down.  True humility is shown when you can put others before yourself.  How are you at doing that?  How about at home with your brothers or sisters or parents?  When you go somewhere do you look to see if everyone’s needs are being met or do you just pay attention to your own and not worry about others. 


Father help us to see that humility is putting others before ourselves.  Give us the opportunities to put others before ourselves in order to practice humility.