This is just some thoughts to hopefully spark some thinking about how awesome Jesus is and how He can impact your life.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Finding Significance in Creation
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Long Time No Write
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Our Lives Profess.....
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Worldly Thinking
Read James 4:7-10
We have been looking at humility in light of our view of God and man. Also we have seen humility demonstrated in the person of Jesus Christ and how our attitude should reflect Christ’s. Today we are going to see how humility overcomes worldly thinking. Worldly thinking is all about self-centeredness; humility is all about others centered. Specifically in this verse our humility should turn us toward God and away from the world. The worlds pull is so strong, temptation is all around us and we must be willing to resist it or succumb to it. The way that we resist temptation is humility, made real through drawing near to God. How do we draw near to Him? Through prayer, devotions and just spending time with God. That takes humility because it is not natural for us to pursue after God. We must be willing to say no to our desires and say yes to God. Listen either your pride will keep you from God, or humility will draw you close to Him. Which will you strive for in your life? Understand it’s not just a one time decision, it’s an everyday decision, because everyday we are faced with temptation and the lure of the world.
Father humble us so that we might pursue a relationship with you. God may the lure of the world not attract us more than you.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Attitude Check
Read Philippians 2:5-11
We have been studying what humility is all about. We have looked at true humility before God and men. Now let’s look at the greatest example of humility, Jesus Christ. Verses 6-8 gives us the description of Christ’s humility. Jesus is God and Jesus became a man, but not just any man he became as one who was the lowest of class and reputation. Jesus became a man to do what verse 8 describes. He became a man to die on a cross for our sin. We celebrate His becoming human at this time of the year. What an incredible truth that Jesus was born to die. He gave his life so that we can have life and have life to the fullest. Jesus true example of humility is one that all of us must follow according to verse 5. We should have the same attitude of Christ which is described in the above verses. What’s your attitude like? Would you be willing to humble yourself like Christ?
Father thank you for the example of your Son, give us the same attitude that He demonstrated for us.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Child Like Faith
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Eternal Focus
Read 1 Timothy 6:3-19
Today as we finish our look at stewardship of the money entrusted to us, let’s look at verse 19. Paul tells Timothy to tell those with money to store up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come. What perspective is he sharing here? Paul is talking about having an eternal focus. The phrase store up actually could be said amassing a treasure, what treasure? The treasure of knowing that you have done what you could on this earth for eternity. As we look at stewardship of money we must understand that our money has been given us for the purpose of building the
Father help us to see the need to give as you would direct us to give.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Can't Buy Happiness
Read 1 Timothy 6:3-19
We have been looking at stewardship and specifically stewardship of our money. Today I want us to focus on verse ten. So often when people read this verse they come away saying that money is the root of all evil. But that is not what the verse is saying at all. Money is not the root of all evil. The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil which results in rejecting Christ and a life of sorrow. Just think about it, the desire for money can cause all kinds of problems. Many fathers spend countless hours at work for money. Many teens today work and go to school and do this and that and are extremely stressed because they have to have money. Listen money is not the problem; it is the love of money that is the problem. You can say money will buy you happiness and that may be true but as we found out yesterday that those who pursue happiness through money will only find themselves wanting more and that wanting will lead to a life of sorrows. We must be very careful in our handling of money because life a wild fire it can spread so quickly into our minds that money will solve all of my problems. If I just have more than I can…..
Father help us to see the futility in thinking that money can buy true happiness.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Money, Money, Moneeeeeey
Read 1 Timothy 6:3-19
We have begun to look at stewardship and specifically stewardship of our money. Stewardship as you recall begins with the understanding that none of what we have is ours but is God’s and that our call is to take care of what God has given. Now that really flies in the face of what our world teaches that you earn your buck and that this money is yours to do with however you see fit. That is not the way it is in God’s economy. The only reason you have a job or your parents have a job is because God has made it happen. Just like that God can unmake it. If we depend on our job to get us through then when it falls out from under us we are left desolate. However, if we put our faith and trust in God then when those times of uncertainty come we have a solid rock to stand on. Today let’s look at verse nine. Paul address those who want to get rich warns them that with that pursuit comes many dangers. He does not specifically say what dangers, but he does say that this pursuit will bring many temptations and lusts. Lust is a very difficult thing to combat and here is refers to the desire to have more. When you get a taste for something it is very hard to stop eating. Money or wealth is not the problem the problem is ourselves. Are you pursuing material things in your life, be careful that you do not fall into the desire to have more, a desire that can never be fulfilled.
Father thank you for giving to us your Word, help us to understand the danger of pursuing money or wealth. Give us understanding to see when that pursuit is a problem in our lives.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Taking Care of What We Have
Read 1 Timothy 6:3-19
This month we are going to be looking at stewardship, specifically stewardship of our money, time and opportunities. Today we begin looking at stewardship through the eyes of Paul as he is writing to Timothy. Let’s focus today on verses 6-7. Often when it comes to money we seem to never have enough. For the poor they always are trying to get more and for the rich they are also always trying to get more. Stewardship of money begins with the understanding that there is much more to life than money. That godliness is the true pursuit of believers. That is why Paul can write godliness with contentment is great gain. Why because instead of someone pursuing wealth or money, they are pursuing godliness. Verse seven gives the reason why godliness is more important because we will not take any money with us when we die. A country artist puts it this way, “I have never seen a luggage rack on a hearse.” Stewardship is about taking care of what you do have not about what you do not have. Stewardship of money then becomes a pursuit of godliness. Another way to say godliness is “God likeness”. Another words in relationship to money what would Jesus do? Stewardship begins with understanding that nothing you have is really yours but has been entrusted to you by God. God wants you to take care of the things He has blessed you with in order to become more like Him.
Father help us to understand that everything we have is a gift from you and may that motivate us to take care of those things.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Who or What is Lord of Your Life?
Read Hebrews 1:1-12
Today let’s go back to where we began and take a similar yet different look at this passage. As you read through this passage look for all the ways the author describes Jesus Christ, phrases like heir of all things, brightness of His glory, and the express image of His person and so on. According to Webster the word Lord means: master, ruler, supreme being. I wonder can any of things said in this passage be said about any other person ever throughout history. Think about how awesome that is that no one throughout all of the history of men is their one who all of this can be said of except Christ. Wow what an awesome God we serve. Jesus is Lord because no one in the history of men can compare to our great King and Savior Jesus Christ. How is this passage different to you since we have been looking at Jesus as Lord?
Father thank you for the picture of Christ today that you have given us, help us to honor Him as Lord today.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Jesus Lord Over Creation
Read Hebrews 1:1-12
As we continue to look at the Lordship of Christ we need to look at verse 8-9. Look closely at what the author rights actually quotes from Psalm 45. Here the writer of Hebrews is clearly establishing the supremacy of Christ over creation. This vital because for Jesus to be the one true Lord He must be supreme to His creation. Those who would attribute Lordship to Jesus Christ are His creation. Jesus has been anointed as the one who is ruler over all creation. To often what happens is that the created becomes greater than the creator. Lordship is given to created things rather than to Jesus. This is why it is important to understand that Jesus is supreme over creation. We must be careful in our lives not to give created things to much of a place in our lives. However often it is those things that control the vast majority of our time, money and energy. Are things more important to you than your relationship with Christ? As Lord of your life, He is to be over those things.
Father it amazes me how easily I put things before you and let them take up my time, money and energy. Give me strength and the determination to put you first and allow the things of my life to take a back seat to you.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Jesus Role in the Trinity: Lord of My Life?
Read Hebrews 1:1-12
We began looking at the Lordship of Christ by looking at how Jesus is able to be called Lord. One of things that is very important is to understand Jesus position in heaven. While it is true that Jesus is God, it is also true that He serves a different function then the Father or Holy Spirit. In verse three we find out that He is seated at the right hand of the Father. The right hand is the place of power, authority and honor. In verse four we find that He is greater than the angles and given a name that is more excellent. That name is Lord and no angel has that name. How can Jesus be Lord, because He has been given the place of power, authority and the name that is above every name. Question is there any other name that is more important than Jesus in our lives? What do I mean? Is someone in your life more important than Jesus, if so He is not Lord of your life.
Father help us to see the real Jesus and to understand His desire to be Lord of our life.
Monday, May 05, 2008
Jesus The One and Only
Friday, May 02, 2008
Compassion for Those Less Fortunate
Read Luke 14:7-12
Today we wrap up our beginning looks at humility through two parables of Jesus Christ. In the first we saw humility in light of our relationship with God. In this parable we see humility in light of our relationship with others. As we examined the first half of this parable we found that Jesus specifically addresses putting others needs before our own. In the second half he addresses just whose needs we ought to be putting before our own. Look at verse 13 Jesus gives four different types of people, the poor, the maimed, the lame and the blind. Jesus says don’t just invite your friends and family invite people who will not be able to repay you. How often are we aware of those around us who are in very terrible positions? How often do we do what we can to help meet the needs of these individuals?
Father help us to have a heart of compassion for those who are less fortunate than ourselves. Give us opportunity to be a blessing to them in whatever way you see fit.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Putting Others First
Read Luke 14:7-12
Today we are going to look at a different parable that Jesus gave. We finished looking at the two men who went before God. Now we are going to look at humility before men through this great parable. Let’s look at the first part of this parable. Jesus had been invited to a dinner party. The people were coming in and sitting at the most important places at the table. Jesus then shares with them a parable (earthly story with a heavenly meaning). In a nut shell He basically tells them that when you go to a dinner party don’t rush to sit in the best of seats but let others go before you and choose. Then you take what is left. The second principle of humility is putting others needs before your own. In this case allowing everyone to get a seat before you sit down. True humility is shown when you can put others before yourself. How are you at doing that? How about at home with your brothers or sisters or parents? When you go somewhere do you look to see if everyone’s needs are being met or do you just pay attention to your own and not worry about others.
Father help us to see that humility is putting others before ourselves. Give us the opportunities to put others before ourselves in order to practice humility.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Humility a Heart Thing
Read Luke 18:9-14
We have begun looking at the topic of humility by looking at two completely different people in almost everyway and seeing what their response was to meeting with God through prayer. Today let’s look at Jesus response to these two individuals. In verse fourteen we see Jesus response to these two men. Many would probably think that the Pharisee would be the one that Jesus praises, however in this verse you notice which man Jesus acknowledges as humble. Obviously the Pharisee was not reflecting humility as he approached God through prayer. Jesus points that out as He says, “he who exalts himself will be humbled.” Jesus on the other hand makes it clear that the tax collector is the one who found mercy and grace through his approach to God. For the Pharisee it was not about his love for God but rather his love for himself. For the tax collector it was all about his love for God and not himself. That is the difference and Jesus makes it clear that this is the heart humility. Question which one of these two men are you more like? Which one reflects your heart?
Father thank you for giving to us two examples of men who show us that humility comes from the heart not from the way we do this or that.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Who We Really Are: A Lesson in Humility
Monday, April 28, 2008
Seeing the Practical in Scripture
Read 1 Kings 17:8-16
Today we finish looking at this passage and seeing our incredible and indescribable God through it. We have looked at what God does in the passage, how He reveals Himself through the passage and what the passages teaches us about His works. Today I want you to re-read the passage and see what other thing you can learn from this passage. Does not have to be about God, but can just be practical for living. Such as one of the great things about knowing God is that when we meet someone who has met God and has a relationship with Him we instantly have a relationship with them. That is the beauty of knowing Christ. This week I pray that as you have faithfully read this passage that God has just oozed out of the pages and into your heart. Now take these four questions and look at every scripture this way and I know God will jump out at you through them.
Father help us to see you daily as we faithfully read your Word.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
How God Works? The Adventure Continues
Read 1 Kings 17:8-16
So what attributes or characteristics did you see of God. Some of the ones that really stuck out to me were His omnipotence (all powerful), His omniscience (all knowing) and also His providence (seeing the big picture and working out the details.) I know there is others that you found but isn’t our God just incredible. Today as you re-read this passage answer this question, “What does this passage teach about how God works?” As you are answering this you are looking for principles that will apply to your life. For example: in verse 8 and 9 God speaks to Elijah and gives Him direction for His life. Here is how God works: if God speaks to Elijah and gives Him direction, then God will speak to me and give me direction for my life. How does He speak to me, through His Word? That’s it, so read through this passage again and look for the principles that can apply to your life. The same God you and I serve is the same God that Elijah served. Let us draw near to Him today as we see His awesome hand at work.
Father thank you for helping us to see you through your Word. Help us to discern what principles we can apply to our lives as we seek you through this passage.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Seeing God in Scripture: The adventure continues
Read 1 Kings 17:8-16
Well did you see God through this passage as you read? I hope you wrote down everyway you saw God in the passage. Some of the ways I saw Him was when He spoke to Elijah and the widow at separate times. Another way was by setting up the meeting between Elijah and the women at the gate. Zarephath was a large city and they just “happened” to meet at the first place Elijah went to. God miraculously supplied food and oil for them to be able to eat. Today I want you to re-read the passage and answer this questions; what does God reveal about Himself in this passage? For instance when God supplied the food this shows us that God is a supplier of needs. It also shows that He is all powerful in being able to perform the miracle to supply the food. When you are looking through, write down God’s attributes, His characteristics that stand out to you as you read. You will be amazed how many you will see in this passage.
Father again as we read this passage today help us to see you through it.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Seeing God in Scripture: An exercise
Read 1 Kings 17:8-16
This week we are going to take a look at a really obscure passage of scripture. The reason for this adventure is for us to see our awesome God through scripture. Let me se the scene for you in this passage. Elijah is a prophet of God in
Father as we look at this passage today; help us to see you through it all.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Striving for God's Best
Read Titus 2:1-8
Today as we finish our look at the roles that men and women have in this life. Please keep in mind that these roles have been laid out in scripture. God has given to each gender specific rules for our good. God wants and has our best in mind and when we follow His plan that best is revealed. If we choose to reject that plan then His best is at best clouded and unable to be attained. I believe today we are seeing God’s best clouded because we have taken out of context the roles in which He has given. I am not in anyway referring that we need to go back to days of old. But what I am suggesting is that we need godly men and women who desire to live by God’s Word to take a stand against the tide that is destroying our homes, churches and ultimately our nation. We need to get our eyes of ourselves and on to God. We are so steeply entrenched in the world’s thinking that this life is all about me and me alone. In light of eternity this life is but a drop in the bucket. Men, women lets get our eyes off our selfish desire and turn them over to God and allow Him to give us the desires of His heart in order to save our families and churches.
Father thank you for the look we have been able to take at the roles you have given to us. Help us to be willing to focus on you and your Word as we seek to serve you and each other.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Men: Live a Life of Integrity
Read Titus 2:1-8
Today let’s look at the roles of the young men according to this passage. The major call on young men in the day that this was written was to live a life of integrity. That call is still going out today. Maybe today more than ever when men seem to be displayed as idiots and just plain morons. We men must stand up against this maybe not so much in our words but with our lifestyles. The way we are portrayed on TV and in movies are just sickening and I for one am sick of that portrayal. Also every TV dad I can think of is just displayed as a total idiot who has no clue about anything. Men this is wrong and ladies if you treat guys like that then you are wrong for doing so. I know women were treated unfairly in the past but no where in scripture does that give you the right to treat men poorly in return. To bye into that thinking is to bye into the worlds system and way of thinking. This thinking is destroying men today and ultimately will destroy homes and our nation. Men it is high time we live a life that is described here and stop allowing room for these types of portrayals to be accepted. We must live lives of integrity and love.
Father as men we need your strength each day to live for you. Help us to live lives that are marked by integrity and not stupidity.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Our Roles: Defined by Man or God
Read Titus 2:1-8
Today as we look at the roles described in this passage we turn our attention to the young women. In verses 4-5 Paul gives to Titus what young women are to be practicing in their lives. It’s interesting to look at these roles because today women are being told that these practices are simply out of date. Well that’s exactly what the young women in Titus’s church were being told. Radical feminism was an integral part of ancient Babylonian and Assyrian mythology as well as of the Greeks and flourished throughout the
Father give us the strength and the willingness to please you and you alone.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Gender Roles in the Church
Read Titus 2:1-8
This week we finish our look at the roles of men and women in creation, marriage and now the church. The book of Titus is written to a pastor. Paul addresses in this passage the roles of men and women in the church. Now today there is a lot of differing opinions about the roles of men and women in the church. I simply this week want to address what the Bible says the roles addressed in this passage. Today we will look at the roles of older men and women in the church. The word “older” literally refers to people over 60 years of age or without child rearing responsibilities. Notice that I did not say retired people, because no where in scripture will you find the concept of retiring, rather the changing of roles. In this passage Paul exhorts Titus that the “older” men and women have definite roles in the church. First the men are to lead by example. Their very lives are to be an example of the very characteristics that later younger men are to be exhorted to be. They are to be spiritually healthy so that the younger men can see by example what they are to be. The older women similarly are to live by example also, but Paul adds the role of admonish to the women. This refers to teaching the younger women in certain roles that they are to be doing. As a young person you need to seek out individuals like this that can mentor and disciple you in being a man or women of God. To often the “older” generation is overlooked and often they advocate their responsibility to younger men and women. Paul specifically gives this role to the “older” generation. We should pray that “older” men and women step up to fulfill their God-given roles.
Father thank you for Godly examples of how to live for you. Help us to be willing to seek someone out who can help guide us down the path of living a godly life for you.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Doing What Doesn't Come Easy
Read Ephesians 5:22-33
Lastly we look again at the man’s role in the marriage relationship. Paul in verse 29 gives to men two more roles in which they are responsible. First is to nourish, this refers to providing of the wife’s needs for the purpose of growing in Christ. What needs you may ask spiritual, mental, physical and emotional needs. If a husband does not meet these needs he is asking for a world of trouble. However the wife cannot expect her husband to be superman either by demanding that these needs be met. Most guys are pretty good at meeting the needs physically, but the others he has to work at. Ladies give grace and encouragement instead of nagging and grief. The second is to cherish which means that he needs to give warm and tender affection so that she may have comfort and security in knowing that her husband loves her. Again this is an area that guys struggle with simply because it’s not natural. Ladies need to pray for their man as they seek to provide in these ways. However men need to understand that even though something that does not come naturally does not mean that they can be excused from doing it. We have taken a great look at the marital roles and obviously Paul puts a great emphasis on the men’s role. Why? I believe because its so much more natural for the wife to nurture this relationship then it is for the husband. Men have to work at it and those that choose not to will pay for it over the course of time.
Father help us as men to even now begin to understand our roles in marriage and help us never to excuse unnatural tendencies as something we can just overlook.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Leading Spiritually: Not an Option Men
Read Ephesians 5:22-33
We have been looking at the roles of men and women in marriage. Previously we looked at the role of the husband as a lover. Specifically loving his wife as Christ loved the church. Today we take that a step further in that the husband in verse 26 is lead spiritually. The idea of this verse is for the husband to desire for their not to be anything sinful in the life of his wife and she become conformed to the likeness of Christ. This means that he should be leading his wife spiritually and that he should be leading by example. This is what verses 26-27 is speaking of in relationship to Christ and the church. Christ leads the church spiritually and we follow His leadership. The same should be in the home. The husband leads his wife and she follows his leadership. The problem in most homes is that the wife is spiritually more mature than her husband. This is a call then to us as men that we step it up spiritually. That we be the men of God that we should be and that begins now for you. Don’t wait till you’re married to finally fall in love with God, do it now.
Father help us guys to fall in love with you and that this love would compel us to be the leaders that we should be both now and in our future marriage relationships.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Love & Sacrifice: A Husband's Role
Read Ephesians 5:22-33
Previously we looked at the role of the wife in the marriage relationship. Today we will begin to look at the husband’s role which Paul really expounds on in this passage. The first role that Paul points out is that husbands are to love their wives. But he does not stop there; he goes on to describe this love. Husbands are to love there wives as Christ loved the church and gave His life for the church. Christ gave everything He had, including His life, for the sake of the church. This is the standard that Paul gives for husbands in loving their wives. This love is not based on what the husband gets out of the relationship but rather what he can give to the relationship. Sacrificial love puts the needs of the other before your own. If a husband wants to be a good leader he needs to learn to be a great lover. First a lover of God and second a lover of his wife.
Father help guys to see the importance of love in their relationships. Help guys to begin even now to sacrificially love others in every relationship they have.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Submission: A Wife's Response
Read Ephesians 5:22-33
As we continue to look at this contrast we must look at the marriage relationship to understand for fully what our roles are as men and women. Let’s first look at the role of women in the marriage relationship. First we must understand that this is being written to believers. So Paul addresses the women first. Wives are to be submissive. Paul here lays down the foundational truth of submission. This command is unqualified no matter the abilities, education, spiritual maturity or any other qualification that the women might have over her husband. This submission is not the husband’s to command but rather the wife’s to offer willingly and lovingly. The phrase own husband has great meaning as well as this limits her submission to the one man God has placed over her and gives balance to the fact the he is her personal intimate possession. The phrase “as to the Lord” gives great significance to submission because the obedient submissive wife’s supreme submission is to the Lord. Thus when she willingly and lovingly submits to her husband she is actually submitting to the Lord as an act of obedience. Please understand that no where in scripture does God give men the right to use this role as a slave bargaining chip. No where does God allow for dictatorship in the home. No where does God place more value on the man over the women. However God does give differing roles for the sake of our benefit not our demise.
Father thank you for the God given roles that each gender has in the marital relationship. Help us to understand the great benefits that come as a result of being obedient to your plan.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Gender Roles: Direction
Read Genesis 1-2
As we begin to look at gender roles in light of scripture and as we finish looking at those roles in light of this passage, let me lay out what our desire is over the next month. We are in no way are trying to put one gender above another, for God values both equally. We are in no way trying to say that they are equal in function or ability thus condoning a genderless society. What we want to do is to give you a clear understanding of what God’s Word teaches about men and women and there roles in this world in which we live. Then trying to help us find applications that would help us serve God and each other more effectively. This month as we look at this topic please come with an open mind and heart willing to put aside what the world says about such roles and see what God says about it and ask ourselves which we will believe as true.
Father help us to have an open heart and mind to what you want to teach us this coming month.
Friday, April 04, 2008
Woman: Not a Doormat but a Help Mate
Read Genesis 1-2
Yesterday we looked at the roles that God had given men. Today we will look at the roles that God has given to women according to these two chapters. Now at first glance not much is said about women in these first two chapters with the exception of finding Adam a helper. So the role that God gives to women according to this passage is to be a helper. Specifically a support, someone who comes alongside and lends a hand. She is to complete the man and to bring companionship to the relationship. This does not mean in any way that women are less in value or equality then men. Actually they are equal in value because Eve was created out of the side of Adam. This symbolizes the equality in personhood. However please understand that even though they are both valued equality does not mean that they do not differ in ability or roles. Obviously men and women are different and have different abilities (just look at the body and the functions of each). This difference does not take away from their equality, but rather enhances it and gives individuality to each person in order to support and complete each other. God design was not to cause division but rather to bring about unity and oneness between the two individuals. (Vs. 23-24).
Father help us to see that the differences between men and women cause us to draw closer together and not divide. Help us to see beyond what the world tells us and see what you give us as truth.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Men Rule and Woman Drool, Not
Read Genesis 1-2
Today as we continue to look at the roles that God has given us as people. Let’s look at the roles that God gave Adam. First God gave Adam the role of having dominion and to subdue the earth. Adam is God’s representative in ruling over the creation. This role is significant because God did not give this to the animals. Thus separating animals from man in their given roles. Then God gave Adam the role of being caretaker of the garden. This role gave man the importance of work and the need to care for the earth. Then God gave man the role of naming everything. This was a role of discernment and leadership as well as authority. Why are these roles important? First because God has given men the role of leadership and authority. This does not mean that a woman cannot be a leader; however God’s design is for men to lead and especially in the home. Again this leadership is not a dictatorship role but one of discernment and care. You may not like what I am about to say but anytime a women takes the leadership in the home when a man is present she is out of God’s will. However so is the man for allowing that to happen. God has also given men the role of working. Again this does not mean that women cannot work or should not work, but as we will see later if this supersedes her roles then it does create a problem. The Bible is clear that if a man will not work He will not eat. Please understand that I am not trying to down grade woman but I am simply pointing out God’s given role to men.
Father help us to see the uniqueness in your creation and the roles that you have given specifically to men and women.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
God Created Man and Woman Not Neuter
Read Genesis 1-2
We are living in a day and age where many are saying that there are no gender roles or even a need for distinguishing genders. We want to look at what does God think about that by looking at what God’s Word says about it. First lets tackle the need or lack there of to identify genders. Whoever decided that this needs to be a philosophy of our day and age never looked at the Bible. In Genesis it is clear that God created man and woman. God was very specific in creating man and woman and giving them that distinction. However we must make it clear that both are created in the image of God. That means that man and woman are equally significant to God. One gender is not greater than the other. But it is clear that God has created two genders. This is important because as we begin to identify the roles of each gender we must understand that God sees us either as male or female. To throw out the significance of genders is to through out the significance of God’s creation and thus nullify the importance of roles. Which by the way is the agenda of those who are calling for a genderless society.
Father thank you for creating us in your image; help us to understand the significance of your creation.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Jesus: "Neither Do I Condemn You"
Read John 8
Today I want to finish our look at homosexuality by seeing one more side of Jesus reaction to the women caught in sin. In verse 11 we see the compassion of Christ as he reaches out to this woman and tells her that He will not condemn her, but then He says to her, “go and sin no more.” What Jesus is literally telling her is to leave your life of sin. Jesus was always compassionate with unbelievers, but never did He condone their sin. Always He told them to leave their life of sin. We must love those who are entrenched in the sin of homosexuality, but that does not mean that by doing so we condone their sin. They must know that it is sin and that sin must be dealt with or sooner or later it will deal with you. Often the problem is that we love but do not point out the wrong that is being done or we point out the wrong being done and not love. There is a balance and in order to help those who are caught in sin we must find that balance with the Lord’s help. Only with His help can you find this balance. If you try on your own you will fail. Today as we close our look at homosexuality, I implore you to both love and challenge by relying on the strength of Christ to do so and thus be a person used by God to lead others to Himself.
Father I pray that we will understand the need to love and to challenge, but help us to not do this in our own strength but only in the strength you offer to each one of us.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Cast The First Stone
Read John 8
Today I want us to check out Jesus reaction to the crowd and ask each one of us to evaluate our reaction in similar situations. The religious leaders were trying to get Jesus to mess up and catch Him so that they could discredit His ministry. But Jesus response totally backfired on them and totally diffused the situation. Look at verse 7 and you find Jesus response. Jesus response is a quote from Deut. 13:9 and 17:7 where a witness of a crime is to start the execution. Only those who were not guilty of the same sin could participate. So Jesus with one stroke diffuses a situation and shows compassion to a woman who was caught in sin. Then in verse 11 He gently comforts her and confronts her. He lets her know that He does not condemn her, but also lets her know He does not accept her sin. This must be our response to those who are caught in the sin of homosexuality or are struggling with it. So which would be your response the crowds or Jesus’?
Father help us to be like Christ in reaching out to those who are struggling with sin. Rather than condemn them, help us to have compassion on them.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Immorality: A part of the problem or solution
Read John 8
We have looked at the crowd’s reaction to this woman who had been caught in the act of adultery. Now let’s place a homosexual into this situation and say a women or man is caught in the act of practicing homosexuality, would you be a part of the crowd? Seriously would you be a part of the crowd ready to stone or condemn a person because of their sin. Don’t get me wrong I believe with all my heart that homosexuality is a sin and that it should be dealt with. However to have no compassion for an individual who is living in sin is not Biblical or what Jesus would do. If condemn a homosexual for their sin then we all should be condemned because we are all sinners (Romans 3:23). However there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:1) Everyone deserves the opportunity to meet with Jesus and to accept His forgiveness. I do not for one minute believe that we should not stand up against homosexuality. I do not believe that homosexuality as a sin should be given any kind of special rights or privileges, nor should anyone who practices this sin be given special rights with the exception of the right to hear about Jesus and experience his forgiveness. We must separate the sin from the sinner and with compassion reach out to those who are struggling with this sin in their lives.
Father help us to have compassion for those who are struggling with the sin of homosexuality. Give us opportunity to share Christ and give each person the opportunity to meet the Savior and experience His forgiveness.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Immorality: Let Him Who is Without Sin
Read John 8
This week we finish our look at the topic of homosexuality. As we have seen over the past month the Bible clearly addresses this issue. We have looked at the fact the homosexuality is sin and that sin is condemned by God just as all sin is condemned by God. We have looked at the fact that God can change the darkest of heart because of His mighty power displayed through the cross. That no one is beyond saving and that those who struggle with the sin of homosexuality can be forgiven and set free. This week we are going to see an example from Jesus life and ministry of how we should treat someone who struggles with such sin. Now in this story Jesus does not address directly homosexuality, but He does address immorality. Homosexuality is immorality just as adultery, fornication, lust are all immorality. In this story a woman is caught in adultery. She is brought before Jesus. The people were ready to stone her. Each one that came had stones in hand and we’re ready to put her to death. Honestly that is what the law of God commanded in the Old Testament. It’s amazing to me how similar they are to us today. So often we are so quick to condemn somebody caught in sin whether its homosexuality, abortion, adultery, or whatever. Before we point fingers at others we better look at our own lives.
Father help us to be careful about pointing fingers at others when we have sin in our own lives.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Homosexuality: God Can Change a Heart
Read 1 Corinthians 6:9-14
God reminds us of the reason for which we were created; for His glory and honor, not for sin and pleasure. Verse 13 makes this truth very clear. However in verse 14 we are reminded of the truth that no one is beyond saving that God can change everyman’s heart. How by His power, because God is all powerful (omnipotent). Homosexuals are not beyond saving, for God’s power can overcome their sin and already has overcome their sin when Christ died on the cross. We must never forget that the saving knowledge of Christ can penetrate any heart and change a man completely. Don’t ever forget that He did that in your life and He can do it again in another’s. We must pray for others and ask God to soften their hearts and see the sin that they are sinking in and then share with them the good news of Jesus Christ. Every person deserves the opportunity to hear about the saving power of Jesus Christ.
Father help us to never forget what you have done for us, may we be willing to share with others around us the power that you have to save them from their sin.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Homosexuality: "All Things Are Lawful for Me."
Read 1 Corinthians 6:9-14
We have been looking at the sin of homosexuality and the way God views this sin and the sinner. First we must understand that the problem with homosexuality is that it is a direct violation of the purity and holiness of God. If that was not true then homosexuality would be fine. But this is simply not the case with this sin or any sin. Sin is a direct violation of an attribute of God. In the next few verses Paul responds to false thinking that the Corinthians were following, that because of their freedom in Christ they could go ahead and sin because it is covered by the grace of God through salvation. In verse 12 Paul exposes a slogan that the Corinthians lived by, “all things are lawful for me.” He responds with but all things are not profitable. Why because as He continues sin has great power to control and sin should never have control over us. Why because Jesus broke that power on the cross and when He rose from the grave. Today we can have victory over sin in our lives and that is through saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Father you are so good to me; you have given me your son and allowed me to see the truth of the freedom from sin that having a relationship with you brings. Help me to live in such a way that would honor you and not dishonor who you are.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Homosexuality: Love the Sinner
Read 1 Corinthians 6:9-14
We have now turned our attention from the sin of homosexuality to the person who is committing such sin. Understanding that no matter the sin it is still an offense to God and that offense is a direct violation of one of His attributes. However that does not mean that God does not still love the person and offers to them forgiveness of their sin. In verse 11 we find this truth. Paul reminds that Corinthians that the sins he listed were what some of them had practiced but now they had been washed, sanctified and justified because of the shed blood of Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of God that drew them to saving knowledge of Christ’s sacrifice. I realize that maybe someone reading this may be deep in the sin of homosexuality or some other sin. Please understand you are never too deep that God cannot pull you up out of the darkness of sin and set your soul free. God offers salvation to everyman and you need to understand that He wants to conquer your soul in order to change your life and set you free from sin. That is what is meant by washed, sanctified and justified. The beauty of justification is that God looks at you as just as if you never sinned. He makes you clean, He sets you free and nothing you can do will ever clean you up from any sin, only God can do that work in you.
Father help each of us to understand that it is you that cleans us up, it is you that forgives our sin, and it is you that sets us free.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Homosexuality: An act of Immorality
Homosexuality: An act of immorality |
Read Romans 1:18-32 As we look at homosexuality and finish looking at the danger of rejecting God and accepting immorality and unrighteousness, I want us to understand the direction that we are headed in this month. No doubt according to this passage that God condemns homosexuality, but please do not single this act of immorality out as the only part of this passage. We need to understand that God points out many immoral and unrighteous acts that He condemns. However please notice that it is the act of sin that He condemns that the person. There is always hope for someone to reject the sin in their life and turn to Christ and accept His forgiveness. We should not accept sin in any form, but we should never reject a person who is caught up in living a life marked by sin. For each one of us is guilty of that and yet God has seen fit to forgive you and set you free. Homosexuality is a sin no doubt against God, but the homosexual is a person who God died for and gives the opportunity to seek forgiveness. The only difference in God's eyes between you and a homosexual who is unsaved is the blood of Christ. You have been covered with the blood, the unsaved has not. We need to pray for those enslaved to sin and not condemn, we need to encourage and not insult, we need to help them see their need for Christ and not blind them to it. Father help us to love as you love, help us to see sin as you see it and help us to live a life that would point others to you. |
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Homosexuality: Sin is Sin
Read Romans 1:18-32
We have been talking about the danger of rejecting God. In verse 24-31 the Bible describes the sin that associates this danger of which homosexuality is mentioned. However before we go on a rampage against homosexuality please look further and do not forget what is also listed. Among the things listed is heterosexual immorality, lying, gossip, pride, disobedience against parents to mention a few. So often we as Christians want to jump on a bandwagon to bash homosexuality and overlook other sin issues. Listen to God sin is sin, whether is lying or committing homosexual sin its all disobedience. Now that does not downgrade the impact that these sins have upon a person or society. Clearly sin has different consequences, however that does not give us cause to justify judging someone more harshly for one sin over another. We must be very careful or else we may push someone away from hope of forgiveness by hardening their heart toward God, instead of them understanding that God loves them and is willing to forgive them is they are willing to turn from their sin.
Father help us to see that sin no matter what it looks like is against you. Help us to see that every person deserves to experience your love and forgiveness.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Homosexuality: Rejecting God's Plan
Read Romans 1:18-32
Monday, March 17, 2008
Homosexuality: What does God think?
Read Romans 1:18-32
Friday, March 14, 2008
Abortion: Pro-Life Means I am For Life
Read Proverbs 6:17, Proverbs 24:11-12, Jeremiah 7:6, Jeremiah 22:3, 17
According to these passages God hates the shedding of innocent blood. But today I want us to think about something that we must address as pro-life supporters. If we are pro-life then it is never ok for us to support the taking of life not ordained by God. You may be saying what do you mean by that. Well I do believe that God does justify the taking of life in certain circumstances, such as capitol punishment for those who take the life of another or in the circumstance of war (Romans 13). But for someone who is pro-life to walk into an abortion clinic and blow it up or for a country to do what Hitler did is absolutely an abomination to God as much as abortion is. If we are going to call ourselves pro-life then we must be pro-life in every circumstance that the Bible would give as the shedding of innocent blood. Also we must be careful about condemning women who have abortions because there is a difference in condemning the sin of abortion and the person who has one. Each and every person deserves to know the love of Christ and to experience His forgiveness. When we make it sound like someone who has an abortion is condemned we have crossed the line into unbiblical thinking. Please stand for life, but with compassion not anger address those who are struggling with this issue. The only way to change a person is for Christ to change their heart and we may as pro-lifers be guilty of turning women away from the truth because our dogmatic stand against abortion.
Father help us to stand for truth, but to season that stand with compassion for those who have had or will have an abortion. Make us sensitive to the leading of the spirit in sharing Christ with those who are in need of hearing the truth.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Abortion: God Pleased With America?
Read Leviticus 18:21; 2 Kings 17:17; Jeremiah 32:35-36
We are finishing our look at abortion by looking at examples from scripture of those who took the life of children and justified their actions. We live in a society where overwhelmingly people oppose abortion especially late term or partial birth abortion. Yet because of “civil liberty” and the right to do with your body what you want to (pro-choice) are government has justified abortion. In each of these passages the nation of
Father we ask that you would do what’s necessary to bring about right thinking in the hearts and minds of your people. Give us discernment in our view of abortion.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Read Job 10:9-12, Isaiah 49:1, 5 Jeremiah 1:5 Ecclesiastes 11:5
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Abortion: Playing God
Read Matthew 2:1-8, 16-18
Monday, March 10, 2008
Abortion: The Heart of the Matter
Read Matthew 2:1-8, 16-18